2,119 research outputs found

    Fourier-Domain Optimization for Image Processing

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    Image optimization problems encompass many applications such as spectral fusion, deblurring, deconvolution, dehazing, matting, reflection removal and image interpolation, among others. With current image sizes in the order of megabytes, it is extremely expensive to run conventional algorithms such as gradient descent, making them unfavorable especially when closed-form solutions can be derived and computed efficiently. This paper explains in detail the framework for solving convex image optimization and deconvolution in the Fourier domain. We begin by explaining the mathematical background and motivating why the presented setups can be transformed and solved very efficiently in the Fourier domain. We also show how to practically use these solutions, by providing the corresponding implementations. The explanations are aimed at a broad audience with minimal knowledge of convolution and image optimization. The eager reader can jump to Section 3 for a footprint of how to solve and implement a sample optimization function, and Section 5 for the more complex cases

    On learning with shift-invariant structures

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    We describe new results and algorithms for two different, but related, problems which deal with circulant matrices: learning shift-invariant components from training data and calculating the shift (or alignment) between two given signals. In the first instance, we deal with the shift-invariant dictionary learning problem while the latter bears the name of (compressive) shift retrieval. We formulate these problems using circulant and convolutional matrices (including unions of such matrices), define optimization problems that describe our goals and propose efficient ways to solve them. Based on these findings, we also show how to learn a wavelet-like dictionary from training data. We connect our work with various previous results from the literature and we show the effectiveness of our proposed algorithms using synthetic, ECG signals and images

    Algorithmic Design of Majorizers for Large-Scale Inverse Problems

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    Iterative majorize-minimize (MM) (also called optimization transfer) algorithms solve challenging numerical optimization problems by solving a series of "easier" optimization problems that are constructed to guarantee monotonic descent of the cost function. Many MM algorithms replace a computationally expensive Hessian matrix with another more computationally convenient majorizing matrix. These majorizing matrices are often generated using various matrix inequalities, and consequently the set of available majorizers is limited to structures for which these matrix inequalities can be efficiently applied. In this paper, we present a technique to algorithmically design matrix majorizers with wide varieties of structures. We use a novel duality-based approach to avoid the high computational and memory costs of standard semidefinite programming techniques. We present some preliminary results for 2D X-ray CT reconstruction that indicate these more exotic regularizers may significantly accelerate MM algorithms.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    ADMM for Block Circulant Model Predictive Control

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    This paper deals with model predictive control problems for large scale dynamical systems with cyclic symmetry. Based on the properties of block circulant matrices, we introduce a complex-valued coordinate transformation that block diagonalizes and truncates the original finite-horizon optimal control problem. Using this coordinate transformation, we develop a modified alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) algorithm for general constrained quadratic programs with block circulant blocks. We test our modified algorithm in two different simulated examples and show that our coordinate transformation significantly increases the computation speed

    A new sufficient condition for sum-rate tightness in quadratic Gaussian multiterminal source coding

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    This work considers the quadratic Gaussian multiterminal (MT) source coding problem and provides a new sufficient condition for the Berger-Tung sum-rate bound to be tight. The converse proof utilizes a set of virtual remote sources given which the MT sources are block independent with a maximum block size of two. The given MT source coding problem is then related to a set of two-terminal problems with matrix-distortion constraints, for which a new lower bound on the sum-rate is given. Finally, a convex optimization problem is formulated and a sufficient condition derived for the optimal BT scheme to satisfy the subgradient based Karush-Kuhn-Tucker condition. The set of sum-rate tightness problems defined by our new sufficient condition subsumes all previously known tight cases, and opens new direction for a more general partial solution

    Joint Inverse Covariances Estimation with Mutual Linear Structure

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    We consider the problem of joint estimation of structured inverse covariance matrices. We perform the estimation using groups of measurements with different covariances of the same unknown structure. Assuming the inverse covariances to span a low dimensional linear subspace in the space of symmetric matrices, our aim is to determine this structure. It is then utilized to improve the estimation of the inverse covariances. We propose a novel optimization algorithm discovering and exploiting the underlying structure and provide its efficient implementation. Numerical simulations are presented to illustrate the performance benefits of the proposed algorithm

    Deconvolving Images with Unknown Boundaries Using the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers

