268 research outputs found

    Channel Estimation And Correction Methods For Ofdma Based Lte Downlink System

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    In present era, cellular communication plays a vital role for communicating over long distance. The number of mobile subscribers is increasing tremendously day by day. 3GPP LTE is the evolution of the UMTS in response to ever-increasing demands for high quality multimedia services according to users\u27 expectations. The average data consumption exceeds hundreds of Megabytes per subscriber per month. To introduce, summarize and get acquainted with this new technology LTE is one of the main objectives of my thesis. The Downlink is always considered an important factor in terms of coverage and capacity aspects in between Downlink and Uplink factors for cellular communication. Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) and Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) are the new technologies which enhance the performance of the traditional wireless communication experience for downlink. In this thesis, we considered the downlink system for channel estimation by using different algorithms and interpolation methods. Channel Estimation algorithms such as Least Squares Estimation (LSE) and Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) have been evaluated for different channel models. The interpolation method used in algorithms is Linear, Piecewise constant, Averaged and Pilot averaged. I measured the performance of these algorithms in terms of Bit Error Rate (BER) and Symbol Error Rate (SER). The results are presented to illustrate the salient concept of the LTE communication system


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    The increasingly important role of Long Term Evolution (LTE) has increased security concerns among the service providers and end users and made security of the network even more indispensable. The main thrust of this thesis is to investigate if the LTE signal can be broken down in a methodical way to obtain information that would otherwise be private; e.g., the Global Positioning System (GPS) location of the user equipment/base station or identity (ID) of the user. The study made use of signal simulators and software to analyze the LTE signal to develop a method to remove noise, breakdown the LTE signal and extract desired information. From the simulation results, it was possible to extract key information in the downlink like the Downlink Control Information (DCI), Cell-Radio Network Temporary Identifier (C-RNTI) and physical Cell Identity (Cell-ID). This information can be modified to cause service disruptions in the network within a reasonable amount of time and with modest computing resources.Defence Science and Technology Agency, SingaporeApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Técnicas de equalização iterativas no espaço-frequência para o LTE

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e TelecomunicaçõesMobile communications had a huge leap on its evolution in the last decade due to the constant increase of the user requirements. The Long Term Evolution is the new technology developed to give proper answer to the needs of a growing mobile communications community, offering much higher data rates, better spectral efficiency and lower latency when compared to previous technologies, along with scalable bandwidth, interoperability and easy roaming. All these advantages are possible due to the implementation of new network architectures like the E-UTRAN access network and the EPC core network, the use of MIMO systems, and new multiple access schemes: OFDMA for downlink and SC-FDMA for uplink. This thesis focuses on the uplink communication of this technology with SC-FDMA, specifically on the use of Iterative Block Decision Feedback Equalizers (IB-DFE) where both the feedback and the feedforward equalizer matrices are applied on the frequency domain. Two IB-DFE schemes were implemented using both Parallel Interference Cancellation (PIC) and Serial Interference Cancellation (SIC) based processing. We considered the uplink scenario where some users share the same physical channel to transmit its own information to the Base Station (BS). Also, we consider that the BS is equipped with multiple antennas and the user terminals (UT) with a single antenna. The aim of the studied iterative schemes is to efficiently remove both the multi-user and inter-carrier interferences, while allowing a close-to-optimum space-diversity gain. The results obtained showed that both PIC and SIC implementations presented better performance than the conventional used linear multi-user sub optimal equalizers ZF and MMSE. Both solutions efficiently eliminate the multi-user interference, although the SIC based scheme slightly outperforms the PIC approach, with a performance close to the one achieved by the Matched Filter Bound (MFB).As comunicações móveis tiveram um grande avanço na sua evolução na última década devido ao constante aumento dos requisitos dos utilizadores. O Long Term Evolution é a nova tecnologia desenvolvida para dar resposta às necessidades de uma crescente comunidade de comunicações móveis, oferecendo taxas de transmissão de dados muito mais elevadas, melhor eficiência espectral e menor latência quando comparado a tecnologias anteriores, incluindo também largura de banda escalável, interoperabilidade e roaming simples. Todas estas vantagens são possíveis devido à implementação de novas arquiteturas de rede, como a rede de acesso E-UTRAN e a rede core EPC, o uso de sistemas MIMO, e novos esquemas de múltiplo acesso: OFDMA para o downlink e SC-FDMA para o uplink. Esta tese centra-se na comunicação no sentido ascendente desta tecnologia onde o esquema utilizado é o SC-FDMA, mais especificamente na aplicação de Iterative Block Decision Feedback Equalizers (IB-DFE) onde tanto a matriz de feedback como a de feedfoward do equalizador são aplicadas no domínio da frequência. Dois esquemas IB-DFE foram implementados utilizando processamento baseado em cancelamento de interferência em paralelo (PIC) e em serie (SIC). Foi considerado um cenário ascendente onde alguns utilizadores (UEs) partilham o mesmo canal físico para transmitir a sua informação para a Estação Base (BS). È também assumido que a BS está equipada com múltiplas antenas, e os terminais dos utilizadores com uma antena apenas. O objetivo dos esquemas iterativos estudados é remover eficientemente a interferência entre utilizadores e entre portadoras, permitindo entretanto um ganho de diversidade no espaço quase ótimo. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que tanto a implementação PIC como a SIC apresentam melhor eficiência do que os habituais equalizadores lineares sub ótimos ZF e MMSE. Ambas as soluções eliminam a interferência entre utilizadores, embora o esquema SIC apresente um melhor desempenho que o PIC, aproximando- se do atingido com o Matched Filter Bound (MFB)

