13 research outputs found

    Ordinal Boltzmann machines for collaborative filtering

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    Collaborative filtering is an effective recommendation technique wherein the preference of an individual can potentially be predicted based on preferences of other members. Early algorithms often relied on the strong locality in the preference data, that is, it is enough to predict preference of a user on a particular item based on a small subset of other users with similar tastes or of other items with similar properties. More recently, dimensionality reduction techniques have proved to be equally competitive, and these are based on the co-occurrence patterns rather than locality. This paper explores and extends a probabilistic model known as Boltzmann Machine for collaborative filtering tasks. It seamlessly integrates both the similarity and cooccurrence in a principled manner. In particular, we study parameterisation options to deal with the ordinal nature of the preferences, and propose a joint modelling of both the user-based and item-based processes. Experiments on moderate and large-scale movie recommendation show that our framework rivals existing well-known methods

    Hybrid Collaborative Filtering with Autoencoders

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    Collaborative Filtering aims at exploiting the feedback of users to provide personalised recommendations. Such algorithms look for latent variables in a large sparse matrix of ratings. They can be enhanced by adding side information to tackle the well-known cold start problem. While Neu-ral Networks have tremendous success in image and speech recognition, they have received less attention in Collaborative Filtering. This is all the more surprising that Neural Networks are able to discover latent variables in large and heterogeneous datasets. In this paper, we introduce a Collaborative Filtering Neural network architecture aka CFN which computes a non-linear Matrix Factorization from sparse rating inputs and side information. We show experimentally on the MovieLens and Douban dataset that CFN outper-forms the state of the art and benefits from side information. We provide an implementation of the algorithm as a reusable plugin for Torch, a popular Neural Network framework

    Neural Collaborative Filtering

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    In recent years, deep neural networks have yielded immense success on speech recognition, computer vision and natural language processing. However, the exploration of deep neural networks on recommender systems has received relatively less scrutiny. In this work, we strive to develop techniques based on neural networks to tackle the key problem in recommendation -- collaborative filtering -- on the basis of implicit feedback. Although some recent work has employed deep learning for recommendation, they primarily used it to model auxiliary information, such as textual descriptions of items and acoustic features of musics. When it comes to model the key factor in collaborative filtering -- the interaction between user and item features, they still resorted to matrix factorization and applied an inner product on the latent features of users and items. By replacing the inner product with a neural architecture that can learn an arbitrary function from data, we present a general framework named NCF, short for Neural network-based Collaborative Filtering. NCF is generic and can express and generalize matrix factorization under its framework. To supercharge NCF modelling with non-linearities, we propose to leverage a multi-layer perceptron to learn the user-item interaction function. Extensive experiments on two real-world datasets show significant improvements of our proposed NCF framework over the state-of-the-art methods. Empirical evidence shows that using deeper layers of neural networks offers better recommendation performance.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Mixed-variate restricted Boltzmann machines

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    Modern datasets are becoming heterogeneous. To this end, we present in this paper Mixed- Variate Restricted Boltzmann Machines for simultaneously modelling variables of multiple types and modalities, including binary and continuous responses, categorical options, multicategorical choices, ordinal assessment and category-ranked preferences. Dependency among variables is modeled using latent binary variables, each of which can be interpreted as a particular hidden aspect of the data. The proposed model, similar to the standard RBMs, allows fast evaluation of the posterior for the latent variables. Hence, it is naturally suitable for many common tasks including, but not limited to, (a) as a pre-processing step to convert complex input data into a more convenient vectorial representation through the latent posteriors, thereby oering a dimensionality reduction capacity, (b) as a classier supporting binary, multiclass, multilabel, and label-ranking outputs, or a regression tool for continuous outputs and (c) as a data completion tool for multimodal and heterogeneous data. We evaluate the proposed model on a large-scale dataset using the world opinion survey results on three tasks: feature extraction and visualization, data completion and prediction.<br /