8 research outputs found

    Energy-Aware DNN Graph Optimization

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    Unlike existing work in deep neural network (DNN) graphs optimization for inference performance, we explore DNN graph optimization for energy awareness and savings for power- and resource-constrained machine learning devices. We present a method that allows users to optimize energy consumption or balance between energy and inference performance for DNN graphs. This method efficiently searches through the space of equivalent graphs, and identifies a graph and the corresponding algorithms that incur the least cost in execution. We implement the method and evaluate it with multiple DNN models on a GPU-based machine. Results show that our method achieves significant energy savings, i.e., 24% with negligible performance impact

    A Learned Performance Model for Tensor Processing Units

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    Accurate hardware performance models are critical to efficient code generation. They can be used by compilers to make heuristic decisions, by superoptimizers as a minimization objective, or by autotuners to find an optimal configuration for a specific program. However, they are difficult to develop because contemporary processors are complex, and the recent proliferation of deep learning accelerators has increased the development burden. We demonstrate a method of learning performance models from a corpus of tensor computation graph programs for Tensor Processing Unit (TPU) instances. We show that our learned model outperforms a heavily-optimized analytical performance model on two tasks -- tile-size selection and operator fusion -- and that it helps an autotuner discover faster programs in a setting where access to TPUs is limited or expensive.Comment: A version will appear in the Proceedings of the 4th MLSys Conference, San Jose, CA, USA, 202

    Database Meets Deep Learning: Challenges and Opportunities

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    Deep learning has recently become very popular on account of its incredible success in many complex data-driven applications, such as image classification and speech recognition. The database community has worked on data-driven applications for many years, and therefore should be playing a lead role in supporting this new wave. However, databases and deep learning are different in terms of both techniques and applications. In this paper, we discuss research problems at the intersection of the two fields. In particular, we discuss possible improvements for deep learning systems from a database perspective, and analyze database applications that may benefit from deep learning techniques.Comment: The first version of this paper has appeared in SIGMOD Record. In this (third) version, we extend it to include the recent developments in this field and references to recent work (especially for section 3.2 and section 4.2

    Autonomous Navigation via Deep Reinforcement Learning for Resource Constraint Edge Nodes using Transfer Learning

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    Smart and agile drones are fast becoming ubiquitous at the edge of the cloud. The usage of these drones are constrained by their limited power and compute capability. In this paper, we present a Transfer Learning (TL) based approach to reduce on-board computation required to train a deep neural network for autonomous navigation via Deep Reinforcement Learning for a target algorithmic performance. A library of 3D realistic meta-environments is manually designed using Unreal Gaming Engine and the network is trained end-to-end. These trained meta-weights are then used as initializers to the network in a test environment and fine-tuned for the last few fully connected layers. Variation in drone dynamics and environmental characteristics is carried out to show robustness of the approach. Using NVIDIA GPU profiler it was shown that the energy consumption and training latency is reduced by 3.7x and 1.8x respectively without significant degradation in the performance in terms of average distance traveled before crash i.e. Mean Safe Flight (MSF). The approach is also tested on a real environment using DJI Tello drone and similar results were reported

    IOS: Inter-Operator Scheduler for CNN Acceleration

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    To accelerate CNN inference, existing deep learning frameworks focus on optimizing intra-operator parallelization. However, a single operator can no longer fully utilize the available parallelism given the rapid advances in high-performance hardware, resulting in a large gap between the peak performance and the real performance. This performance gap is more severe under smaller batch sizes. In this work, we extensively study the parallelism between operators and propose Inter-Operator Scheduler (IOS) to automatically schedule multiple operators' parallel execution through a novel dynamic programming algorithm. IOS consistently outperforms state-of-the-art libraries (e.g., TensorRT) by 1.1 to 1.5x on modern CNN benchmarks. The code to reproduce each experiment is available at: https://github.com/mit-han-lab/inter-operator-scheduler.Comment: Accepted by MLSys 202

    Ordering Chaos: Memory-Aware Scheduling of Irregularly Wired Neural Networks for Edge Devices

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    Recent advances demonstrate that irregularly wired neural networks from Neural Architecture Search (NAS) and Random Wiring can not only automate the design of deep neural networks but also emit models that outperform previous manual designs. These designs are especially effective while designing neural architectures under hard resource constraints (memory, MACs, . . . ) which highlights the importance of this class of designing neural networks. However, such a move creates complication in the previously streamlined pattern of execution. In fact one of the main challenges is that the order of such nodes in the neural network significantly effects the memory footprint of the intermediate activations. Current compilers do not schedule with regard to activation memory footprint that it significantly increases its peak compared to the optimum, rendering it not applicable for edge devices. To address this standing issue, we present a memory-aware compiler, dubbed SERENITY, that utilizes dynamic programming to find a sequence that finds a schedule with optimal memory footprint. Our solution also comprises of graph rewriting technique that allows further reduction beyond the optimum. As such, SERENITY achieves optimal peak memory, and the graph rewriting technique further improves this resulting in 1.68x improvement with dynamic programming-based scheduler and 1.86x with graph rewriting, against TensorFlow Lite with less than one minute overhead.Comment: Published as a conference paper at MLSys 2020 (Oral Presentation

    Data Movement Is All You Need: A Case Study on Optimizing Transformers

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    Transformers are one of the most important machine learning workloads today. Training one is a very compute-intensive task, often taking days or weeks, and significant attention has been given to optimizing transformers. Despite this, existing implementations do not efficiently utilize GPUs. We find that data movement is the key bottleneck when training. Due to Amdahl's Law and massive improvements in compute performance, training has now become memory-bound. Further, existing frameworks use suboptimal data layouts. Using these insights, we present a recipe for globally optimizing data movement in transformers. We reduce data movement by up to 22.91% and overall achieve a 1.30x performance improvement over state-of-the-art frameworks when training a BERT encoder layer and 1.19x for the entire BERT. Our approach is applicable more broadly to optimizing deep neural networks, and offers insight into how to tackle emerging performance bottlenecks.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures; MLSys 2021 camera read

    Daydream: Accurately Estimating the Efficacy of Optimizations for DNN Training

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    Modern deep neural network (DNN) training jobs use complex and heterogeneous software/hardware stacks. The efficacy of software-level optimizations can vary significantly when used in different deployment configurations. It is onerous and error-prone for ML practitioners and system developers to implement each optimization separately, and determine which ones will improve performance in their own configurations. Unfortunately, existing profiling tools do not aim to answer predictive questions such as "How will optimization X affect the performance of my model?". We address this critical limitation, and proposes a new profiling tool, Daydream, to help programmers efficiently explore the efficacy of DNN optimizations. Daydream models DNN execution with a fine-grained dependency graph based on low-level traces collected by CUPTI, and predicts runtime by simulating execution based on the dependency graph. Daydream maps the low-level traces using DNN domain-specific knowledge, and introduces a set of graph-transformation primitives that can easily model a wide variety of optimizations. We show that Daydream is able to model most mainstream DNN optimization techniques, and accurately predict the efficacy of optimizations that will result in significant performance improvements