138 research outputs found

    A note on strong Skolem starters

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    In 1991, Shalaby conjectured that any additive group Zn\mathbb{Z}_n, where n1n\equiv1 or 3 (mod 8) and n11n \geq11, admits a strong Skolem starter and constructed these starters of all admissible orders 11n5711\leq n\leq57. Only finitely many strong Skolem starters have been known. Recently, in [O. Ogandzhanyants, M. Kondratieva and N. Shalaby, \emph{Strong Skolem Starters}, J. Combin. Des. {\bf 27} (2018), no. 1, 5--21] was given an infinite families of them. In this note, an infinite family of strong Skolem starters for Zn\mathbb{Z}_n, where n3n\equiv3 mod 8 is a prime integer, is presented

    A note on two orthogonal totally C4C_4-free one-factorizations of complete graphs

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    A pair of orthogonal one-factorizations F\mathcal{F} and G\mathcal{G} of the complete graph KnK_n is totally C4C_4-free, if the union FGF\cup G, for any F,GFGF,G\in\mathcal{F}\cup\mathcal{G}, does not include a cycle of length four. In this note, we prove if q3q\equiv3 (mod 4) is a prime power with q11q\geq11, then there is a pair of orthogonal totally C4C_4-free one-factorizations of Kq+1K_{q+1}

    New constructions of strongly regular Cayley graphs on abelian groups

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    Davis and Jedwab (1997) established a great construction theory unifying many previously known constructions of difference sets, relative difference sets and divisible difference sets. They introduced the concept of building blocks, which played an important role in the theory. On the other hand, Polhill (2010) gave a construction of Paley type partial difference sets (conference graphs) based on a special system of building blocks, called a covering extended building set, and proved that there exists a Paley type partial difference set in an abelian group of order 9iv49^iv^4 for any odd positive integer v>1v>1 and any i=0,1i=0,1. His result covers all orders of nonelementary abelian groups in which Paley type partial difference sets exist. In this paper, we give new constructions of strongly regular Cayley graphs on abelian groups by extending the theory of building blocks. The constructions are large generalizations of Polhill's construction. In particular, we show that for a positive integer mm and elementary abelian groups GiG_i, i=1,2,,si=1,2,\ldots,s, of order qi4q_i^4 such that 2mqi+12m\,|\,q_i+1, there exists a decomposition of the complete graph on the abelian group G=G1×G2××GsG=G_1\times G_2\times \cdots\times G_s by strongly regular Cayley graphs with negative Latin square type parameters (u2,c(u+1),u+c2+3c,c2+c)(u^2,c(u+1),- u+c^2+3 c,c^2+ c), where u=q12q22qs2u=q_1^2q_2^2\cdots q_s^2 and c=(u1)/mc=(u-1)/m. Such strongly regular decompositions were previously known only when m=2m=2 or GG is a pp-group. Moreover, we find one more new infinite family of decompositions of the complete graphs by Latin square type strongly regular Cayley graphs. Thus, we obtain many strongly regular graphs with new parameters.Comment: 14 pages; Some typos are fixed, and Abst and Intro are rewritte

    Quaternary Constant-Composition Codes with Weight Four and Distances Five or Six

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    The sizes of optimal constant-composition codes of weight three have been determined by Chee, Ge and Ling with four cases in doubt. Group divisible codes played an important role in their constructions. In this paper, we study the problem of constructing optimal quaternary constant-composition codes with Hamming weight four and minimum distances five or six through group divisible codes and Room square approaches. The problem is solved leaving only five lengths undetermined. Previously, the results on the sizes of such quaternary constant-composition codes were scarce.Comment: 23 pages, 3 table

    Strong Skolem Starters

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    This paper concerns a class of combinatorial objects called Skolem starters, and more specifically, strong Skolem starters, which are generated by Skolem sequences. In 1991, Shalaby conjectured that any additive group Zn\mathbb{Z}_n, where n1n\equiv1 or 3(mod8), n113\pmod{8},\ n\ge11, admits a strong Skolem starter and constructed these starters of all admissible orders 11n5711\le n\le57. Only finitely many strong Skolem starters have been known to date. In this paper, we offer a geometrical interpretation of strong Skolem starters and explicitly construct infinite families of them.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figure