    LTE Advanced: Technology and Performance Analysis

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    Wireless data usage is increasing at a phenomenal rate and driving the need for continued innovations in wireless data technologies to provide more capacity and higher quality of service. In October 2009, 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) submitted LTE-Advanced to the ITU as a proposed candidate IMT-Advanced technology for which specifications could become available in 2011 through Release-10 . The aim of “LTE-Advanced” is to further enhance LTE radio access in terms of system performance and capabilities compared to current cellular systems, including the first release of LTE, with a specific goal to ensure that LTE fulfills and even surpass the requirements of “IMT-Advanced” as defined by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU-R) . This thesis offers an introduction to the mobile communication standard known as LTE Advanced, depicting the evolution of the standard from its roots and discussing several important technologies that help it evolve to accomplishing the IMT-Advanced requirements. A short history of the LTE standard is offered, along with a discussion of its standards and performance. LTE-Advanced details include analysis on the physical layer by investigating the performance of SC-FDMA and OFDMA of LTE physical layer. The investigation is done by considering different modulation schemes (QPSK, 16QAM and 64QAM) on the basis of PAPR, BER, power spectral density (PSD) and error probability by simulating the model of SC-FDMA & OFDMA. To evaluate the performance in presence of noise, an Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channel was introduced. A set of conclusions is derived from our results describing the effect of higher order modulation schemes on BER and error probability for both OFDMA and SC-FDMA. The power spectral densities of both the multiple access techniques (OFDMA and SC-FDMA) are calculated and result shows that the OFDMA has higher power spectral density.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    3G migration in Pakistan

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    The telecommunication industry in Pakistan has come a long way since the country\u27s independence in 1947. The initial era could be fairly termed as the PTCL (Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited) monopoly, for it was the sole provider of all telecommunication services across the country. It was not until four decades later that the region embarked into the new world of wireless communication, hence ending the decades old PTCL monopoly. By the end of the late 1990\u27s, government support and international investment in the region opened new doors to innovation and better quality, low cost, healthy competition. Wireless licenses for the private sector in the telecommunication industry triggered a promising chain of events that resulted in a drastic change in the telecommunication infrastructure and service profile. The newly introduced wireless (GSM) technology received enormous support from all stakeholders (consumers, regulatory body, and market) and caused a vital boost in Pakistan\u27s economy. Numerous tangential elements had triggered this vital move in the history of telecommunications in Pakistan. Entrepreneurs intended to test the idea of global joint ventures in the East and hence the idea of international business became a reality. The technology had proven to be a great success in the West, while Pakistan\u27s telecom consumer had lived under the shadow of PTCL dominance for decades and needed more flexibility. At last the world was moving from wired to wireless! Analysts termed this move as the beginning of a new era. The investors, telecommunication businesses, and Pakistani treasury prospered. It was a win-win situation for all involved. The learning curve was steep for both operators and consumers but certainly improved over time. In essence, the principle of deploying the right technology in the right market at the right time led to this remarkable success. The industry today stands on the brink of a similar crossroads via transition from second generation to something beyond. With the partial success of 3G in Europe and the USA, the government has announced the release of three 3G licenses by mid 2009. This decision is not yet fully supported by all but still initiated parallel efforts by the operators and the vendors to integrate this next move into their existing infrastructure

