1 research outputs found

    Outage Analysis of 2×22\times2 MIMO-MRC in Correlated Rician Fading

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    This paper addresses one of the classical problems in random matrix theory-- finding the distribution of the maximum eigenvalue of the correlated Wishart unitary ensemble. In particular, we derive a new exact expression for the cumulative distribution function (c.d.f.) of the maximum eigenvalue of a 2×22\times 2 correlated non-central Wishart matrix with rank-11 mean. By using this new result, we derive an exact analytical expression for the outage probability of 2×22\times 2 multiple-input multiple-output maximum-ratio-combining (MIMO-MRC) in Rician fading with transmit correlation and a strong line-of-sight (LoS) component (rank-11 channel mean). We also show that the outage performance is affected by the relative alignment of the eigen-spaces of the mean and correlation matrices. In general, when the LoS path aligns with the least eigenvector of the correlation matrix, in the {\it high} transmit signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime, the outage gradually improves with the increasing correlation. Moreover, we show that as KK (Rician factor) grows large, the outage event can be approximately characterized by the c.d.f. of a certain Gaussian random variable.Comment: 7 page