328 research outputs found

    Exploiting the Synergy Between Gossiping and Structured Overlays

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    In this position paper we argue for exploiting the synergy between gossip-based algorithms and structured overlay networks (SON). These two strands of research have both aimed at building fault-tolerant, dynamic, self-managing, and large-scale distributed systems. Despite the common goals, the two areas have, however, been relatively isolated. We focus on three problem domains where there is an untapped potential of using gossiping combined with SONs. We argue for applying gossip-based membership for ring-based SONs---such as Chord and Bamboo---to make them handle partition mergers and loopy networks. We argue that small world SONs---such as Accordion and Mercury---are specifically well-suited for gossip-based membership management. The benefits would be better graph-theoretic properties. Finally, we argue that gossip-based algorithms could use the overlay constructed by SONs. For example, many unreliable broadcast algorithms for SONs could be augmented with anti-entropy protocols. Similarly, gossip-based aggregation could be used in SONs for network size estimation and load-balancing purposes

    Overlay networks for smart grids

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    Scalable and Fault Tolerant Group Key Management

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    To address the group key management problem for modern networks this research proposes a lightweight group key management protocol with a gossip-based dissemination routine. Experiments show that by slightly increasing workload for the key update mechanism, this protocol is superior to currently available tree-based protocols with respect to reliability and fault tolerance, while remaining scalable to large groups. Java simulations show that the protocol efficiently distributes keys to large groups in the midst of up to 35 percent node failure rates. In addition, it eliminates the need for logical key hierarchy while preserving an overall reduction in rekey messages to rekey a group. The protocol provides a simple “pull” mechanism to ensure perfect rekeys in spite of the primary rekey mechanism’s probabilistic guarantees, without burdening key distribution facilities. Parameters for overlay management and gossip are improved to minimize rekey message traffic while remaining tolerant to node failure

    Exploiting Parallelism in the Design of Peer-to-Peer Overlays

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    Many peer-to-peer overlay operations are inherently parallel and this parallelism can be exploited by using multi-destination multicast routing, resulting in significant message reduction in the underlying network. We propose criteria for assessing when multicast routing can effectively be used, and compare multi-destination multicast and host group multicast using these criteria. We show that the assumptions underlying the Chuang-Sirbu multicast scaling law are valid in large-scale peer-to-peer overlays, and thus Chuang-Sirbu is suitable for estimating the message reduction when replacing unicast overlay messages with multicast messages. Using simulation, we evaluate message savings in two overlay algorithms when multi-destination multicast routing is used in place of unicast messages. We further describe parallelism in a range of overlay algorithms including multi-hop, variable-hop, load-balancing, random walk, and measurement overlay

    Searching in Unstructured Overlays Using Local Knowledge and Gossip

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    This paper analyzes a class of dissemination algorithms for the discovery of distributed contents in Peer-to-Peer unstructured overlay networks. The algorithms are a mix of protocols employing local knowledge of peers' neighborhood and gossip. By tuning the gossip probability and the depth k of the k-neighborhood of which nodes have information, we obtain different dissemination protocols employed in literature over unstructured P2P overlays. The provided analysis and simulation results confirm that, when properly configured, these schemes represent a viable approach to build effective P2P resource discovery in large-scale, dynamic distributed systems.Comment: A revised version of the paper appears in Proc. of the 5th International Workshop on Complex Networks (CompleNet 2014) - Studies in Computational Intelligence Series, Springer-Verlag, Bologna (Italy), March 201

    Semi-fluid: A Content Distribution Model For Faster Dissemination Of Data

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    Tesis ini mencadangkan serta melaksanakan suatu model agihan kandungan bagi mengurangkan atau meminimumkan kelengahan penyaluran data sebaya. Buat masa ini, agihan kandungan dalam rangkaian tindihan-atas adalah berdasarkan dua model berikut: model Kelulan dan model Bendalir. This thesis proposes and implements a novel content distribution model for reducing or minimizing delay in data dissemination

    GLive: The Gradient overlay as a market maker for mesh-based P2P live streaming

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    Peer-to-Peer (P2P) live video streaming over the Internet is becoming increasingly popular, but it is still plagued by problems of high playback latency and intermittent playback streams. This paper presents GLive, a distributed market-based solution that builds a mesh overlay for P2P live streaming. The mesh overlay is constructed such that (i) nodes with increasing upload bandwidth are located closer to the media source, and (ii) nodes with similar upload bandwidth become neighbours. We introduce a market-based approach that matches nodes willing and able to share the stream with one another. However, market-based approaches converge slowly on random overlay networks, and we improve the rate of convergence by adapting our market-based algorithm to exploit the clustering of nodes with similar upload bandwidths in our mesh overlay. We address the problem of free-riding through nodes preferentially uploading more of the stream to the best uploaders. We compare GLive with our previous tree-based streaming protocol, Sepidar, and NewCoolstreaming in simulation, and our results show significantly improved playback continuity and playback latency