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    The alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) has recently sparked interest as a flexible and efficient optimization tool for imaging inverse problems, namely deconvolution and reconstruction under non-smooth convex regularization. ADMM achieves state-of-the-art speed by adopting a divide and conquer strategy, wherein a hard problem is split into simpler, efficiently solvable sub-problems (e.g., using fast Fourier or wavelet transforms, or simple proximity operators). In deconvolution, one of these sub-problems involves a matrix inversion (i.e., solving a linear system), which can be done efficiently (in the discrete Fourier domain) if the observation operator is circulant, i.e., under periodic boundary conditions. This paper extends ADMM-based image deconvolution to the more realistic scenario of unknown boundary, where the observation operator is modeled as the composition of a convolution (with arbitrary boundary conditions) with a spatial mask that keeps only pixels that do not depend on the unknown boundary. The proposed approach also handles, at no extra cost, problems that combine the recovery of missing pixels (i.e., inpainting) with deconvolution. We show that the resulting algorithms inherit the convergence guarantees of ADMM and illustrate its performance on non-periodic deblurring (with and without inpainting of interior pixels) under total-variation and frame-based regularization.Comment: Submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Image Processing in August 201

    TripleSpin - a generic compact paradigm for fast machine learning computations

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    We present a generic compact computational framework relying on structured random matrices that can be applied to speed up several machine learning algorithms with almost no loss of accuracy. The applications include new fast LSH-based algorithms, efficient kernel computations via random feature maps, convex optimization algorithms, quantization techniques and many more. Certain models of the presented paradigm are even more compressible since they apply only bit matrices. This makes them suitable for deploying on mobile devices. All our findings come with strong theoretical guarantees. In particular, as a byproduct of the presented techniques and by using relatively new Berry-Esseen-type CLT for random vectors, we give the first theoretical guarantees for one of the most efficient existing LSH algorithms based on the HD3HD2HD1\textbf{HD}_{3}\textbf{HD}_{2}\textbf{HD}_{1} structured matrix ("Practical and Optimal LSH for Angular Distance"). These guarantees as well as theoretical results for other aforementioned applications follow from the same general theoretical principle that we present in the paper. Our structured family contains as special cases all previously considered structured schemes, including the recently introduced PP-model. Experimental evaluation confirms the accuracy and efficiency of TripleSpin matrices

    Filter-And-Forward Relay Design for MIMO-OFDM Systems

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    In this paper, the filter-and-forward (FF) relay design for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) systems is considered. Due to the considered MIMO structure, the problem of joint design of the linear MIMO transceiver at the source and the destination and the FF relay at the relay is considered. As the design criterion, the minimization of weighted sum mean-square-error (MSE) is considered first, and the joint design in this case is approached based on alternating optimization that iterates between optimal design of the FF relay for a given set of MIMO precoder and decoder and optimal design of the MIMO precoder and decoder for a given FF relay filter. Next, the joint design problem for rate maximization is considered based on the obtained result regarding weighted sum MSE and the existing result regarding the relationship between weighted MSE minimization and rate maximization. Numerical results show the effectiveness of the proposed FF relay design and significant performance improvement by FF relays over widely-considered simple AF relays for MIMO-ODFM systems.Comment: 29 pages, 6 figure

    On Input Design for Regularized LTI System Identification: Power-constrained Input

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    Input design is an important issue for classical system identification methods but has not been investigated for the kernel-based regularization method (KRM) until very recently. In this paper, we consider in the time domain the input design problem of KRMs for LTI system identification. Different from the recent result, we adopt a Bayesian perspective and in particular make use of scalar measures (e.g., the AA-optimality, DD-optimality, and EE-optimality) of the Bayesian mean square error matrix as the design criteria subject to power-constraint on the input. Instead to solve the optimization problem directly, we propose a two-step procedure. In the first step, by making suitable assumptions on the unknown input, we construct a quadratic map (transformation) of the input such that the transformed input design problems are convex, the number of optimization variables is independent of the number of input data, and their global minima can be found efficiently by applying well-developed convex optimization software packages. In the second step, we derive the expression of the optimal input based on the global minima found in the first step by solving the inverse image of the quadratic map. In addition, we derive analytic results for some special types of fixed kernels, which provide insights on the input design and also its dependence on the kernel structure
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