4 research outputs found

    Adaptive guaranteed-performance consensus design for high-order multiagent systems

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    The current paper addresses the distributed guaranteed-performance consensus design problems for general high-order linear multiagent systems with leaderless and leader-follower structures, respectively. The information about the Laplacian matrix of the interaction topology or its minimum nonzero eigenvalue is usually required in existing works on the guaranteed-performance consensus, which means that their conclusions are not completely distributed. A new translation-adaptive strategy is proposed to realize the completely distributed guaranteed-performance consensus control by using the structure feature of a complete graph in the current paper. For the leaderless case, an adaptive guaranteed-performance consensualization criterion is given in terms of Riccati inequalities and a regulation approach of the consensus control gain is presented by linear matrix inequalities. Extensions to the leader-follower cases are further investigated. Especially, the guaranteed-performance costs for leaderless and leader-follower cases are determined, respectively, which are associated with the intrinsic structure characteristic of the interaction topologies. Finally, two numerical examples are provided to demonstrate theoretical results

    Observer-based Adaptive Optimal Output Containment Control problem of Linear Heterogeneous Multi-agent Systems with Relative Output Measurements

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    This paper develops an optimal relative output-feedback based solution to the containment control problem of linear heterogeneous multi-agent systems. A distributed optimal control protocol is presented for the followers to not only assure that their outputs fall into the convex hull of the leaders' output (i.e., the desired or safe region), but also optimizes their transient performance. The proposed optimal control solution is composed of a feedback part, depending of the followers' state, and a feed-forward part, depending on the convex hull of the leaders' state. To comply with most real-world applications, the feedback and feed-forward states are assumed to be unavailable and are estimated using two distributed observers. That is, since the followers cannot directly sense their absolute states, a distributed observer is designed that uses only relative output measurements with respect to their neighbors (measured for example by using range sensors in robotic) and the information which is broadcasted by their neighbors to estimate their states. Moreover, another adaptive distributed observer is designed that uses exchange of information between followers over a communication network to estimate the convex hull of the leaders' state. The proposed observer relaxes the restrictive requirement of knowing the complete knowledge of the leaders' dynamics by all followers. An off-policy reinforcement learning algorithm on an actor-critic structure is next developed to solve the optimal containment control problem online, using relative output measurements and without requirement of knowing the leaders' dynamics by all followers. Finally, the theoretical results are verified by numerical simulations

    Completely Distributed Guaranteed-performance Consensualization for High-order Multiagent Systems with Switching Topologies

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    The guaranteed-performance consensualization for high-order linear and nonlinear multiagent systems with switching topologies is respectively realized in a completely distributed manner in the sense that consensus design criteria are independent of interaction topologies and switching motions. The current paper firstly proposes an adaptive consensus protocol with guaranteed-performance constraints and switching topologies, where interaction weights among neighboring agents are adaptively adjusted and state errors among all agents can be regulated. Then, a new translation-adaptive strategy is shown to realize completely distributed guaranteed-performance consensus control and an adaptive guaranteed-performance consensualization criterion is given on the basis of the Riccati inequality. Furthermore, an approach to regulate the consensus control gain and the guaranteed-performance cost is proposed in terms of linear matrix inequalities. Moreover, main conclusions for linear multiagent systems are extended to Lipschitz nonlinear cases. Finally, two numerical examples are provided to demonstrate theoretical results

    Fully-Heterogeneous Containment Control of a Network of Leader-Follower Systems

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    This paper develops a distributed solution to the fully-heterogeneous containment control problem (CCP), for which not only the followers' dynamics but also the leaders' dynamics are non-identical. A novel formulation of the fully-heterogeneous CCP is first presented in which each follower constructs its virtual exo-system. To build these virtual exo-systems by followers, a novel distributed algorithm is developed to calculate the so-called normalized level of influences (NLIs) of all leaders on each follower and a novel adaptive distributed observer is designed to estimate the dynamics and states of all leaders that have an influence on each follower. Then, a distributed control protocol is proposed based on the cooperative output regulation framework, utilizing this virtual exo-system. Based on estimations of leaders' dynamics and states and NLIs of leaders on each follower, the solutions of the so-called linear regulator equations are calculated in a distributed manner, and consequently, a distributed control protocol is designed for solving the output containment problem. Finally, theoretical results are verified by performing numerical simulations