    Implementação numa FPGA de técnicas MIMO para os futuros sistemas de transmissão wireless- (sistemas de 4G/LTE)

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e TelecomunicaçõesThis work alludes to 4G LTE technology. Techniques used for the same technology are described namely precoding and Alamouti coding and decoding. An Alamouti’s 4G system implemented to FPGA using the Xilinx System is introduced. The work also addresses the PAPR problem due to the reference pilots in the platform being generated all in phase. In this work a random pilot generator was implemented which combats the high peak power. In the receiver it was taken into account the new generation method to perform channel estimation correctly. A technique is discussed to increase the energy efficiency of the system based on PAPR reduction.O presente trabalho faz alusão à tecnologia 4G LTE. São descritas técnicas usadas na mesma tecnologia nomeadamente de precoding e codificação e descodificação Alamouti. É introduzido um sistema Alamouti 4G implementado para FPGAs usando o programa System Generator da Xilinx. O trabalho também aborda o problema do PAPR devido aos pilotos de referência na plataforma estarem sendo gerados todos em fase. Neste trabalho, um gerador aleatório de pilotos foi implementado que combate a potência de pico (PAPR). No receptor levou-se em conta o método desta nova geração para realizar a estimativa de canal corretamente

    Técnicas de processamento com múltiplas antenas para o sistema LTE

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e TelecomunicaçõesPerformance, mobilidade e partilha podem ser consideras como as três palavras-chave nas comunicações móveis de hoje em dia. Uma das necessidades fundamentais do ser humano é a partilha de experiencias e informação. Com a evolução ao nível do hardware móvel, a crescente popularidade de smartphones, tablets e outros dispositivos moveis, fez com que a exigência em termos de capacidade e taxa de transferência por parte das redes móveis não parasse de crescer. As limitações das redes 3G fizeram com que não conseguissem corresponder a tais exigências e como tal, a transição para uma tecnologia mais robusta e eficiente passou a ser inevitável. A resposta escolhida como solução a longo prazo é a rede designada por LTE, desenvolvida pela organização 3GPP é assumido que será a rede de telecomunicações predominante no futuro. As vantagens mais sonantes são, naturalmente, elevadas taxas de transmissão, maior eficiência espectral, redução da latência e de custos de operação. As principais tecnologias em que o LTE se baseia, são o OFDM e sua variante para múltiplo acesso, OFDMA, usado para o downlink e o SC-FDMA para o uplink. Além disso, usa sistemas com múltiplas antenas para impulsionar a eficiência espectral. Apesar de já implementado em alguns países por diversas operadoras, constantes pesquisas continuam a ser realizadas com o intuito de melhorar a sua performance. Nesta dissertação é proposto um esquema duplo de codificação na frequência e no espaço (D-SFBC) para um cenário baseado em OFDM com 4 antenas de transmissão e duas antenas de recepção (4 × 2 D-SFBC) para o downlink. No cenário considerado, 4 símbolos de dados são transmitidos utilizando unicamente 2 sub-portadoras, fazendo com que, este sistema seja limitado pela interferência. Para de forma eficiente descodificar os símbolos de dados transmitidos, foi desenvolvido um equalizador iterativo no domínio da frequência. Duas abordagens são consideradas: cancelamento da interferência em paralelo (PIC) e sucessivo cancelamento de interferência (SIC). Uma vez que apenas 2 sub-portadoras são usadas para transmitir quatro símbolos de dados em paralelo, o esquema desenvolvido duplica a taxa de dados quando comparado com o esquema 2 × 2 SFBC, especificado no standard do LTE. Os esquemas desenvolvidos foram avaliados sob as especificações para LTE e usando codificação de canal. Os resultados mostram que os esquemas implementados neste trabalho utilizando um equalizador iterativo supera os convencionais equalizadores lineares na eliminação da interferência adicional introduzida, em apenas 2 ou 3 iterações.Performance, mobility and sharing can be assumed as the three keywords in the mobile communications nowadays. One of the fundamental needs of human beings is to share experiences and information. With the evolution of mobile hardware level, the growing popularity of smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices, has made that the demand in terms of capacity and throughput by mobile networks did not stop growing. Thus, the limitations of 3G stops it of being the answer of such demand, and a transition to a powerful technology has become unavoidable. The answer chosen is LTE, developed by the 3GPP organization is assumed to be the predominant telecommunications network in the future. The most relevant advantages are high transmission rates, higher spectral efficiency, reducing latency and operating costs. The key technologies in which LTE is based, are OFDM and its variant schemes for multiple access, OFDMA, used for downlink, and SC-FDMA for the uplink. It also uses multiple antennas systems in order to improve spectral efficiency. Although already implemented in some countries by several operators, continuous research is conducted in order to improve their performance. In this dissertation it is proposed a double space-frequency block coding (D-SFBC) scheme for an OFDM based scenario with 4 transmit antennas and 2 receive antennas (4×2 D-SFBC) for the downlink. In the considered scenario, 4 data symbols are transmitted by using only 2 subcarriers and thus the system is interference limited. To efficiently decode the transmitted data symbols an iterative equalizer designed in frequency domain is developed. Two approaches are considered: parallel interference cancellation (PIC) and successive interference cancellation (SIC). Since only 2 subcarriers are used to transmit 4 data symbols in parallel the developed scheme achieve the double data rate when compared with the 2×2 SFBC, specified in the LTE standard. The developed schemes were evaluated under the main LTE specifications and using channel coding. The results have show that the schemes implemented in this work using an interactive equalizer outperforms the conventional linear equalizers in the interference removal, just by using 2 or 3 iterations

