6 research outputs found

    Short Text Message Based Infusion Fluid Level Monitoring System

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    Liquids or medications administered through intravenous systems (infusion) is necessary when a patient requires immediate medication or requires slowly and continuously administered medications. This method is considered adequate in certain situations; however, the liquids/medications administration of through infusion has a risk when the nurse is late in replacing intravenous fluid. In this study, the system was designed to monitor the fluid infusion level by utilizing a short text message system. This system will provide information when the infusion fluid level is at 50 ml, 20 ml, and 0 via SMS. Moreover, a buzzer is utilized that acts as an alarm when the reaching 20 ml level, and infusion fluid have not been replaced yet, and when the intravenous fluid does not drip. Infra-red sensors and photodiodes are used to detect intravenous droplets of fluid, which are then used to calculate fluids' volume. The system is controlled using an Atmega 328 microcontroller. SIM Modem 900 is used to send SMS. Based on tests carried out, infusion fluid level monitoring systems have excellent performance. The percentage of system errors when detecting fluid level infuse is 1,21%. The function of sending fluid level information through SMS also works wel

    Monitoring Cairan Infus Menggunakan Load Cell Berbasis Internet of Things (IoT)

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    Pemantauan infus pada pasien di fasilitas kesehatan oleh tenaga kesehatan merupakan hal yang sangat penting karena merupakan bagian dari salah satu terapi pengobatan pasien. Hal ini menjadi sangat penting karena keterlambatan penggantian infus maupun adanya perbedaan kecepatan aliran infus pada pasien dapat berakibat fatal bagi pasien yang dirawat. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan suatu sistem yang bertujuan untuk memudahkan perawat dalam memantau kondisi volume infus dan jumlah tetesan infus per menit dari pasien yang dirawat. Monitoring cairan infus ini menggunakan sensor Load Cell untuk mengukur volume infus dan sensor InfraRed untuk mendeteksi jumlah tetesan infus per menit aliran. Platform web monitoring sistem ini digunakan untuk menampilkan kondisi volume infus dan tetesan per menit secara real-time. Tingkat ketelitian pengukuran sensor Load Cell mencapai 99,8%, dan sensor InfraRed mampu mendeteksi jumlah tetesan infus per menit. Platform web memiliki jeda waktu 10-30 detik dalam menampilkan hasil pengukuran, tergantung kepada kecepatan jaringan internet yang digunakan

    Bio-Inspired Micromachined Volumetric Flow Sensor with a Big Dynamic Range for Intravenous Systems

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    Real-time monitoring of drug delivery in an intravenous infusion system can prevent injury caused by improper drug doses. As the medicine must be administered into the vein at different rates and doses in different people, an ideal intravenous infusion system requires both a low flow rate and large dynamic range monitoring. In this study, a bio-inspired and micromachined volumetric flow sensor is presented for the biomedical application of an intravenous system. This was realized by integrating two sensing units with different sensitivities on one silicon die to achieve a large dynamic range of the volumetric flow rate. The sensor was coated with a parylene layer for waterproofing and biocompatibility purposes. A new packaging scheme incorporating a silicon die into a flow channel was employed to demonstrate the working prototype. The test results indicate that the sensor can detect a volumetric flow rate as low as 2 mL/h, and its dynamic range is from 2 mL/h to 200 mL/h. The sensor performed better than the other two commercial sensors for low-flow detection. The high sensitivity, low cost, and small size of this flow sensor make it promising for intravenous applications

    Opto-Electronic System for Intravenous Infusion Monitoring

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    Intravenous (IV) infusion is the administration of fluids directly into the blood stream through the vein. Gravity fed IV-infusion can be affected by errors and requires constant monitoring. The opto-electronic system presented here accurately tracks the fluid flow and assists the user in monitoring the infusion sessions by generating alerts on detection of errors. The system generates alerts upon detecting significant deviation from set drip rate. The system keeps track of total volume infused and alerts when a desired volume is about to be administered. Prototype system was tested in laboratory conditions and was found to be accurate within 4% of independently measured infusion volume. Such a device offers a potential solution to reduce the risks associated with the IV infusion therapy especially in low-resource setting or during delivery of IV therapy at home