3,905 research outputs found

    Direct Access for Conjunctive Queries with Negation

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    Given a conjunctive query QQ and a database D\mathbf{D}, a direct access to the answers of QQ over D\mathbf{D} is the operation of returning, given an index jj, the jthj^{\mathsf{th}} answer for some order on its answers. While this problem is #P\#\mathsf{P}-hard in general with respect to combined complexity, many conjunctive queries have an underlying structure that allows for a direct access to their answers for some lexicographical ordering that takes polylogarithmic time in the size of the database after a polynomial time precomputation. Previous work has precisely characterised the tractable classes and given fine-grained lower bounds on the precomputation time needed depending on the structure of the query. In this paper, we generalise these tractability results to the case of signed conjunctive queries, that is, conjunctive queries that may contain negative atoms. Our technique is based on a class of circuits that can represent relational data. We first show that this class supports tractable direct access after a polynomial time preprocessing. We then give bounds on the size of the circuit needed to represent the answer set of signed conjunctive queries depending on their structure. Both results combined together allow us to prove the tractability of direct access for a large class of conjunctive queries. On the one hand, we recover the known tractable classes from the literature in the case of positive conjunctive queries. On the other hand, we generalise and unify known tractability results about negative conjunctive queries -- that is, queries having only negated atoms. In particular, we show that the class of β\beta-acyclic negative conjunctive queries and the class of bounded nest set width negative conjunctive queries admit tractable direct access

    Querying the Guarded Fragment

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    Evaluating a Boolean conjunctive query Q against a guarded first-order theory F is equivalent to checking whether "F and not Q" is unsatisfiable. This problem is relevant to the areas of database theory and description logic. Since Q may not be guarded, well known results about the decidability, complexity, and finite-model property of the guarded fragment do not obviously carry over to conjunctive query answering over guarded theories, and had been left open in general. By investigating finite guarded bisimilar covers of hypergraphs and relational structures, and by substantially generalising Rosati's finite chase, we prove for guarded theories F and (unions of) conjunctive queries Q that (i) Q is true in each model of F iff Q is true in each finite model of F and (ii) determining whether F implies Q is 2EXPTIME-complete. We further show the following results: (iii) the existence of polynomial-size conformal covers of arbitrary hypergraphs; (iv) a new proof of the finite model property of the clique-guarded fragment; (v) the small model property of the guarded fragment with optimal bounds; (vi) a polynomial-time solution to the canonisation problem modulo guarded bisimulation, which yields (vii) a capturing result for guarded bisimulation invariant PTIME.Comment: This is an improved and extended version of the paper of the same title presented at LICS 201

    On Low Treewidth Approximations of Conjunctive Queries

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    We recently initiated the study of approximations of conjunctive queries within classes that admit tractable query evaluation (with respect to combined complexity). Those include classes of acyclic, bounded treewidth, or bounded hypertreewidth queries. Such approximations are always guaranteed to exist. However, while for acyclic and bounded hypertreewidth queries we have shown a number of examples of interesting approximations, for queries of bounded treewidth the study had been restricted to queries over graphs, where such approximations usually trivialize. In this note we show that for relations of arity greater than two, the notion of low treewidth approximations is a rich one, as many queries possess them. In fact we look at approximations of queries of maximum possible treewidth by queries of minimum possible treewidth (i.e., one), and show that even in this case the structure of approximations remain rather rich as long as input relations are not binary

    Tree-width for first order formulae

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    We introduce tree-width for first order formulae \phi, fotw(\phi). We show that computing fotw is fixed-parameter tractable with parameter fotw. Moreover, we show that on classes of formulae of bounded fotw, model checking is fixed parameter tractable, with parameter the length of the formula. This is done by translating a formula \phi\ with fotw(\phi)<k into a formula of the k-variable fragment L^k of first order logic. For fixed k, the question whether a given first order formula is equivalent to an L^k formula is undecidable. In contrast, the classes of first order formulae with bounded fotw are fragments of first order logic for which the equivalence is decidable. Our notion of tree-width generalises tree-width of conjunctive queries to arbitrary formulae of first order logic by taking into account the quantifier interaction in a formula. Moreover, it is more powerful than the notion of elimination-width of quantified constraint formulae, defined by Chen and Dalmau (CSL 2005): for quantified constraint formulae, both bounded elimination-width and bounded fotw allow for model checking in polynomial time. We prove that fotw of a quantified constraint formula \phi\ is bounded by the elimination-width of \phi, and we exhibit a class of quantified constraint formulae with bounded fotw, that has unbounded elimination-width. A similar comparison holds for strict tree-width of non-recursive stratified datalog as defined by Flum, Frick, and Grohe (JACM 49, 2002). Finally, we show that fotw has a characterization in terms of a cops and robbers game without monotonicity cost

    Logics for Unranked Trees: An Overview

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    Labeled unranked trees are used as a model of XML documents, and logical languages for them have been studied actively over the past several years. Such logics have different purposes: some are better suited for extracting data, some for expressing navigational properties, and some make it easy to relate complex properties of trees to the existence of tree automata for those properties. Furthermore, logics differ significantly in their model-checking properties, their automata models, and their behavior on ordered and unordered trees. In this paper we present a survey of logics for unranked trees

    Converging to the Chase - a Tool for Finite Controllability

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    We solve a problem, stated in [CGP10], showing that Sticky Datalog, defined in the cited paper as an element of the Datalog\pm project, has the finite controllability property. In order to do that, we develop a technique, which we believe can have further applications, of approximating Chase(D, T), for a database instance D and some sets of tuple generating dependencies T, by an infinite sequence of finite structures, all of them being models of T
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