19,783 research outputs found

    Autocontinuity and convergence theorems for the Choquet integral

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    Our aim is to provide some convergence theorems for the Choquet integral with respect to various notions of convergence. For instance, the dominated convergence theorem for almost uniform convergence is related to autocontinuous set functions. Autocontinuity can also be related to convergence in measure, strict convergence or mean convergence. Whereas the monotone convergence theorem for almost uniform convergence is related to monotone autocontinuity, a weaker version than autocontinuity.

    Geometric properties of noncommutative symmetric spaces of measurable operators and unitary matrix ideals

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    This is a survey article of geometric properties of noncommutative symmetric spaces of measurable operators E(M,τ)E(\mathcal{M},\tau), where M\mathcal{M} is a semifinite von Neumann algebra with a faithful, normal, semifinite trace τ\tau, and EE is a symmetric function space. If E⊂c0E\subset c_0 is a symmetric sequence space then the analogous properties in the unitary matrix ideals CEC_E are also presented. In the preliminaries we provide basic definitions and concepts illustrated by some examples and occasional proofs. In particular we list and discuss the properties of general singular value function, submajorization in the sense of Hardy, Littlewood and P\'olya, K\"othe duality, the spaces Lp(M,τ)L_p(\mathcal{M},\tau), 1≤p<∞1\le p<\infty, the identification between CEC_E and G(B(H),tr)G(B(H), \rm{tr}) for some symmetric function space GG, the commutative case when EE is identified with E(N,τ)E(\mathcal{N}, \tau) for N\mathcal{N} isometric to L∞L_\infty with the standard integral trace, trace preserving ∗*-isomorphisms between EE and a ∗*-subalgebra of E(M,τ)E(\mathcal{M},\tau), and a general method of removing the assumption of non-atomicity of M\mathcal{M}. The main results on geometric properties are given in separate sections. We present the results on (complex) extreme points, (complex) strict convexity, strong extreme points and midpoint local uniform convexity, kk-extreme points and kk-convexity, (complex or local) uniform convexity, smoothness and strong smoothness, (strongly) exposed points, (uniform) Kadec-Klee properties, Banach-Saks properties, Radon-Nikod\'ym property and stability in the sense of Krivine-Maurey. We also state some open problems
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