25,681 research outputs found

    A semi-supervised approach to visualizing and manipulating overlapping communities

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    When evaluating a network topology, occasionally data structures cannot be segmented into absolute, heterogeneous groups. There may be a spectrum to the dataset that does not allow for this hard clustering approach and may need to segment using fuzzy/overlapping communities or cliques. Even to this degree, when group members can belong to multiple cliques, there leaves an ever present layer of doubt, noise, and outliers caused by the overlapping clustering algorithms. These imperfections can either be corrected by an expert user to enhance the clustering algorithm or to preserve their own mental models of the communities. Presented is a visualization that models overlapping community membership and provides an interactive interface to facilitate a quick and efficient means of both sorting through large network topologies and preserving the user's mental model of the structure. © 2013 IEEE

    Community detection algorithms: a comparative analysis

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    Uncovering the community structure exhibited by real networks is a crucial step towards an understanding of complex systems that goes beyond the local organization of their constituents. Many algorithms have been proposed so far, but none of them has been subjected to strict tests to evaluate their performance. Most of the sporadic tests performed so far involved small networks with known community structure and/or artificial graphs with a simplified structure, which is very uncommon in real systems. Here we test several methods against a recently introduced class of benchmark graphs, with heterogeneous distributions of degree and community size. The methods are also tested against the benchmark by Girvan and Newman and on random graphs. As a result of our analysis, three recent algorithms introduced by Rosvall and Bergstrom, Blondel et al. and Ronhovde and Nussinov, respectively, have an excellent performance, with the additional advantage of low computational complexity, which enables one to analyze large systems.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures. The software to compute the values of our general normalized mutual information is available at http://santo.fortunato.googlepages.com/inthepress
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