3 research outputs found

    Asynchronous Complex Analytics in a Distributed Dataflow Architecture

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    Scalable distributed dataflow systems have recently experienced widespread adoption, with commodity dataflow engines such as Hadoop and Spark, and even commodity SQL engines routinely supporting increasingly sophisticated analytics tasks (e.g., support vector machines, logistic regression, collaborative filtering). However, these systems' synchronous (often Bulk Synchronous Parallel) dataflow execution model is at odds with an increasingly important trend in the machine learning community: the use of asynchrony via shared, mutable state (i.e., data races) in convex programming tasks, which has---in a single-node context---delivered noteworthy empirical performance gains and inspired new research into asynchronous algorithms. In this work, we attempt to bridge this gap by evaluating the use of lightweight, asynchronous state transfer within a commodity dataflow engine. Specifically, we investigate the use of asynchronous sideways information passing (ASIP) that presents single-stage parallel iterators with a Volcano-like intra-operator iterator that can be used for asynchronous information passing. We port two synchronous convex programming algorithms, stochastic gradient descent and the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM), to use ASIPs. We evaluate an implementation of ASIPs within on Apache Spark that exhibits considerable speedups as well as a rich set of performance trade-offs in the use of these asynchronous algorithms

    Incremental Knowledge Base Construction Using DeepDive

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    Populating a database with unstructured information is a long-standing problem in industry and research that encompasses problems of extraction, cleaning, and integration. Recent names used for this problem include dealing with dark data and knowledge base construction (KBC). In this work, we describe DeepDive, a system that combines database and machine learning ideas to help develop KBC systems, and we present techniques to make the KBC process more efficient. We observe that the KBC process is iterative, and we develop techniques to incrementally produce inference results for KBC systems. We propose two methods for incremental inference, based respectively on sampling and variational techniques. We also study the tradeoff space of these methods and develop a simple rule-based optimizer. DeepDive includes all of these contributions, and we evaluate DeepDive on five KBC systems, showing that it can speed up KBC inference tasks by up to two orders of magnitude with negligible impact on quality

    Optimizing statistical information extraction programs over evolving text,” http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/ ∼fchen/papers/crflex-tr.pdf

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    Abstract — Statistical information extraction (IE) programs are increasingly used to build real-world IE systems such as Alibaba, CiteSeer, Kylin, and YAGO. Current statistical IE approaches consider the text corpora underlying the extraction program to be static. However, many real-world text corpora are dynamic (documents are inserted, modified, and removed). As the corpus evolves, and IE programs must be applied repeatedly to consecutive corpus snapshots to keep extracted information up to date. Applying IE from scratch to each snapshot may be inefficient: a pair of consecutive snapshots may change very little, but unaware of this, the program must run again from scratch. In this paper, we present CRFlex, a system that efficiently executes such repeated statistical IE, by recycling previous IE results to enable incremental update. We focus on statistical IE programs which use a leading statistical model, Conditional Random Fields (CRFs). We show how to model properties of the CRF inference algorithms for incremental update and how to exploit them to correctly recycle previous inference results. Then we show how to efficiently capture and store intermediate results of IE programs for subsequent recycling. We find that there is a tradeoff between the I/O cost spent on reading and writing intermediate results, and CPU cost we can save from recycling those intermediate results. Therefore we present a cost-based solution to determine the most efficient recycling approach for any given CRF-based IE program and an evolving corpus. We present extensive experiments with CRF-based IE programs for 3 IE tasks over a real-world data set to demonstrate the utility of our approach. I