4 research outputs found

    Binocular Rivalry Oriented Predictive Auto-Encoding Network for Blind Stereoscopic Image Quality Measurement

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    Stereoscopic image quality measurement (SIQM) has become increasingly important for guiding stereo image processing and commutation systems due to the widespread usage of 3D contents. Compared with conventional methods which are relied on hand-crafted features, deep learning oriented measurements have achieved remarkable performance in recent years. However, most existing deep SIQM evaluators are not specifically built for stereoscopic contents and consider little prior domain knowledge of the 3D human visual system (HVS) in network design. In this paper, we develop a Predictive Auto-encoDing Network (PAD-Net) for blind/No-Reference stereoscopic image quality measurement. In the first stage, inspired by the predictive coding theory that the cognition system tries to match bottom-up visual signal with top-down predictions, we adopt the encoder-decoder architecture to reconstruct the distorted inputs. Besides, motivated by the binocular rivalry phenomenon, we leverage the likelihood and prior maps generated from the predictive coding process in the Siamese framework for assisting SIQM. In the second stage, quality regression network is applied to the fusion image for acquiring the perceptual quality prediction. The performance of PAD-Net has been extensively evaluated on three benchmark databases and the superiority has been well validated on both symmetrically and asymmetrically distorted stereoscopic images under various distortion types

    A blind stereoscopic image quality evaluator with segmented stacked autoencoders considering the whole visual perception route

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    Most of the current blind stereoscopic image quality assessment (SIQA) algorithms cannot show reliable accuracy. One reason is that they do not have the deep architectures and the other reason is that they are designed on the relatively weak biological basis, compared with findings on human visual system (HVS). In this paper, we propose a Deep Edge and COlor Signal INtegrity Evaluator (DECOSINE) based on the whole visual perception route from eyes to the frontal lobe, and especially focus on edge and color signal processing in retinal ganglion cells (RGC) and lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN). Furthermore, to model the complex and deep structure of the visual cortex, Segmented Stacked Auto-encoder (S-SAE) is used, which has not utilized for SIQA before. The utilization of the S-SAE complements weakness of deep learning-based SIQA metrics that require a very long training time. Experiments are conducted on popular SIQA databases, and the superiority of DECOSINE in terms of prediction accuracy and monotonicity is proved. The experimental results show that our model about the whole visual perception route and utilization of S-SAE are effective for SIQA