3 research outputs found

    Fixed-time Distributed Optimization under Time-Varying Communication Topology

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    This paper presents a method to solve distributed optimization problem within a fixed time over a time-varying communication topology. Each agent in the network can access its private objective function, while exchange of local information is permitted between the neighbors. This study investigates first nonlinear protocol for achieving distributed optimization for time-varying communication topology within a fixed time independent of the initial conditions. For the case when the global objective function is strictly convex, a second-order Hessian based approach is developed for achieving fixed-time convergence. In the special case of strongly convex global objective function, it is shown that the requirement to transmit Hessians can be relaxed and an equivalent first-order method is developed for achieving fixed-time convergence to global optimum. Results are further extended to the case where the underlying team objective function, possibly non-convex, satisfies only the Polyak-\L ojasiewicz (PL) inequality, which is a relaxation of strong convexity.Comment: 25 page

    Exploiting Record Similarity for Practical Vertical Federated Learning

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    As the privacy of machine learning has drawn increasing attention, federated learning is introduced to enable collaborative learning without revealing raw data. Notably, \textit{vertical federated learning} (VFL), where parties share the same set of samples but only hold partial features, has a wide range of real-world applications. However, existing studies in VFL rarely study the ``record linkage'' process. They either design algorithms assuming the data from different parties have been linked or use simple linkage methods like exact-linkage or top1-linkage. These approaches are unsuitable for many applications, such as the GPS location and noisy titles requiring fuzzy matching. In this paper, we design a novel similarity-based VFL framework, FedSim, which is suitable for more real-world applications and achieves higher performance on traditional VFL tasks. Moreover, we theoretically analyze the privacy risk caused by sharing similarities. Our experiments on three synthetic datasets and five real-world datasets with various similarity metrics show that FedSim consistently outperforms other state-of-the-art baselines