341 research outputs found

    PackNet: Adding Multiple Tasks to a Single Network by Iterative Pruning

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    This paper presents a method for adding multiple tasks to a single deep neural network while avoiding catastrophic forgetting. Inspired by network pruning techniques, we exploit redundancies in large deep networks to free up parameters that can then be employed to learn new tasks. By performing iterative pruning and network re-training, we are able to sequentially "pack" multiple tasks into a single network while ensuring minimal drop in performance and minimal storage overhead. Unlike prior work that uses proxy losses to maintain accuracy on older tasks, we always optimize for the task at hand. We perform extensive experiments on a variety of network architectures and large-scale datasets, and observe much better robustness against catastrophic forgetting than prior work. In particular, we are able to add three fine-grained classification tasks to a single ImageNet-trained VGG-16 network and achieve accuracies close to those of separately trained networks for each task. Code available at https://github.com/arunmallya/packne

    Powerpropagation: A sparsity inducing weight reparameterisation

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    The training of sparse neural networks is becoming an increasingly important tool for reducing the computational footprint of models at training and evaluation, as well enabling the effective scaling up of models. Whereas much work over the years has been dedicated to specialised pruning techniques, little attention has been paid to the inherent effect of gradient based training on model sparsity. In this work, we introduce Powerpropagation, a new weight-parameterisation for neural networks that leads to inherently sparse models. Exploiting the behaviour of gradient descent, our method gives rise to weight updates exhibiting a “rich get richer” dynamic, leaving low-magnitude parameters largely unaffected by learning. Models trained in this manner exhibit similar performance, but have a distribution with markedly higher density at zero, allowing more parameters to be pruned safely. Powerpropagation is general, intuitive, cheap and straight-forward to implement and can readily be combined with various other techniques. To highlight its versatility, we explore it in two very different settings: Firstly, following a recent line of work, we investigate its effect on sparse training for resource-constrained settings. Here, we combine Powerpropagation with a traditional weight-pruning technique as well as recent state-of-the-art sparse-to-sparse algorithms, showing superior performance on the ImageNet benchmark. Secondly, we advocate the use of sparsity in overcoming catastrophic forgetting, where compressed representations allow accommodating a large number of tasks at fixed model capacity. In all cases our reparameterisation considerably increases the efficacy of the off-the-shelf methods

    AdaptCL: Adaptive Continual Learning for Tackling Heterogeneity in Sequential Datasets

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    Managing heterogeneous datasets that vary in complexity, size, and similarity in continual learning presents a significant challenge. Task-agnostic continual learning is necessary to address this challenge, as datasets with varying similarity pose difficulties in distinguishing task boundaries. Conventional task-agnostic continual learning practices typically rely on rehearsal or regularization techniques. However, rehearsal methods may struggle with varying dataset sizes and regulating the importance of old and new data due to rigid buffer sizes. Meanwhile, regularization methods apply generic constraints to promote generalization but can hinder performance when dealing with dissimilar datasets lacking shared features, necessitating a more adaptive approach. In this paper, we propose AdaptCL, a novel adaptive continual learning method to tackle heterogeneity in sequential datasets. AdaptCL employs fine-grained data-driven pruning to adapt to variations in data complexity and dataset size. It also utilizes task-agnostic parameter isolation to mitigate the impact of varying degrees of catastrophic forgetting caused by differences in data similarity. Through a two-pronged case study approach, we evaluate AdaptCL on both datasets of MNIST Variants and DomainNet, as well as datasets from different domains. The latter include both large-scale, diverse binary-class datasets and few-shot, multi-class datasets. Across all these scenarios, AdaptCL consistently exhibits robust performance, demonstrating its flexibility and general applicability in handling heterogeneous datasets.Comment: This article has been accepted by TNNL

    Towards Redundancy-Free Sub-networks in Continual Learning

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    Catastrophic Forgetting (CF) is a prominent issue in continual learning. Parameter isolation addresses this challenge by masking a sub-network for each task to mitigate interference with old tasks. However, these sub-networks are constructed relying on weight magnitude, which does not necessarily correspond to the importance of weights, resulting in maintaining unimportant weights and constructing redundant sub-networks. To overcome this limitation, inspired by information bottleneck, which removes redundancy between adjacent network layers, we propose \textbf{\underline{I}nformation \underline{B}ottleneck \underline{M}asked sub-network (IBM)} to eliminate redundancy within sub-networks. Specifically, IBM accumulates valuable information into essential weights to construct redundancy-free sub-networks, not only effectively mitigating CF by freezing the sub-networks but also facilitating new tasks training through the transfer of valuable knowledge. Additionally, IBM decomposes hidden representations to automate the construction process and make it flexible. Extensive experiments demonstrate that IBM consistently outperforms state-of-the-art methods. Notably, IBM surpasses the state-of-the-art parameter isolation method with a 70\% reduction in the number of parameters within sub-networks and an 80\% decrease in training time

    On the Soft-Subnetwork for Few-shot Class Incremental Learning

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    Inspired by Regularized Lottery Ticket Hypothesis (RLTH), which hypothesizes that there exist smooth (non-binary) subnetworks within a dense network that achieve the competitive performance of the dense network, we propose a few-shot class incremental learning (FSCIL) method referred to as \emph{Soft-SubNetworks (SoftNet)}. Our objective is to learn a sequence of sessions incrementally, where each session only includes a few training instances per class while preserving the knowledge of the previously learned ones. SoftNet jointly learns the model weights and adaptive non-binary soft masks at a base training session in which each mask consists of the major and minor subnetwork; the former aims to minimize catastrophic forgetting during training, and the latter aims to avoid overfitting to a few samples in each new training session. We provide comprehensive empirical validations demonstrating that our SoftNet effectively tackles the few-shot incremental learning problem by surpassing the performance of state-of-the-art baselines over benchmark datasets

    Forget-free Continual Learning with Soft-Winning SubNetworks

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    Inspired by Regularized Lottery Ticket Hypothesis (RLTH), which states that competitive smooth (non-binary) subnetworks exist within a dense network in continual learning tasks, we investigate two proposed architecture-based continual learning methods which sequentially learn and select adaptive binary- (WSN) and non-binary Soft-Subnetworks (SoftNet) for each task. WSN and SoftNet jointly learn the regularized model weights and task-adaptive non-binary masks of subnetworks associated with each task whilst attempting to select a small set of weights to be activated (winning ticket) by reusing weights of the prior subnetworks. Our proposed WSN and SoftNet are inherently immune to catastrophic forgetting as each selected subnetwork model does not infringe upon other subnetworks in Task Incremental Learning (TIL). In TIL, binary masks spawned per winning ticket are encoded into one N-bit binary digit mask, then compressed using Huffman coding for a sub-linear increase in network capacity to the number of tasks. Surprisingly, in the inference step, SoftNet generated by injecting small noises to the backgrounds of acquired WSN (holding the foregrounds of WSN) provides excellent forward transfer power for future tasks in TIL. SoftNet shows its effectiveness over WSN in regularizing parameters to tackle the overfitting, to a few examples in Few-shot Class Incremental Learning (FSCIL).Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2209.0752
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