41 research outputs found

    Fast Reachable Set Approximations via State Decoupling Disturbances

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    With the recent surge of interest in using robotics and automation for civil purposes, providing safety and performance guarantees has become extremely important. In the past, differential games have been successfully used for the analysis of safety-critical systems. In particular, the Hamilton-Jacobi (HJ) formulation of differential games provides a flexible way to compute the reachable set, which can characterize the set of states which lead to either desirable or undesirable configurations, depending on the application. While HJ reachability is applicable to many small practical systems, the curse of dimensionality prevents the direct application of HJ reachability to many larger systems. To address computation complexity issues, various efficient computation methods in the literature have been developed for approximating or exactly computing the solution to HJ partial differential equations, but only when the system dynamics are of specific forms. In this paper, we propose a flexible method to trade off optimality with computation complexity in HJ reachability analysis. To achieve this, we propose to simplify system dynamics by treating state variables as disturbances. We prove that the resulting approximation is conservative in the desired direction, and demonstrate our method using a four-dimensional plane model.Comment: in Proceedings of the IEE Conference on Decision and Control, 201

    Reachability analysis of linear hybrid systems via block decomposition

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    Reachability analysis aims at identifying states reachable by a system within a given time horizon. This task is known to be computationally expensive for linear hybrid systems. Reachability analysis works by iteratively applying continuous and discrete post operators to compute states reachable according to continuous and discrete dynamics, respectively. In this paper, we enhance both of these operators and make sure that most of the involved computations are performed in low-dimensional state space. In particular, we improve the continuous-post operator by performing computations in high-dimensional state space only for time intervals relevant for the subsequent application of the discrete-post operator. Furthermore, the new discrete-post operator performs low-dimensional computations by leveraging the structure of the guard and assignment of a considered transition. We illustrate the potential of our approach on a number of challenging benchmarks.Comment: Accepted at EMSOFT 202

    Reach Set Approximation through Decomposition with Low-dimensional Sets and High-dimensional Matrices

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    Approximating the set of reachable states of a dynamical system is an algorithmic yet mathematically rigorous way to reason about its safety. Although progress has been made in the development of efficient algorithms for affine dynamical systems, available algorithms still lack scalability to ensure their wide adoption in the industrial setting. While modern linear algebra packages are efficient for matrices with tens of thousands of dimensions, set-based image computations are limited to a few hundred. We propose to decompose reach set computations such that set operations are performed in low dimensions, while matrix operations like exponentiation are carried out in the full dimension. Our method is applicable both in dense- and discrete-time settings. For a set of standard benchmarks, it shows a speed-up of up to two orders of magnitude compared to the respective state-of-the art tools, with only modest losses in accuracy. For the dense-time case, we show an experiment with more than 10.000 variables, roughly two orders of magnitude higher than possible with previous approaches

    Linear Hamilton Jacobi Bellman Equations in High Dimensions

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    The Hamilton Jacobi Bellman Equation (HJB) provides the globally optimal solution to large classes of control problems. Unfortunately, this generality comes at a price, the calculation of such solutions is typically intractible for systems with more than moderate state space size due to the curse of dimensionality. This work combines recent results in the structure of the HJB, and its reduction to a linear Partial Differential Equation (PDE), with methods based on low rank tensor representations, known as a separated representations, to address the curse of dimensionality. The result is an algorithm to solve optimal control problems which scales linearly with the number of states in a system, and is applicable to systems that are nonlinear with stochastic forcing in finite-horizon, average cost, and first-exit settings. The method is demonstrated on inverted pendulum, VTOL aircraft, and quadcopter models, with system dimension two, six, and twelve respectively.Comment: 8 pages. Accepted to CDC 201

    Koopman-Hopf Hamilton-Jacobi Reachability and Control

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    The Hopf formula for Hamilton-Jacobi Reachability analysis has been proposed for solving viscosity solutions of high-dimensional differential games as a space-parallelizeable method. In exchange, however, a complex, potentially non-convex optimization problem must be solved, limiting its application to linear time-varying systems. With the intent of solving Hamilton-Jacobi backwards reachable sets (BRS) and their corresponding online controllers, we pair the Hopf solution with Koopman theory, which can linearize high-dimensional nonlinear systems. We find that this is a viable method for approximating the BRS and performs better than local linearizations. Furthermore, we construct a Koopman-Hopf controller for robustly driving a 10-dimensional, nonlinear, stochastic, glycolysis model and find that it significantly out-competes both stochastic and game-theoretic Koopman-based model predictive controllers against stochastic disturbance