68 research outputs found

    \pi N scattering in relativistic baryon chiral perturbation theory revisited

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    We have analyzed pion-nucleon scattering using the manifestly relativistic covariant framework of Infrared Regularization up to {\cal O}(q^3) in the chiral expansion, where q is a generic small momentum. We describe the low-energy phase shifts with a similar quality as previously achieved with Heavy Baryon Chiral Perturbation Theory, \sqrt{s}\lesssim1.14 GeV. New values are provided for the {\cal O}(q^2) and {\cal O}(q^3) low-energy constants, which are compared with previous determinations. This is also the case for the scattering lengths and volumes. Finally, we have unitarized the previous amplitudes and as a result the energy range where data are reproduced increases significantly.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figures, 5 table

    Prototype selection for parameter estimation in complex models

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    Parameter estimation in astrophysics often requires the use of complex physical models. In this paper we study the problem of estimating the parameters that describe star formation history (SFH) in galaxies. Here, high-dimensional spectral data from galaxies are appropriately modeled as linear combinations of physical components, called simple stellar populations (SSPs), plus some nonlinear distortions. Theoretical data for each SSP is produced for a fixed parameter vector via computer modeling. Though the parameters that define each SSP are continuous, optimizing the signal model over a large set of SSPs on a fine parameter grid is computationally infeasible and inefficient. The goal of this study is to estimate the set of parameters that describes the SFH of each galaxy. These target parameters, such as the average ages and chemical compositions of the galaxy's stellar populations, are derived from the SSP parameters and the component weights in the signal model. Here, we introduce a principled approach of choosing a small basis of SSP prototypes for SFH parameter estimation. The basic idea is to quantize the vector space and effective support of the model components. In addition to greater computational efficiency, we achieve better estimates of the SFH target parameters. In simulations, our proposed quantization method obtains a substantial improvement in estimating the target parameters over the common method of employing a parameter grid. Sparse coding techniques are not appropriate for this problem without proper constraints, while constrained sparse coding methods perform poorly for parameter estimation because their objective is signal reconstruction, not estimation of the target parameters.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/11-AOAS500 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Traveling waves for nonlinear Schr\"odinger equations with nonzero conditions at infinity, II

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    We prove the existence of nontrivial finite energy traveling waves for a large class of nonlinear Schr\"odinger equations with nonzero conditions at infinity (includindg the Gross-Pitaevskii and the so-called "cubic-quintic" equations) in space dimension N2 N \geq 2. We show that minimization of the energy at fixed momentum can be used whenever the associated nonlinear potential is nonnegative and it gives a set of orbitally stable traveling waves, while minimization of the action at constant kinetic energy can be used in all cases. We also explore the relationship between the families of traveling waves obtained by different methods and we prove a sharp nonexistence result for traveling waves with small energy.Comment: Final version, accepted for publication in the {\it Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis.} The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00205-017-1131-

    Photoemission Orbital Tomography Using Robust Sparse PhaseLift

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    Photoemission orbital tomography (POT) from photoelectron momentum maps (PMMs) has enabled detailed analysis of the shape and energy of molecular orbitals in the adsorbed state. This study proposes a new POT method based on the PhaseLift. Molecular orbitals, including three-dimensional phases, can be identified from a single PMM by actively providing atomic positions and basis. Moreover, our method is robust to noise and can perfectly discriminate adsorption-induced molecular deformations with an accuracy of 0.05 [angstrom]. Our new method enables simultaneous analysis of the three-dimensional shapes of molecules and molecular orbitals and thus paves the way for advanced quantum-mechanical interpretation of adsorption-induced electronic state changes and photo-excited inter-molecular interactions.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Iterative CT reconstruction from few projections for the nondestructive post irradiation examination of nuclear fuel assemblies

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    The core components (e.g. fuel assemblies, spacer grids, control rods) of the nuclear reactors encounter harsh environment due to high temperature, physical stress, and a tremendous level of radiation. The integrity of these elements is crucial for safe operation of the nuclear power plants. The Post Irradiation Examination (PIE) can reveal information about the integrity of the elements during normal operations and off‐normal events. Computed tomography (CT) is a tool for evaluating the structural integrity of elements non-destructively. CT requires many projections to be acquired from different view angles after which a mathematical algorithm is adopted for reconstruction. Obtaining many projections is laborious and expensive in nuclear industries. Reconstructions from a small number of projections are explored to achieve faster and cost-efficient PIE. Classical reconstruction algorithms (e.g. filtered back projection) cannot offer stable reconstructions from few projections and create severe streaking artifacts. In this thesis, conventional algorithms are reviewed, and new algorithms are developed for reconstructions of the nuclear fuel assemblies using few projections. CT reconstruction from few projections falls into two categories: the sparse-view CT and the limited-angle CT or tomosynthesis. Iterative reconstruction algorithms are developed for both cases in the field of compressed sensing (CS). The performance of the algorithms is assessed using simulated projections and validated through real projections. The thesis also describes the systematic strategy towards establishing the conditions of reconstructions and finds the optimal imaging parameters for reconstructions of the fuel assemblies from few projections. --Abstract, page iii

    Rotation-Invariant Random Features Provide a Strong Baseline for Machine Learning on 3D Point Clouds

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    Rotational invariance is a popular inductive bias used by many fields in machine learning, such as computer vision and machine learning for quantum chemistry. Rotation-invariant machine learning methods set the state of the art for many tasks, including molecular property prediction and 3D shape classification. These methods generally either rely on task-specific rotation-invariant features, or they use general-purpose deep neural networks which are complicated to design and train. However, it is unclear whether the success of these methods is primarily due to the rotation invariance or the deep neural networks. To address this question, we suggest a simple and general-purpose method for learning rotation-invariant functions of three-dimensional point cloud data using a random features approach. Specifically, we extend the random features method of Rahimi & Recht 2007 by deriving a version that is invariant to three-dimensional rotations and showing that it is fast to evaluate on point cloud data. We show through experiments that our method matches or outperforms the performance of general-purpose rotation-invariant neural networks on standard molecular property prediction benchmark datasets QM7 and QM9. We also show that our method is general-purpose and provides a rotation-invariant baseline on the ModelNet40 shape classification task. Finally, we show that our method has an order of magnitude smaller prediction latency than competing kernel methods