217 research outputs found

    Outage rates and outage durations of opportunistic relaying systems

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    Opportunistic relaying is a simple yet efficient cooperation scheme that achieves full diversity and preserves the spectral efficiency among the spatially distributed stations. However, the stations' mobility causes temporal correlation of the system's capacity outage events, which gives rise to its important second-order outage statistical parameters, such as the average outage rate (AOR) and the average outage duration (AOD). This letter presents exact analytical expressions for the AOR and the AOD of an opportunistic relaying system, which employs a mobile source and a mobile destination (without a direct path), and an arbitrary number of (fixed-gain amplify-and-forward or decode-and-forward) mobile relays in Rayleigh fading environment

    Optimal time sharing in underlay cognitive radio systems with RF energy harvesting

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    Due to the fundamental tradeoffs, achieving spectrum efficiency and energy efficiency are two contending design challenges for the future wireless networks. However, applying radio-frequency (RF) energy harvesting (EH) in a cognitive radio system could potentially circumvent this tradeoff, resulting in a secondary system with limitless power supply and meaningful achievable information rates. This paper proposes an online solution for the optimal time allocation (time sharing) between the EH phase and the information transmission (IT) phase in an underlay cognitive radio system, which harvests the RF energy originating from the primary system. The proposed online solution maximizes the average achievable rate of the cognitive radio system, subject to the ε\varepsilon-percentile protection criteria for the primary system. The optimal time sharing achieves significant gains compared to equal time allocation between the EH and IT phases.Comment: Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC 2015), 8-12 June 2015, London, U

    Cooperative Diversity with Mobile Nodes: Capacity Outage Rate and Duration

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    The outage probability is an important performance measure for cooperative diversity schemes. However, in mobile environments, the outage probability does not completely describe the behavior of cooperative diversity schemes since the mobility of the involved nodes introduces variations in the channel gains. As a result, the capacity outage events are correlated in time and second-order statistical parameters of the achievable information-theoretic capacity such as the average capacity outage rate (AOR) and the average capacity outage duration (AOD) are required to obtain a more complete description of the properties of cooperative diversity protocols. In this paper, assuming slow Rayleigh fading, we derive exact expressions for the AOR and the AOD of three well-known cooperative diversity protocols: variable-gain amplify-and-forward, decode-and-forward, and selection decode-and-forward relaying. Furthermore, we develop asymptotically tight high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) approximations, which offer important insights into the influence of various system and channel parameters on the AOR and AOD. In particular, we show that on a double-logarithmic scale, similar to the outage probability, the AOR asymptotically decays with the SNR with a slope that depends on the diversity gain of the cooperative protocol, whereas the AOD asymptotically decays with a slope of -1/2 independent of the diversity gain.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (2011

    Adaptive Relay-Selection In Decode-And-Forward Cooperative Systems

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    In the past few years adaptive decode-and-forward cooperative diversity systems have been studied intensively in literature. Many schemes and protocols have been proposed to enhance the performance of the cooperative systems while trying to alleviate its drawbacks. One of the recent schemes that had been shown to give high improvements in performance is the best-relay selection scheme. In the best-relay selection scheme only one relaying nodes among the relays available in the system is selected to forward the source\u27s message to the destination. The best relay is selected as the relay node that can achieve the highest end-to-end signal-to-noise ratio (snr) at the destination node. Performance improvements have been reported as compared to regular fixed decode-and-forward relaying in which all relays are required to forward the source\u27s message to the destination in terms of spectral efficiency and diversity order. In this thesis, we use simulations to show the improvement in the outage performance of the best-relay selection scheme

    A Study Of Cooperative Spectrum Sharing Schemes For Internet Of Things Systems

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) has gained much attention in recent years with the massive increase in the number of connected devices. Cognitive Machine-to-Machine (CM2M) communications is a hot research topic in which a cognitive dimension allows M2M networks to overcome the challenges of spectrum scarcity, interference, and green requirements. In this paper, we propose a Generalized Cooperative Spectrum Sharing (GCSS) scheme for M2M communication. Cooperation extends the coverage of wireless networks as well as increasing their throughput while reducing the energy consumption of the connected low power devices. We study the outage performance of the proposed GCSS scheme for M2M system and derive exact expressions for the outage probability. We also analyze the effect of varying transmission powers on the performance of the system