    LTE Baseband Algorithms for Uplink

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    LTE is a next generation mobile system from the 3GPP with a focus on wireless broadband.The aim of LTE is to achieve high data rates in both uplink & downlink, and to achieve high spectral efficiencies.The main focus of the work is to develop baseband algorithms in the uplink in order to achieve uplinksynchronization between the user and the base station and also for the detection of the control data that is transmitted. For the base station to obtain the knowledge of the presence of the user and also about its position, the user has to transmit synchronization signals to the base station, which are transmitted on the Physical Random Access CHannel (PRACH) in LTE. These signals are used to obtain the uplink timing correction and hence synchronize with the base station. It is very important for the base station to detect the control data that has been transmitted by the user on Physical Uplink Control CHannel (PUCCH). The control data may consist of the response of the UE to the data packets that were transmitted by the base station, request for resource allocation etc.So efficient algorithms are necessary for the accurate detection of the control data at the base station. The current work presents algorithms that are essential for obtaining uplink synchronization and also for efficient detection of the control channel data

    Analysis Of Parameters In Long Term Evolution (lte) Technology

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2010Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2010Bu çalışmada, 4. nesil iletişimde kullanılmaya aday LTE teknolojisi incelenmiştir. LTE 2. nesil ve 3.nesil iletişimi de geliştiren 3GPP tarafından standartları belirlenen 4.nesil iletişimde kullanılmaya aday bir teknolojidir. 4. nesil iletişimin teknik spesifikasyonları ITU tarafından IMT-Advanced sistemleri olarak belirlenmiştir. LTE’nin tam olarak IMT-Advanced sistemlerinin ihtiyaçlarını karşılaması için LTE Advanced olarak 3GPP tarafından tekrar düzenlenmiştir. Bu çalışmada LTE teknolojisinin şu anda telekomünikasyon servis sağlayıcılarının da kullandığı TS36.942 de yer alan parametreler kullanılarak Matlab programında benzetimi gerçekleştirilmiştir. LTE ve LTE Advanced temel olarak aynı yapıyı içerdiğinden. LTE sisteminin analizinin LTE Advanced hakkında da fikir sağlayacağı düşünülmüştür. Benzetimde bandgenişliği, anten sayısı ve kanal yapısı gibi değişkenler kullanılıp bit hata oranı ve veri hızı grafikleri çıkartılmıştır. Sonuç olarak kanal yapısının AWGN ve band genişliğinin 20 MHz seçildiği durumlarda en yüksek veri hızı değerlerine(yaklaşık olarak 60 Mbps) kabul edilebilir bit hata oranlarında (%10) ulaşılmıştır. Ulaşılan veri hızı değerleri Shannon’un sistem kapasite formülü ile hesaplanıp(yaklaşık olarak 70 Mbps) karşılaştırma yapılmıştır. Böylece benzetimde bulunan throughput değerlerinin teorik olarak ta yeterli yakınsaklığı sağladığı gözlenmiştir. Diğer kanal yapılarında kullanıcıların hareketli olduğu (Pedestrain) veya kanalın Rayleigh sönümlenmesine uğradığı durumlarda AWGN kanal yapısı kadar yüksek throughput değerleri elde edilememiştir. Bunun nedeni bu kanal tiplerinde çoklu kullanıcı yer alması ve kanal karakteristiklerinin veri hızını azaltması olarak düşünülmüştür. Servis sağlayıcılarının hali hazırda kullandığı LTE teknolojisi 20 MHz band genişliği ve aynı çoklu anten yapısında elde ettiği throughput değerleri 20 ile 80 Mbps olduğu düşünüldüğünde LTE Advanced teknolojisinin tam olarak IMT-Advanced sistemlerinin ihtiyacı olan 100 Mbps throughput değerlerini karşılayabileceği düşünülmektedir.. Araştırma sonucunda LTE teknolojisinin diğer rakip WiMAX teknolojisine göre 4. nesil iletişim için daha avantajlı olduğu kanaatine varılmıştır. 