3 research outputs found

    Novel Algorithms for Analyzing the Robustness of Difference Coarrays to Sensor Failures

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    Sparse arrays have drawn attention because they can identify O(N²) uncorrelated source directions using N physical sensors, whereasuniform linear arrays (ULA) find at most N−1 sources. The main reason is that the difference coarray, defined as the set of differences between sensor locations, has size of O(N²) for some sparse arrays. However, the performance of sparse arrays may degrade significantly under sensor failures. In the literature, the k-essentialness property characterizes the patterns of k sensor failures that change the difference coarray. Based on this concept, the k-essential family, the k-fragility, and the k-essential Sperner family provide insights into the robustness of arrays. This paper proposes novel algorithms for computing these attributes. The first algorithm computes the k-essential Sperner family without enumerating all possible k-essential subarrays. With this information, the second algorithm finds the k-essential family first and the k-fragility next. These algorithms are applicable to any 1-D array. However, for robust array design, fast computation for the k-fragility is preferred. For this reason, a simple expression associated with the k-essential Sperner family is proposed to be a tighter lower bound for the k-fragility than the previous result. Numerical examples validate the proposed algorithms and the presented lower bound

    Sparse Array Design via Fractal Geometries

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    Sparse sensor arrays have attracted considerable attention in various fields such as radar, array processing, ultrasound imaging and communications. In the context of correlation-based processing, such arrays enable to resolve more uncorrelated sources than physical sensors. This property of sparse arrays stems from the size of their difference coarrays, defined as the differences of element locations. Thus, the design of sparse arrays with large difference coarrays is of great interest. In addition, other array properties such as symmetry, robustness and array economy are important in different applications. Numerous studies have proposed diverse sparse geometries, focusing on certain properties while lacking others. Incorporating multiple properties into the design task leads to combinatorial problems which are generally NP-hard. For small arrays these optimization problems can be solved by brute force, however, in large scale they become intractable. In this paper, we propose a scalable systematic way to design large sparse arrays considering multiple properties. To that end, we introduce a fractal array design in which a generator array is recursively expanded according to its difference coarray. Our main result states that for an appropriate choice of the generator such fractal arrays exhibit large difference coarrays. Furthermore, we show that the fractal arrays inherit their properties from their generators. Thus, a small generator can be optimized according to desired requirements and then expanded to create a fractal array which meets the same criteria. This approach paves the way to efficient design of large arrays of hundreds or thousands of elements with specific properties.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, 1 Tabl

    Optimizing Minimum Redundancy Arrays for Robustness

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    Sparse arrays have received considerable attention due to their capability of resolving O(N^2)uncorrelated sources with N physical sensors, unlike the uniform linear array (ULA) which identifies at most N−1 sources. This is because sparse arrays have an O(N^2)−long ULA segment in the difference coarray, defined as the set of differences between sensor locations. Among the existing array configurations, minimum redundancy arrays (MRA) have the largest ULA segment in the difference coarray with no holes. However, in practice, ULA is robust, in the sense of coarray invariance to sensor failure, but MRA is not. This paper proposes a novel array geometry, named as the robust MRA (RMRA), that maximizes the size of the hole-free difference coarray subject to the same level of robustness as ULA. The RMRA can be found by solving an integer program, which is computationally expensive. Even so, it will be shown that the RMRA still owns O(N^2) elements in the hole-free difference coarray. In particular, for sufficiently large N, the aperture for RMRA, which is approximately half of the size of the difference coarray, is bounded between 0.0625N^2 and 0.2174N^2