69,670 research outputs found

    Linear decomposition of approximate multi-controlled single qubit gates

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    We provide a method for compiling approximate multi-controlled single qubit gates into quantum circuits without ancilla qubits. The total number of elementary gates to decompose an n-qubit multi-controlled gate is proportional to 32n, and the previous best approximate approach without auxiliary qubits requires 32nk elementary operations, where k is a function that depends on the error threshold. The proposed decomposition depends on an optimization technique that minimizes the CNOT gate count for multi-target and multi-controlled CNOT and SU(2) gates. Computational experiments show the reduction in the number of CNOT gates to apply multi-controlled U(2) gates. As multi-controlled single-qubit gates serve as fundamental components of quantum algorithms, the proposed decomposition offers a comprehensive solution that can significantly decrease the count of elementary operations employed in quantum computing applications

    Arithmetic Operations in Multi-Valued Logic

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    This paper presents arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction and multiplications in Modulo-4 arithmetic, and also addition, multiplication in Galois field, using multi-valued logic (MVL). Quaternary to binary and binary to quaternary converters are designed using down literal circuits. Negation in modular arithmetic is designed with only one gate. Logic design of each operation is achieved by reducing the terms using Karnaugh diagrams, keeping minimum number of gates and depth of net in to consideration. Quaternary multiplier circuit is proposed to achieve required optimization. Simulation result of each operation is shown separately using Hspice.Comment: 12 Pages, VLSICS Journal 201

    Neuro-Fuzzy Computing System with the Capacity of Implementation on Memristor-Crossbar and Optimization-Free Hardware Training

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    In this paper, first we present a new explanation for the relation between logical circuits and artificial neural networks, logical circuits and fuzzy logic, and artificial neural networks and fuzzy inference systems. Then, based on these results, we propose a new neuro-fuzzy computing system which can effectively be implemented on the memristor-crossbar structure. One important feature of the proposed system is that its hardware can directly be trained using the Hebbian learning rule and without the need to any optimization. The system also has a very good capability to deal with huge number of input-out training data without facing problems like overtraining.Comment: 16 pages, 11 images, submitted to IEEE Trans. on Fuzzy system

    qTorch: The Quantum Tensor Contraction Handler

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    Classical simulation of quantum computation is necessary for studying the numerical behavior of quantum algorithms, as there does not yet exist a large viable quantum computer on which to perform numerical tests. Tensor network (TN) contraction is an algorithmic method that can efficiently simulate some quantum circuits, often greatly reducing the computational cost over methods that simulate the full Hilbert space. In this study we implement a tensor network contraction program for simulating quantum circuits using multi-core compute nodes. We show simulation results for the Max-Cut problem on 3- through 7-regular graphs using the quantum approximate optimization algorithm (QAOA), successfully simulating up to 100 qubits. We test two different methods for generating the ordering of tensor index contractions: one is based on the tree decomposition of the line graph, while the other generates ordering using a straight-forward stochastic scheme. Through studying instances of QAOA circuits, we show the expected result that as the treewidth of the quantum circuit's line graph decreases, TN contraction becomes significantly more efficient than simulating the whole Hilbert space. The results in this work suggest that tensor contraction methods are superior only when simulating Max-Cut/QAOA with graphs of regularities approximately five and below. Insight into this point of equal computational cost helps one determine which simulation method will be more efficient for a given quantum circuit. The stochastic contraction method outperforms the line graph based method only when the time to calculate a reasonable tree decomposition is prohibitively expensive. Finally, we release our software package, qTorch (Quantum TensOR Contraction Handler), intended for general quantum circuit simulation.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figure

    A high-Tc 4-bit periodic threshold analog-to-digital converter

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    Using ramp-type Josephson junctions a 4-bit periodic threshold ADC has been designed, fabricated and tested. Practical design constraints will be discussed in terms of noise immunity, flux flow, available technology, switching speed etc. In a period of four years we fabricated about 100 chips in order to bring the technology to an acceptable level and to test various designs and circuit layouts. This resulted in a basic comparator that is rather insensitive to the stray field generated by the analog input signal or variations in mask alignment during fabrication. The input signal is fed into the comparators using a resistive divider network. Full functionality at low frequencies has been demonstrate

    A Multi-objective Perspective for Operator Scheduling using Fine-grained DVS Architecture

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    The stringent power budget of fine grained power managed digital integrated circuits have driven chip designers to optimize power at the cost of area and delay, which were the traditional cost criteria for circuit optimization. The emerging scenario motivates us to revisit the classical operator scheduling problem under the availability of DVFS enabled functional units that can trade-off cycles with power. We study the design space defined due to this trade-off and present a branch-and-bound(B/B) algorithm to explore this state space and report the pareto-optimal front with respect to area and power. The scheduling also aims at maximum resource sharing and is able to attain sufficient area and power gains for complex benchmarks when timing constraints are relaxed by sufficient amount. Experimental results show that the algorithm that operates without any user constraint(area/power) is able to solve the problem for most available benchmarks, and the use of power budget or area budget constraints leads to significant performance gain.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, International journal of VLSI design & Communication Systems (VLSICS
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