3,810 research outputs found

    Flattening an object algebra to provide performance

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    Algebraic transformation and optimization techniques have been the method of choice in relational query execution, but applying them in object-oriented (OO) DBMSs is difficult due to the complexity of OO query languages. This paper demonstrates that the problem can be simplified by mapping an OO data model to the binary relational model implemented by Monet, a state-of-the-art database kernel. We present a generic mapping scheme to flatten data models and study the case of straightforward OO model. We show how flattening enabled us to implement a query algebra, using only a very limited set of simple operations. The required primitives and query execution strategies are discussed, and their performance is evaluated on the 1-GByte TPC-D (Transaction-processing Performance Council's Benchmark D), showing that our divide-and-conquer approach yields excellent result

    Deductive Optimization of Relational Data Storage

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    Optimizing the physical data storage and retrieval of data are two key database management problems. In this paper, we propose a language that can express a wide range of physical database layouts, going well beyond the row- and column-based methods that are widely used in database management systems. We use deductive synthesis to turn a high-level relational representation of a database query into a highly optimized low-level implementation which operates on a specialized layout of the dataset. We build a compiler for this language and conduct experiments using a popular database benchmark, which shows that the performance of these specialized queries is competitive with a state-of-the-art in memory compiled database system

    AutoAccel: Automated Accelerator Generation and Optimization with Composable, Parallel and Pipeline Architecture

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    CPU-FPGA heterogeneous architectures are attracting ever-increasing attention in an attempt to advance computational capabilities and energy efficiency in today's datacenters. These architectures provide programmers with the ability to reprogram the FPGAs for flexible acceleration of many workloads. Nonetheless, this advantage is often overshadowed by the poor programmability of FPGAs whose programming is conventionally a RTL design practice. Although recent advances in high-level synthesis (HLS) significantly improve the FPGA programmability, it still leaves programmers facing the challenge of identifying the optimal design configuration in a tremendous design space. This paper aims to address this challenge and pave the path from software programs towards high-quality FPGA accelerators. Specifically, we first propose the composable, parallel and pipeline (CPP) microarchitecture as a template of accelerator designs. Such a well-defined template is able to support efficient accelerator designs for a broad class of computation kernels, and more importantly, drastically reduce the design space. Also, we introduce an analytical model to capture the performance and resource trade-offs among different design configurations of the CPP microarchitecture, which lays the foundation for fast design space exploration. On top of the CPP microarchitecture and its analytical model, we develop the AutoAccel framework to make the entire accelerator generation automated. AutoAccel accepts a software program as an input and performs a series of code transformations based on the result of the analytical-model-based design space exploration to construct the desired CPP microarchitecture. Our experiments show that the AutoAccel-generated accelerators outperform their corresponding software implementations by an average of 72x for a broad class of computation kernels

    Cobra: A Framework for Cost Based Rewriting of Database Applications

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    Database applications are typically written using a mixture of imperative languages and declarative frameworks for data processing. Application logic gets distributed across the declarative and imperative parts of a program. Often, there is more than one way to implement the same program, whose efficiency may depend on a number of parameters. In this paper, we propose a framework that automatically generates all equivalent alternatives of a given program using a given set of program transformations, and chooses the least cost alternative. We use the concept of program regions as an algebraic abstraction of a program and extend the Volcano/Cascades framework for optimization of algebraic expressions, to optimize programs. We illustrate the use of our framework for optimizing database applications. We show through experimental results, that our framework has wide applicability in real world applications and provides significant performance benefits

    A Data Transformation System for Biological Data Sources

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    Scientific data of importance to biologists in the Human Genome Project resides not only in conventional databases, but in structured files maintained in a number of different formats (e.g. ASN.1 and ACE) as well a.s sequence analysis packages (e.g. BLAST and FASTA). These formats and packages contain a number of data types not found in conventional databases, such as lists and variants, and may be deeply nested. We present in this paper techniques for querying and transforming such data, and illustrate their use in a prototype system developed in conjunction with the Human Genome Center for Chromosome 22. We also describe optimizations performed by the system, a crucial issue for bulk data

    A Knowledge Gradient Policy for Sequencing Experiments to Identify the Structure of RNA Molecules Using a Sparse Additive Belief Model

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    We present a sparse knowledge gradient (SpKG) algorithm for adaptively selecting the targeted regions within a large RNA molecule to identify which regions are most amenable to interactions with other molecules. Experimentally, such regions can be inferred from fluorescence measurements obtained by binding a complementary probe with fluorescence markers to the targeted regions. We use a biophysical model which shows that the fluorescence ratio under the log scale has a sparse linear relationship with the coefficients describing the accessibility of each nucleotide, since not all sites are accessible (due to the folding of the molecule). The SpKG algorithm uniquely combines the Bayesian ranking and selection problem with the frequentist 1\ell_1 regularized regression approach Lasso. We use this algorithm to identify the sparsity pattern of the linear model as well as sequentially decide the best regions to test before experimental budget is exhausted. Besides, we also develop two other new algorithms: batch SpKG algorithm, which generates more suggestions sequentially to run parallel experiments; and batch SpKG with a procedure which we call length mutagenesis. It dynamically adds in new alternatives, in the form of types of probes, are created by inserting, deleting or mutating nucleotides within existing probes. In simulation, we demonstrate these algorithms on the Group I intron (a mid-size RNA molecule), showing that they efficiently learn the correct sparsity pattern, identify the most accessible region, and outperform several other policies