394 research outputs found

    Sparse Quadrature for High-Dimensional Integration with Gaussian Measure

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    In this work we analyze the dimension-independent convergence property of an abstract sparse quadrature scheme for numerical integration of functions of high-dimensional parameters with Gaussian measure. Under certain assumptions of the exactness and the boundedness of univariate quadrature rules as well as the regularity of the parametric functions with respect to the parameters, we obtain the convergence rate O(N−s)O(N^{-s}), where NN is the number of indices, and ss is independent of the number of the parameter dimensions. Moreover, we propose both an a-priori and an a-posteriori schemes for the construction of a practical sparse quadrature rule and perform numerical experiments to demonstrate their dimension-independent convergence rates

    Multilevel Representations of Isotropic Gaussian Random Fields on the Sphere

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    Series expansions of isotropic Gaussian random fields on S2\mathbb{S}^2 with independent Gaussian coefficients and localized basis functions are constructed. Such representations provide an alternative to the standard Karhunen-Lo\`eve expansions of isotropic random fields in terms of spherical harmonics. Their multilevel localized structure of basis functions is especially useful in adaptive algorithms. The basis functions are obtained by applying the square root of the covariance operator to spherical needlets. Localization of the resulting covariance-dependent multilevel basis is shown under decay conditions on the angular power spectrum of the random field. In addition, numerical illustrations are given and an application to random elliptic PDEs on the sphere is analyzed

    Fast Bayesian Optimal Experimental Design for Seismic Source Inversion

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    We develop a fast method for optimally designing experiments in the context of statistical seismic source inversion. In particular, we efficiently compute the optimal number and locations of the receivers or seismographs. The seismic source is modeled by a point moment tensor multiplied by a time-dependent function. The parameters include the source location, moment tensor components, and start time and frequency in the time function. The forward problem is modeled by elastodynamic wave equations. We show that the Hessian of the cost functional, which is usually defined as the square of the weighted L2 norm of the difference between the experimental data and the simulated data, is proportional to the measurement time and the number of receivers. Consequently, the posterior distribution of the parameters, in a Bayesian setting, concentrates around the "true" parameters, and we can employ Laplace approximation and speed up the estimation of the expected Kullback-Leibler divergence (expected information gain), the optimality criterion in the experimental design procedure. Since the source parameters span several magnitudes, we use a scaling matrix for efficient control of the condition number of the original Hessian matrix. We use a second-order accurate finite difference method to compute the Hessian matrix and either sparse quadrature or Monte Carlo sampling to carry out numerical integration. We demonstrate the efficiency, accuracy, and applicability of our method on a two-dimensional seismic source inversion problem
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