2010 Kasım ayında ITU (Uluslararası Telekomünikasyon Birliği) de LTE Advanced teknolojisini 4. nesil olarak onaylamıştır. Şu anda dokuz tane Telekom servis sağlayıcısı LTE teknolojisini kullanmaktadır. WiMAX, CDMA ve GSM operatörlerinin de içinde bulunduğu 250 den fazla servis sağlayıcısı da resmi olarak LTE teknolojisiyle gelecek nesil teknolojilerde kullanmak üzere ilgilendiğini açıklamıştır. Sonuç olarak LTE önümüzdeki 10 senede LTE Advanced olarak 4. nesil iletişim için en öne çıkan seçenek olarak durmaktadır.In this study, LTE which are candidates to provide technical requirements of 4G (Fourth Generation) networks are analyzed. The technical specifications for 4G are included in IMT Advanced which is announced by ITU (International Telecommunication Union). It is explained that LTE could not comply full requirement for 4G and it is expected LTE advanced will provide full requirements. In this study, technical specifications which are used by telecommunication provider in TS36.942 were used then LTE network is simulated in Matlab program according to these parameters. In simulation, the bandwidth, antenna techniques and channel types were set as variables and the system was simulated according to different bandwidth, channel types and multiple antennas. Then BLER and throughput were analyzed for different situation. The maximum throughput (approximately 60 Mbps) could be obtained in AWGN channel when the bandwidth is 20MHz and BLER is smaller than 10% which was acceptable. The results were also calculated according to Shannon capacity formula (approximately 70 Mbps) and it was seen that expected throughput for AWGN was obtained in simulator. In contrast to AWGN channel high throughput could not be obtained in other channel types which are Pedestrain and Rayleigh fading channell. It is thought that the following parameters decrease the throughput in these two channel types. Multiple Users (2) were tested in other two channel types that decreases throughput. Mobility and the characteristic of channel types also decreased throughput. In simulation, LTE recommended high data rate which is near to the target of 4G defined by ITU and also currently used LTE networks offer speeds in mobile broadband services between 20-80 Mbit/s with a maximum speed of 100 Mbit/s for 20 MHz bandwidth in 2.5GHz frequency so it could be expected that LTE Advanced will comply full requirements of IMT-Advanced systems. In conclusion, it is thought that LTE has become technology platform for 4G when it is compared to other competing technology, WiMAX. ITU (International Telecommunication Union) also confirmed LTE-Advanced as 4G in November 2010. Currently, nine telecommunication providers have already launched LTE in 2010 and an additional 11 expected before the end of the year. More than 250 companies have publicly expressed interest in deploying LTE networks, including CDMA, WiMAX and GSM operators. So that LTE is expected to be the leading choice for next-generation OFDMA networks over the next decade for all wireless carriers.Yüksek LisansM.Sc