866 research outputs found

    Scaling Distributed Cache Hierarchies through Computation and Data Co-Scheduling

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    Cache hierarchies are increasingly non-uniform, so for systems to scale efficiently, data must be close to the threads that use it. Moreover, cache capacity is limited and contended among threads, introducing complex capacity/latency tradeoffs. Prior NUCA schemes have focused on managing data to reduce access latency, but have ignored thread placement; and applying prior NUMA thread placement schemes to NUCA is inefficient, as capacity, not bandwidth, is the main constraint. We present CDCS, a technique to jointly place threads and data in multicores with distributed shared caches. We develop novel monitoring hardware that enables fine-grained space allocation on large caches, and data movement support to allow frequent full-chip reconfigurations. On a 64-core system, CDCS outperforms an S-NUCA LLC by 46% on average (up to 76%) in weighted speedup and saves 36% of system energy. CDCS also outperforms state-of-the-art NUCA schemes under different thread scheduling policies.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CCF-1318384)Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (Jacobs Presidential Fellowship)United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (PERFECT Contract HR0011-13-2-0005

    Jenga: Harnessing Heterogeneous Memories through Reconfigurable Cache Hierarchies

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    Conventional memory systems are organized as a rigid hierarchy, with multiple levels of progressively larger and slower memories. Hierarchy allows a simple, fixed design to benefit a wide range of applications, because working sets settle at the smallest (and fastest) level they fit in. However, rigid hierarchies also cause significant overheads, because each level adds latency and energy even when it does not capture the working set. In emerging systems with heterogeneous memory technologies such as stacked DRAM, these overheads often limit performance and efficiency. We propose Jenga, a reconfigurable cache hierarchy that avoids these pathologies and approaches the performance of a hierarchy optimized for each application. Jenga monitors application behavior and dynamically builds virtual cache hierarchies out of heterogeneous, distributed cache banks. Jenga uses simple hardware support and a novel software runtime to configure virtual cache hierarchies. On a 36-core CMP with a 1 GB stacked-DRAM cache, Jenga outperforms a combination of state-of-the-art techniques by 10% on average and by up to 36%, and does so while saving energy, improving system-wide energy-delay product by 29% on average and by up to 96%

    CoolCloud: improving energy efficiency in virtualized data centers

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    In recent years, cloud computing services continue to grow and has become more pervasive and indispensable in people\u27s lives. The energy consumption continues to rise as more and more data centers are being built. How to provide a more energy efficient data center infrastructure that can support today\u27s cloud computing services has become one of the most important issues in the field of cloud computing research. In this thesis, we mainly tackle three research problems: 1. how to achieve energy savings in a virtualized data center environment; 2. how to maintain service level agreements; 3. how to make our design practical for actual implementation in enterprise data centers. Combining all the studies above, we propose an optimization framework named CoolCloud to minimize energy consumption in virtualized data centers with the service level agreement taken into consideration. The proposed framework minimizes energy at two different layers: (1) minimize local server energy using dynamic voltage \& frequency scaling (DVFS) exploiting runtime program phases. (2) minimize global cluster energy using dynamic mapping between virtual machines (VMs) and servers based on each VM\u27s resource requirement. Such optimization leads to the most economical way to operate an enterprise data center. On each local server, we develop a voltage and frequency scheduler that can provide CPU energy savings under applications\u27 or virtual machines\u27 specified SLA requirements by exploiting applications\u27 run-time program phases. At the cluster level, we propose a practical solution for managing the mappings of VMs to physical servers. This framework solves the problem of finding the most energy efficient way (least resource wastage and least power consumption) of placing the VMs considering their resource requirements

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationIn recent years, a number of trends have started to emerge, both in microprocessor and application characteristics. As per Moore's law, the number of cores on chip will keep doubling every 18-24 months. International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) reports that wires will continue to scale poorly, exacerbating the cost of on-chip communication. Cores will have to navigate an on-chip network to access data that may be scattered across many cache banks. The number of pins on the package, and hence available off-chip bandwidth, will at best increase at sublinear rate and at worst, stagnate. A number of disruptive memory technologies, e.g., phase change memory (PCM) have begun to emerge and will be integrated into the memory hierarchy sooner than later, leading to non-uniform memory access (NUMA) hierarchies. This will make the cost of accessing main memory even higher. In previous years, most of the focus has been on deciding the memory hierarchy level where data must be placed (L1 or L2 caches, main memory, disk, etc.). However, in modern and future generations, each level is getting bigger and its design is being subjected to a number of constraints (wire delays, power budget, etc.). It is becoming very important to make an intelligent decision about where data must be placed within a level. For example, in a large non-uniform access cache (NUCA), we must figure out the optimal bank. Similarly, in a multi-dual inline memory module (DIMM) non uniform memory access (NUMA) main memory, we must figure out the DIMM that is the optimal home for every data page. Studies have indicated that heterogeneous main memory hierarchies that incorporate multiple memory technologies are on the horizon. We must develop solutions for data management that take heterogeneity into account. For these memory organizations, we must again identify the appropriate home for data. In this dissertation, we attempt to verify the following thesis statement: "Can low-complexity hardware and OS mechanisms manage data placement within each memory hierarchy level to optimize metrics such as performance and/or throughput?" In this dissertation we argue for a hardware-software codesign approach to tackle the above mentioned problems at different levels of the memory hierarchy. The proposed methods utilize techniques like page coloring and shadow addresses and are able to handle a large number of problems ranging from managing wire-delays in large, shared NUCA caches to distributing shared capacity among different cores. We then examine data-placement issues in NUMA main memory for a many-core processor with a moderate number of on-chip memory controllers. Using codesign approaches, we achieve efficient data placement by modifying the operating system's (OS) page allocation algorithm for a wide variety of main memory architectures

