2 research outputs found

    MetaCache-GPU: Ultra-Fast Metagenomic Classification

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    The cost of DNA sequencing has dropped exponentially over the past decade, making genomic data accessible to a growing number of scientists. In bioinformatics, localization of short DNA sequences (reads) within large genomic sequences is commonly facilitated by constructing index data structures which allow for efficient querying of substrings. Recent metagenomic classification pipelines annotate reads with taxonomic labels by analyzing their kk-mer histograms with respect to a reference genome database. CPU-based index construction is often performed in a preprocessing phase due to the relatively high cost of building irregular data structures such as hash maps. However, the rapidly growing amount of available reference genomes establishes the need for index construction and querying at interactive speeds. In this paper, we introduce MetaCache-GPU -- an ultra-fast metagenomic short read classifier specifically tailored to fit the characteristics of CUDA-enabled accelerators. Our approach employs a novel hash table variant featuring efficient minhash fingerprinting of reads for locality-sensitive hashing and their rapid insertion using warp-aggregated operations. Our performance evaluation shows that MetaCache-GPU is able to build large reference databases in a matter of seconds, enabling instantaneous operability, while popular CPU-based tools such as Kraken2 require over an hour for index construction on the same data. In the context of an ever-growing number of reference genomes, MetaCache-GPU is the first metagenomic classifier that makes analysis pipelines with on-demand composition of large-scale reference genome sets practical. The source code is publicly available at https://github.com/muellan/metacache .Comment: 11 pages. To be published in ICPP 202

    HashGraph -- Scalable Hash Tables Using A Sparse Graph Data Structure

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    Hash tables are ubiquitous and used in a wide range of applications for efficient probing of large and unsorted data. If designed properly, hash-tables can enable efficients look ups in a constant number of operations or commonly referred to as O(1) operations. As data sizes continue to grow and data becomes less structured (as is common for big-data applications), the need for efficient and scalable hash table also grows. In this paper we introduce HashGraph, a new scalable approach for building hash tables that uses concepts taken from sparse graph representations--hence the name HashGraph. We show two different variants of HashGraph, a simple algorithm that outlines the method to create the hash-table and an advanced method that creates the hash table in a more efficient manner (with an improved memory access pattern). HashGraph shows a new way to deal with hash-collisions that does not use "open-addressing" or "chaining", yet has all the benefits of both these approaches. HashGraph currently works for static inputs, though recent progress with dynamic graph data structures suggest that HashGraph might be extended to dynamic inputs as well. We show that HashGraph can deal with a large number of hash-values per entry without loss of performance as most open-addressing and chaining approaches have. Further, we show that HashGraph is indifferent to the load-factor. Lastly, we show a new probing algorithm for the second phase of value lookups. Given the above, HashGraph is extremely fast and outperforms several state of the art hash-table implementations. The implementation of HashGraph in this paper is for NVIDIA GPUs, though HashGraph is not architecture dependent. Using a NVIDIA GV100 GPU, HashGraph is anywhere from 2X-8X faster than cuDPP, WarpDrive, and cuDF. HashGraph is able to build a hash-table at a rate of 2.5 billion keys per second and can probe at nearly the same rate