    On strong Skolem starters

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    In this note we present an alternative (simple) construction of cardioidal starters (strong and Skolem) for Zqn\mathbb{Z}_{q^n}, where q3q\equiv3 (mod 8) is an odd prime number and n1n\geq1 is an integer number; also for Zpq\mathbb{Z}_{pq} and Zpn\mathbb{Z}_{p^n}, for infinitely many odd primes p,q1p,q\equiv1 (mod 8) and n1n\geq1 an integer number. This cardioidal starters can be obtained by a more general result given by Ogandzhanyants et al. [O. Ogandzhanyants, M. Kondratieva and N. Shalaby, \emph{Strong Skolem starters}, J. Combin. Des. {\bf 27} (2018), no. 1, 5--21]

    On strong Skolem starters for Zpq\mathbb{Z}_{pq}

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    In 1991, N. Shalaby conjectured that any additive group Zn\mathbb{Z}_n, where n1n\equiv1 or 3 (mod 8) and n11n \geq11, admits a strong Skolem starter and constructed these starters of all admissible orders 11n5711\leq n\leq57. Shalaby and et al. [O. Ogandzhanyants, M. Kondratieva and N. Shalaby, \emph{Strong Skolem Starters}, J. Combin. Des. {\bf 27} (2018), no. 1, 5--21] was proved if n=Πi=1kpiαin=\Pi_{i=1}^{k}p_i^{\alpha_i}, where pip_i is a prime number such that ord(2)pi2ord(2)_{p_i}\equiv 2 (mod 4) and αi\alpha_i is a non-negative integer, for all i=1,,ki=1,\ldots,k, then Zn\mathbb{Z}_n admits a strong Skolem starter. On the other hand, the author [A. V\'azquez-\'Avila, \emph{A note on strong Skolem starters}, Discrete Math. Accepted] gives different families of strong Skolem starters for Zp\mathbb{Z}_p than Shalaby et al, where p3p\equiv3 (mod 8) is an odd prime. Recently, the author [A. V\'azquez-\'Avila, \emph{New families of strong Skolem starters}, Submitted] gives different families of strong Skolem starters of Zpn\mathbb{Z}_{p^n} than Shalaby et al, where p3p\equiv3 (mod 8) and nn is an integer greater than 1. In this paper, we gives some different families of strong Skolem starters of Zpq\mathbb{Z}_{pq}, where p,q3p,q\equiv3 (mod 8) are prime numbers such that p<qp<q and (p1)(q1)(p-1)\nmid(q-1).Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1907.0526

    Old and new families of strong Skolem Starters

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    In this paper, we give new families of strong Skolem starters for Zpn\mathbb{Z}_{p^n} and Zpq\mathbb{Z}_{pq}, for infinitely many odd primes p,q1p,q\equiv1 (mod 8) and n>1n>1 be an integer.Comment: The paper gives an alternative (simple) construction of strong Skolem starters for Zpn\mathbb{Z}_{p^n} and Zpq\mathbb{Z}_{pq}, for infinitely many odd primes p,q1p,q\equiv1 (mod 8) and n>1n>1 be an integer, than given by Ogandzhanyants et al. [O. Ogandzhanyants, M. Kondratieva, and N. Shalaby, \emph{Strong Skolem starters}, J. Combin. Des. {\bf 27} (2018), no. 1, 5--21

    Biproducts and Kashina's examples

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    We revisit a class of examples described in the original paper on biproducts, expand the class, and provide a detailed analysis of the coalgebra and algebra structures of many of these examples. Connections with the semisimple Hopf algebras of dimension a power of two determined by Kashina are examined. The finite-dimensional non-trivial semisimple cosemisimple Hopf algebras we construct are shown to be lower cosolvable. Some of these have one proper normal Hopf subalgebra and are not lower solvable

    Semi-cyclic holey group divisible designs with block size three and applications to sampling designs and optical orthogonal codes

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    We consider the existence problem for a semi-cyclic holey group divisible design of type (n,m^t) with block size 3, which is denoted by a 3-SCHGDD of type (n,m^t). When t is odd and n\neq 8 or t is doubly even and t\neq 8, the existence problem is completely solved; when t is singly even, many infinite families are obtained. Applications of our results to two-dimensional balanced sampling plans and optimal two-dimensional optical orthogonal codes are also discussed.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1304.328