    ARCc: A case for an architecturally redundant cache-coherence architecture for large multicores

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    This paper proposes an architecturally redundant cache-coherence architecture (ARCc) that combines the directory and shared-NUCA based coherence protocols to improve performance, energy and dependability. Both coherence mechanisms co-exist in the hardware and ARCc enables seamless transition between the two protocols. We present an online analytical model implemented in the hardware that predicts performance and triggers a transition between the two coherence protocols at application-level granularity. The ARCc architecture delivers up to 1.6Ă— higher performance and up to 1.5Ă— lower energy consumption compared to the directory-based counterpart. It does so by identifying applications which benefit from the large shared cache capacity of shared-NUCA because of lower off-chip accesses, or where remote-cache word accesses are efficient.United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA UHPC Program

    Scalable directoryless shared memory coherence using execution migration

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    We introduce the concept of deadlock-free migration-based coherent shared memory to the NUCA family of architectures. Migration-based architectures move threads among cores to guarantee sequential semantics in large multicores. Using a execution migration (EM) architecture, we achieve performance comparable to directory-based architectures without using directories: avoiding automatic data replication significantly reduces cache miss rates, while a fast network-level thread migration scheme takes advantage of shared data locality to reduce remote cache accesses that limit traditional NUCA performance. EM area and energy consumption are very competitive, and, on the average, it outperforms a directory-based MOESI baseline by 6.8% and a traditional S-NUCA design by 9.2%. We argue that with EM scaling performance has much lower cost and design complexity than in directory-based coherence and traditional NUCA architectures: by merely scaling network bandwidth from 128 to 256 (512) bit flits, the performance of our architecture improves by an additional 8% (12%), while the baselines show negligible improvement

    Cache Equalizer: A Cache Pressure Aware Block Placement Scheme for Large-Scale Chip Multiprocessors

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    This paper describes Cache Equalizer (CE), a novel distributed cache management scheme for large scale chip multiprocessors (CMPs). Our work is motivated by large asymmetry in cache sets usages. CE decouples the physical locations of cache blocks from their addresses for the sake of reducing misses caused by destructive interferences. Temporal pressure at the on-chip last-level cache, is continuously collected at a group (comprised of cache sets) granularity, and periodically recorded at the memory controller to guide the placement process. An incoming block is consequently placed at a cache group that exhibits the minimum pressure. CE provides Quality of Service (QoS) by robustly offering better performance than the baseline shared NUCA cache. Simulation results using a full-system simulator demonstrate that CE outperforms shared NUCA caches by an average of 15.5% and by as much as 28.5% for the benchmark programs we examined. Furthermore, evaluations manifested the outperformance of CE versus related CMP cache designs

    Whirlpool: Improving Dynamic Cache Management with Static Data Classification

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    Cache hierarchies are increasingly non-uniform and difficult to manage. Several techniques, such as scratchpads or reuse hints, use static information about how programs access data to manage the memory hierarchy. Static techniques are effective on regular programs, but because they set fixed policies, they are vulnerable to changes in program behavior or available cache space. Instead, most systems rely on dynamic caching policies that adapt to observed program behavior. Unfortunately, dynamic policies spend significant resources trying to learn how programs use memory, and yet they often perform worse than a static policy. We present Whirlpool, a novel approach that combines static information with dynamic policies to reap the benefits of each. Whirlpool statically classifies data into pools based on how the program uses memory. Whirlpool then uses dynamic policies to tune the cache to each pool. Hence, rather than setting policies statically, Whirlpool uses static analysis to guide dynamic policies. We present both an API that lets programmers specify pools manually and a profiling tool that discovers pools automatically in unmodified binaries. We evaluate Whirlpool on a state-of-the-art NUCA cache. Whirlpool significantly outperforms prior approaches: on sequential programs, Whirlpool improves performance by up to 38% and reduces data movement energy by up to 53%; on parallel programs, Whirlpool improves performance by up to 67% and reduces data movement energy by up to 2.6x.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (grant CCF-1318384)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (CAREER-1452994)Samsung (Firm) (GRO award

    Optimizing virtual machine scheduling in NUMA multicore systems

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    An increasing number of new multicore systems use the Non-Uniform Memory Access architecture due to its scalable memory performance. However, the complex interplay among data locality, contention on shared on-chip memory resources, and cross-node data sharing overhead, makes the delivery of an optimal and predictable program performance difficult. Vir-tualization further complicates the scheduling problem. Due to abstract and inaccurate mappings from virtual hardware to machine hardware, program and system-level optimizations are often not effective within virtual machines. We find that the penalty to access the “uncore ” memory subsystem is an effective metric to predict program perfor-mance in NUMA multicore systems. Based on this metric, we add NUMA awareness to the virtual machine scheduling. We propose a Bias Random vCPU Migration (BRM) algorithm that dynamically migrates vCPUs to minimize the system-wide uncore penalty. We have implemented the scheme in the Xen virtual machine monitor. Experiment results on a two-way Intel NUMA multicore system with various workloads show that BRM is able to improve application performance by up to 31.7 % compared with the default Xen credit scheduler. More-over, BRM achieves predictable performance with, on average, no more than 2 % runtime variations. 1

    Design Space Exploration and Resource Management of Multi/Many-Core Systems

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    The increasing demand of processing a higher number of applications and related data on computing platforms has resulted in reliance on multi-/many-core chips as they facilitate parallel processing. However, there is a desire for these platforms to be energy-efficient and reliable, and they need to perform secure computations for the interest of the whole community. This book provides perspectives on the aforementioned aspects from leading researchers in terms of state-of-the-art contributions and upcoming trends
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