4 research outputs found

    Optimizing Simulations with Noise-Tolerant Structured Exploration

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    We propose a simple drop-in noise-tolerant replacement for the standard finite difference procedure used ubiquitously in blackbox optimization. In our approach, parameter perturbation directions are defined by a family of structured orthogonal matrices. We show that at the small cost of computing a Fast Walsh-Hadamard/Fourier Transform (FWHT/FFT), such structured finite differences consistently give higher quality approximation of gradients and Jacobians in comparison to vanilla approaches that use coordinate directions or random Gaussian perturbations. We find that trajectory optimizers like Iterative LQR and Differential Dynamic Programming require fewer iterations to solve several classic continuous control tasks when our methods are used to linearize noisy, blackbox dynamics instead of standard finite differences. By embedding structured exploration in a quasi-Newton optimizer (LBFGS), we are able to learn agile walking and turning policies for quadruped locomotion, that successfully transfer from simulation to actual hardware.We theoretically justify our methods via bounds on the quality of gradient reconstruction and provide a basis for applying them also to nonsmooth problems

    Linear interpolation gives better gradients than Gaussian smoothing in derivative-free optimization

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    In this paper, we consider derivative free optimization problems, where the objective function is smooth but is computed with some amount of noise, the function evaluations are expensive and no derivative information is available. We are motivated by policy optimization problems in reinforcement learning that have recently become popular [Choromaski et al. 2018; Fazel et al. 2018; Salimans et al. 2016], and that can be formulated as derivative free optimization problems with the aforementioned characteristics. In each of these works some approximation of the gradient is constructed and a (stochastic) gradient method is applied. In [Salimans et al. 2016] the gradient information is aggregated along Gaussian directions, while in [Choromaski et al. 2018] it is computed along orthogonal direction. We provide a convergence rate analysis for a first-order line search method, similar to the ones used in the literature, and derive the conditions on the gradient approximations that ensure this convergence. We then demonstrate via rigorous analysis of the variance and by numerical comparisons on reinforcement learning tasks that the Gaussian sampling method used in [Salimans et al. 2016] is significantly inferior to the orthogonal sampling used in [Choromaski et al. 2018] as well as more general interpolation methods.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1905.0133

    Policies Modulating Trajectory Generators

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    We propose an architecture for learning complex controllable behaviors by having simple Policies Modulate Trajectory Generators (PMTG), a powerful combination that can provide both memory and prior knowledge to the controller. The result is a flexible architecture that is applicable to a class of problems with periodic motion for which one has an insight into the class of trajectories that might lead to a desired behavior. We illustrate the basics of our architecture using a synthetic control problem, then go on to learn speed-controlled locomotion for a quadrupedal robot by using Deep Reinforcement Learning and Evolutionary Strategies. We demonstrate that a simple linear policy, when paired with a parametric Trajectory Generator for quadrupedal gaits, can induce walking behaviors with controllable speed from 4-dimensional IMU observations alone, and can be learned in under 1000 rollouts. We also transfer these policies to a real robot and show locomotion with controllable forward velocity

    RMA: Rapid Motor Adaptation for Legged Robots

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    Successful real-world deployment of legged robots would require them to adapt in real-time to unseen scenarios like changing terrains, changing payloads, wear and tear. This paper presents Rapid Motor Adaptation (RMA) algorithm to solve this problem of real-time online adaptation in quadruped robots. RMA consists of two components: a base policy and an adaptation module. The combination of these components enables the robot to adapt to novel situations in fractions of a second. RMA is trained completely in simulation without using any domain knowledge like reference trajectories or predefined foot trajectory generators and is deployed on the A1 robot without any fine-tuning. We train RMA on a varied terrain generator using bioenergetics-inspired rewards and deploy it on a variety of difficult terrains including rocky, slippery, deformable surfaces in environments with grass, long vegetation, concrete, pebbles, stairs, sand, etc. RMA shows state-of-the-art performance across diverse real-world as well as simulation experiments. Video results at https://ashish-kmr.github.io/rma-legged-robots/Comment: RSS 2021. Webpage at https://ashish-kmr.github.io/rma-legged-robots