1,100 research outputs found

    Optimizing double-base elliptic-curve single-scalar multiplication

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    This paper analyzes the best speeds that can be obtained for single-scalar multiplication with variable base point by combining a huge range of options: • many choices of coordinate systems and formulas for individual group operations, including new formulas for tripling on Edwards curves; • double-base chains with many different doubling/tripling ratios, including standard base-2 chains as an extreme case; • many precomputation strategies, going beyond Dimitrov, Imbert, Mishra (Asiacrypt 2005) and Doche and Imbert (Indocrypt 2006). The analysis takes account of speedups such as S – M tradeoffs and includes recent advances such as inverted Edwards coordinates. The main conclusions are as follows. Optimized precomputations and triplings save time for single-scalar multiplication in Jacobian coordinates, Hessian curves, and tripling-oriented Doche/Icart/Kohel curves. However, even faster single-scalar multiplication is possible in Jacobi intersections, Edwards curves, extended Jacobi-quartic coordinates, and inverted Edwards coordinates, thanks to extremely fast doublings and additions; there is no evidence that double-base chains are worthwhile for the fastest curves. Inverted Edwards coordinates are the speed leader

    Hardware Implementation of Efficient Elliptic Curve Scalar Multiplication using Vedic Multiplier

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    This paper presents an area efficient and high-speed FPGA implementation of scalar multiplication using a Vedic multiplier. Scalar multiplication is the most important operation in Elliptic Curve Cryptography(ECC), which used for public key generation and the performance of ECC greatly depends on it. The scalar multiplication is multiplying integer k with scalar P to compute  Q=kP, where k is private key and P is a base point on the Elliptic curve. The Scalar multiplication underlying finite field arithmetic operation i.e. addition multiplication, squaring and inversion to compute Q. From these finite field operations, multiplication is the most time-consuming operation, occupy more device space and it dominates the speed of Scalar multiplication. This paper presents an efficient implementation of finite field multiplication using a Vedic multiplier.  The scalar multiplier is designed over Galois Binary field GF(2233) for field size=233-bit which is secured curve according to NIST.  The performances of the proposed design are evaluated by comparing it with  Karatsuba based scalar multiplier for area and delay. The results show that the proposed scalar multiplication using Vedic multiplier has consumed 22% less area on FPGA and also has 12% less delay, than Karatsuba, based scalar multiplier. The scalar multiplier is coded in Verilog HDL, synthesize and simulated in Xilinx 13.2 ISE on Virtex6 FPGA

    Kummer strikes back : new DH speed records

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    This paper introduces high-security constant-time variable-base-point Diffie--Hellman software using just 274593 Cortex-A8 cycles, 91460 Sandy Bridge cycles, 90896 Ivy Bridge cycles, or 72220 Haswell cycles. The only higher speed appearing in the literature for any of these platforms is a claim of 60000 Haswell cycles for unpublished software performing arithmetic on a binary elliptic curve. The new speeds rely on a synergy between (1) state-of-the-art formulas for genus-2 hyperelliptic curves and (2) a modern trend towards vectorization in CPUs. The paper introduces several new techniques for efficient vectorization of Kummer-surface computations. Keywords: implementation / performance, Diffie--Hellman, hyperelliptic curves, Kummer surfaces, vectorizatio

    Comparing AI Algorithms for Optimizing Elliptic Curve Cryptography Parameters in Third-Party E-Commerce Integrations: A Pre-Quantum Era Analysis

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    This paper presents a comparative analysis between the Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), two vital artificial intelligence algorithms, focusing on optimizing Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) parameters. These encompass the elliptic curve coefficients, prime number, generator point, group order, and cofactor. The study provides insights into which of the bio-inspired algorithms yields better optimization results for ECC configurations, examining performances under the same fitness function. This function incorporates methods to ensure robust ECC parameters, including assessing for singular or anomalous curves and applying Pollard's rho attack and Hasse's theorem for optimization precision. The optimized parameters generated by GA and PSO are tested in a simulated e-commerce environment, contrasting with well-known curves like secp256k1 during the transmission of order messages using Elliptic Curve-Diffie Hellman (ECDH) and Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC). Focusing on traditional computing in the pre-quantum era, this research highlights the efficacy of GA and PSO in ECC optimization, with implications for enhancing cybersecurity in third-party e-commerce integrations. We recommend the immediate consideration of these findings before quantum computing's widespread adoption.Comment: 14 page

    Elliptic Curve Scalar Multiplication Combining Yao’s Algorithm and Double Bases

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    Abstract. In this paper we propose to take one step back in the use of double base number systems for elliptic curve point scalar multiplication. Using a mod-ified version of Yao’s algorithm, we go back from the popular double base chain representation to a more general double base system. Instead of representing an integer k as Pn i=1 2 bi3ti where (bi) and (ti) are two decreasing sequences, we only set a maximum value for both of them. Then, we analyze the efficiency of our new method using different bases and optimal parameters. In particular, we pro-pose for the first time a binary/Zeckendorf representation for integers, providing interesting results. Finally, we provide a comprehensive comparison to state-of-the-art methods, including a large variety of curve shapes and latest point addition formulae speed-ups

