6 research outputs found

    Output Space Search for Structured Prediction

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    We consider a framework for structured prediction based on search in the space of complete structured outputs. Given a structured input, an output is produced by running a time-bounded search procedure guided by a learned cost function, and then returning the least cost output uncovered during the search. This framework can be instantiated for a wide range of search spaces and search procedures, and easily incorporates arbitrary structured-prediction loss functions. In this paper, we make two main technical contributions. First, we define the limited-discrepancy search space over structured outputs, which is able to leverage powerful classification learning algorithms to improve the search space quality. Second, we give a generic cost function learning approach, where the key idea is to learn a cost function that attempts to mimic the behavior of conducting searches guided by the true loss function. Our experiments on six benchmark domains demonstrate that using our framework with only a small amount of search is sufficient for significantly improving on state-of-the-art structured-prediction performance.Comment: Appears in Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2012

    Parser for Abstract Meaning Representation using Learning to Search

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    We develop a novel technique to parse English sentences into Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) using SEARN, a Learning to Search approach, by modeling the concept and the relation learning in a unified framework. We evaluate our parser on multiple datasets from varied domains and show an absolute improvement of 2% to 6% over the state-of-the-art. Additionally we show that using the most frequent concept gives us a baseline that is stronger than the state-of-the-art for concept prediction. We plan to release our parser for public use

    Learning Reductions that Really Work

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    We provide a summary of the mathematical and computational techniques that have enabled learning reductions to effectively address a wide class of problems, and show that this approach to solving machine learning problems can be broadly useful

    A Credit Assignment Compiler for Joint Prediction

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    Many machine learning applications involve jointly predicting multiple mutually dependent output variables. Learning to search is a family of methods where the complex decision problem is cast into a sequence of decisions via a search space. Although these methods have shown promise both in theory and in practice, implementing them has been burdensomely awkward. In this paper, we show the search space can be defined by an arbitrary imperative program, turning learning to search into a credit assignment compiler. Altogether with the algorithmic improvements for the compiler, we radically reduce the complexity of programming and the running time. We demonstrate the feasibility of our approach on multiple joint prediction tasks. In all cases, we obtain accuracies as high as alternative approaches, at drastically reduced execution and programming time

    Rectifying Classifier Chains for Multi-Label Classification

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    Classifier chains have recently been proposed as an appealing method for tackling the multi-label classification task. In addition to several empirical studies showing its state-of-the-art performance, especially when being used in its ensemble variant, there are also some first results on theoretical properties of classifier chains. Continuing along this line, we analyze the influence of a potential pitfall of the learning process, namely the discrepancy between the feature spaces used in training and testing: While true class labels are used as supplementary attributes for training the binary models along the chain, the same models need to rely on estimations of these labels at prediction time. We elucidate under which circumstances the attribute noise thus created can affect the overall prediction performance. As a result of our findings, we propose two modifications of classifier chains that are meant to overcome this problem. Experimentally, we show that our variants are indeed able to produce better results in cases where the original chaining process is likely to fail.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, 4 tables, extended version of: Robin Senge, Jos\'e del Coz, E. H\"ullermeier. Rectifying Classifier Chains for Multi-Label Classification. Proceedings Workshop LWA 2013, Lernen-Wissensentdeckung-Adaptivit\"at,151-158, Bamberg, Germany, 201

    Output space search for structured prediction

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    We consider a framework for structured prediction based on search in the space of complete structured outputs. Given a structured input, an output is produced by running a time-bounded search procedure guided by a learned cost function, and then returning the least cost output uncovered during the search. This framework can be instantiated for a wide range of search spaces and search procedures, and easily incorporates arbitrary structured-prediction loss functions. In this paper, we make two main technical contributions. First, we define the limited-discrepancy search space over structured outputs, which is able to leverage powerful classification learning algorithms to improve the search space quality. Second, we give a generic cost function learning approach, where the key idea is to learn a cost function that attempts to mimic the behavior of conducting searches guided by the true loss function. Our experiments on six benchmark domains demonstrate that using our framework with only a small amount of search is sufficient for significantly improving on state-of-the-art structuredprediction performance. 1