7 research outputs found

    Hierarchical LSTM with Adjusted Temporal Attention for Video Captioning

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    Recent progress has been made in using attention based encoder-decoder framework for video captioning. However, most existing decoders apply the attention mechanism to every generated word including both visual words (e.g., "gun" and "shooting") and non-visual words (e.g. "the", "a"). However, these non-visual words can be easily predicted using natural language model without considering visual signals or attention. Imposing attention mechanism on non-visual words could mislead and decrease the overall performance of video captioning. To address this issue, we propose a hierarchical LSTM with adjusted temporal attention (hLSTMat) approach for video captioning. Specifically, the proposed framework utilizes the temporal attention for selecting specific frames to predict the related words, while the adjusted temporal attention is for deciding whether to depend on the visual information or the language context information. Also, a hierarchical LSTMs is designed to simultaneously consider both low-level visual information and high-level language context information to support the video caption generation. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed framework, we test our method on two prevalent datasets: MSVD and MSR-VTT, and experimental results show that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on both two datasets

    Deep Discrete Hashing with Self-supervised Pairwise Labels

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    Hashing methods have been widely used for applications of large-scale image retrieval and classification. Non-deep hashing methods using handcrafted features have been significantly outperformed by deep hashing methods due to their better feature representation and end-to-end learning framework. However, the most striking successes in deep hashing have mostly involved discriminative models, which require labels. In this paper, we propose a novel unsupervised deep hashing method, named Deep Discrete Hashing (DDH), for large-scale image retrieval and classification. In the proposed framework, we address two main problems: 1) how to directly learn discrete binary codes? 2) how to equip the binary representation with the ability of accurate image retrieval and classification in an unsupervised way? We resolve these problems by introducing an intermediate variable and a loss function steering the learning process, which is based on the neighborhood structure in the original space. Experimental results on standard datasets (CIFAR-10, NUS-WIDE, and Oxford-17) demonstrate that our DDH significantly outperforms existing hashing methods by large margin in terms of~mAP for image retrieval and object recognition. Code is available at \url{https://github.com/htconquer/ddh}

    Feature based-Learning with Data Increasing for video Recommendation and Computing

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    Image content analysis is crucial for determining the reliability of a link between two videos. Video characteristics are increasingly being used in image and video representation as custom pre-trained picture and video convolutional neural networks become generally available. People also have limited access to video editing tools for a variety of reasons, such as ownership and privacy concerns. You don't need to go back to the source video data to use the refined features again. An affine transformation, for instance, can be used to map a well-studied function onto an unfamiliar domain. To do this, we use a unique triplet failure in conjunction with the re-learning strategy. We propose a contemporary data augmentation method that may be applied to functionality on various frames for videos as an alternative to employing specific motion data. Extensive testing on the well-known Hulu content-based Video Relevance challenge demonstrates the process's efficacy and provides solid evidence of state-of-the-art performance

    Discrete Multi-modal Hashing with Canonical Views for Robust Mobile Landmark Search

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    Mobile landmark search (MLS) recently receives increasing attention for its great practical values. However, it still remains unsolved due to two important challenges. One is high bandwidth consumption of query transmission, and the other is the huge visual variations of query images sent from mobile devices. In this paper, we propose a novel hashing scheme, named as canonical view based discrete multi-modal hashing (CV-DMH), to handle these problems via a novel three-stage learning procedure. First, a submodular function is designed to measure visual representativeness and redundancy of a view set. With it, canonical views, which capture key visual appearances of landmark with limited redundancy, are efficiently discovered with an iterative mining strategy. Second, multi-modal sparse coding is applied to transform visual features from multiple modalities into an intermediate representation. It can robustly and adaptively characterize visual contents of varied landmark images with certain canonical views. Finally, compact binary codes are learned on intermediate representation within a tailored discrete binary embedding model which preserves visual relations of images measured with canonical views and removes the involved noises. In this part, we develop a new augmented Lagrangian multiplier (ALM) based optimization method to directly solve the discrete binary codes. We can not only explicitly deal with the discrete constraint, but also consider the bit-uncorrelated constraint and balance constraint together. Experiments on real world landmark datasets demonstrate the superior performance of CV-DMH over several state-of-the-art methods

    Optimized graph learning using partial tags and multiple features for image and video annotation

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    In multimedia annotation, due to the time constraints and the tediousness of manual tagging, it is quite common to utilize both tagged and untagged data to improve the performance of supervised learning when only limited tagged training data are available. This is often done by adding a geometry-based regularization term in the objective function of a supervised learning model. In this case, a similarity graph is indispensable to exploit the geometrical relationships among the training data points, and the graph construction scheme essentially determines the performance of these graph-based learning algorithms. However, most of the existing works construct the graph empirically and are usually based on a single feature without using the label information. In this paper, we propose a semi-supervised annotation approach by learning an optimized graph (OGL) from multi-cues (i.e., partial tags and multiple features), which can more accurately embed the relationships among the data points. Since OGL is a transductive method and cannot deal with novel data points, we further extend our model to address the out-of-sample issue. Extensive experiments on image and video annotation show the consistent superiority of OGL over the state-of-the-art methods