7 research outputs found

    Quality-of-information aware transmission policies with time-varying links

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    Abstract—We consider Quality-of-Information (QoI) aware transmission policies in the presence of time-varying links in a mobile ad hoc network. QoI, tailored for military tactical networks, is defined by a set of attributes relevant to the application. Time-varying nature of links in practical networks leads to uncertainty in evaluating QoI utility to be delivered to end users. This delivered-QoI utility is a function of both attributes provided by the source input, as a result of observing certain events, and the channel induced attributes that impact the QoI obtained at the destination. The goal of this paper is to attain the maximum QoI output utility, termed as Operational Information Content Capacity (OICC) of a network. First, for a single link, we demonstrate that the optimal decision structure for transmission is threshold-based. Next, we consider multihop relay networks. For the basic model of a two-hop relay network, we propose transmission scheduling and link activation schemes based on approximate dynamic programming methods. Furthermore, we exploit time-variations of links by opportunistic scheduling by employing buffers at the relay node. We demonstrate that significant gains in QoI output utility are gained by opportunistic scheduling algorithms. I

    Distributed stochastic optimization via correlated scheduling

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    This paper considers a problem where multiple users make repeated decisions based on their own observed events. The events and decisions at each time step determine the values of a utility function and a collection of penalty functions. The goal is to make distributed decisions over time to maximize time average utility subject to time average constraints on the penalties. An example is a collection of power constrained sensor nodes that repeatedly report their own observations to a fusion center. Maximum time average utility is fundamentally reduced because users do not know the events observed by others. Optimality is characterized for this distributed context. It is shown that optimality is achieved by correlating user decisions through a commonly known pseudorandom sequence. An optimal algorithm is developed that chooses pure strategies at each time step based on a set of time-varying weights.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, this version adds an appendix to explain the 2BD derivation at the end of Theorem

    Prosumo, Swarming y Transmedia. Hacia un nuevo concepto de Stakeholder

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    La storytelling transmedia representa hoy una auténtica revolución comunicativa. También un nuevo modelo de negocio. Un nuevo paradigma en el modo de generar y hacer circular los contenidos. La mejor expresión de las redes tecnocomunicativas digitales; unas redes que, al propiciar entornos colaborativos, donde se hace realidad el doing it together, han creado vínculos más estrechos entre los productores de bienes y servicios, las agencias publicitarias, los medios y el público. Internet y las redes sociales han empoderado a los ciudadanos comunes (prosumidores y pronet@rios) y han obligado a las organizaciones y/o marcas a conocer sus intereses y valores a fin de crear conversaciones con ellos, auténticos stakeholders. Ellos no aportan solo opinión; son  auténticos inversores. Sus aportaciones, muchas veces intangibles, llegan a ser tan importantes para las marcas/empresas como las económicas que realizan los accionistas. Hablamos de inversiones emocionales, sociales, intelectuales… En este artículo, presentamos un marco conceptual que permite generar una magnitud intensiva, un grado, en función del continuo participativo que va desde la escasa a la alta inversión. Consideramos que la clave para medir el éxito comunicativo o la eficacia publicitaria radica en esclarecer las gratificaciones que obtienen los prosumers al participar del mundo narrativo y de la estrategia comunicativa de las marcas. Son aquellas las que les hacen comprometerse, hasta su identificación, en la transmedial world-building.de las organizaciones

    Optimizing information credibility in social swarming applications

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    Abstract—With the advent of smartphone technology, it has become possible to conceive of entirely new classes of applica-tions. Social swarming, in which users armed with smartphones are directed by a central director to report on events in the physical world, has several real-world applications. In this paper, we focus on the following problem: how does the director opti-mize the selection of reporters to deliver credible corroborating information about an event? We first propose a model, based on common intuitions of believability, about the credibility of information. We then cast the problem as a discrete optimization problem, and introduce optimal centralized solutions and an approximate solution amenable to decentralized implementation whose performance is about 20 % off on average from the optimal while being 3 orders of magnitude more computationally efficient. More interesting, a time-averaged version of the problem is amenable to a novel stochastic utility optimization formulation, and can be solved optimally, while in some cases yielding decentralized solutions. I

    Optimizing Information Credibility in Social Swarming Applications

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