    Automatic generation of high speed elliptic curve cryptography code

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    Apparently, trust is a rare commodity when power, money or life itself are at stake. History is full of examples. Julius Caesar did not trust his generals, so that: ``If he had anything confidential to say, he wrote it in cipher, that is, by so changing the order of the letters of the alphabet, that not a word could be made out. If anyone wishes to decipher these, and get at their meaning, he must substitute the fourth letter of the alphabet, namely D, for A, and so with the others.'' And so the history of cryptography began moving its first steps. Nowadays, encryption has decayed from being an emperor's prerogative and became a daily life operation. Cryptography is pervasive, ubiquitous and, the best of all, completely transparent to the unaware user. Each time we buy something on the Internet we use it. Each time we search something on Google we use it. Everything without (almost) realizing that it silently protects our privacy and our secrets. Encryption is a very interesting instrument in the "toolbox of security" because it has very few side effects, at least on the user side. A particularly important one is the intrinsic slow down that its use imposes in the communications. High speed cryptography is very important for the Internet, where busy servers proliferate. Being faster is a double advantage: more throughput and less server overhead. In this context, however, the public key algorithms starts with a big handicap. They have very bad performances if compared to their symmetric counterparts. Due to this reason their use is often reduced to the essential operations, most notably key exchanges and digital signatures. The high speed public key cryptography challenge is a very practical topic with serious repercussions in our technocentric world. Using weak algorithms with a reduced key length to increase the performances of a system can lead to catastrophic results. In 1985, Miller and Koblitz independently proposed to use the group of rational points of an elliptic curve over a finite field to create an asymmetric algorithm. Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) is based on a problem known as the ECDLP (Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem) and offers several advantages with respect to other more traditional encryption systems such as RSA and DSA. The main benefit is that it requires smaller keys to provide the same security level since breaking the ECDLP is much harder. In addition, a good ECC implementation can be very efficient both in time and memory consumption, thus being a good candidate for performing high speed public key cryptography. Moreover, some elliptic curve based techniques are known to be extremely resilient to quantum computing attacks, such as the SIDH (Supersingular Isogeny Diffie-Hellman). Traditional elliptic curve cryptography implementations are optimized by hand taking into account the mathematical properties of the underlying algebraic structures, the target machine architecture and the compiler facilities. This process is time consuming, requires a high degree of expertise and, ultimately, error prone. This dissertation' ultimate goal is to automatize the whole optimization process of cryptographic code, with a special focus on ECC. The framework presented in this thesis is able to produce high speed cryptographic code by automatically choosing the best algorithms and applying a number of code-improving techniques inspired by the compiler theory. Its central component is a flexible and powerful compiler able to translate an algorithm written in a high level language and produce a highly optimized C code for a particular algebraic structure and hardware platform. The system is generic enough to accommodate a wide array of number theory related algorithms, however this document focuses only on optimizing primitives based on elliptic curves defined over binary fields

    Computing cardinalities of Q-curve reductions over finite fields

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    We present a specialized point-counting algorithm for a class of elliptic curves over F\_{p^2} that includes reductions of quadratic Q-curves modulo inert primes and, more generally, any elliptic curve over F\_{p^2} with a low-degree isogeny to its Galois conjugate curve. These curves have interesting cryptographic applications. Our algorithm is a variant of the Schoof--Elkies--Atkin (SEA) algorithm, but with a new, lower-degree endomorphism in place of Frobenius. While it has the same asymptotic asymptotic complexity as SEA, our algorithm is much faster in practice.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of ANTS-XII. Added acknowledgement of Drew Sutherlan

    Improved quantum circuits for elliptic curve discrete logarithms

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    We present improved quantum circuits for elliptic curve scalar multiplication, the most costly component in Shor's algorithm to compute discrete logarithms in elliptic curve groups. We optimize low-level components such as reversible integer and modular arithmetic through windowing techniques and more adaptive placement of uncomputing steps, and improve over previous quantum circuits for modular inversion by reformulating the binary Euclidean algorithm. Overall, we obtain an affine Weierstrass point addition circuit that has lower depth and uses fewer TT gates than previous circuits. While previous work mostly focuses on minimizing the total number of qubits, we present various trade-offs between different cost metrics including the number of qubits, circuit depth and TT-gate count. Finally, we provide a full implementation of point addition in the Q# quantum programming language that allows unit tests and automatic quantum resource estimation for all components.Comment: 22 pages, to appear in: Int'l Conf. on Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQCrypto 2020
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