40,046 research outputs found

    More Polish full groups

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    We associate to every action of a Polish group on a standard probability space a Polish group that we call the orbit full group. For discrete groups, we recover the well-known full groups of pmp equivalence relations equipped with the uniform topology. However, there are many new examples, such as orbit full groups associated to measure preserving actions of locally compact groups. In fact, we show that such full groups are complete invariants of orbit equivalence. We give various characterizations of the existence of a dense conjugacy class for orbit full groups, and we show that the ergodic ones actually have a unique Polish group topology. Furthermore, we characterize ergodic full groups of countable pmp equivalence relations as those admitting non-trivial continuous character representations.Comment: Comments welcome

    Approximations of standard equivalence relations and Bernoulli percolation at p\_u

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    The goal of this note is to announce certain results in orbit equivalence theory, especially concerning the approximation of p.m.p. standard equivalence relations by increasing sequence of sub-relations, with applications to the behavior of the Bernoulli percolation on graphs at the threshold pu. R\'esum\'e en Fran\c{c}ais. Approximations de relations d'\'equivalence standards et percolation de Bernoulli \`a p\_u
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