3 research outputs found

    Random Walks and Concurrent Zero-Knowledge

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    The established bounds on the round-complexity of (black-box) concurrent zero-knowledge (cZK) consider adversarial verifiers with complete control over the scheduling of messages of different sessions. Consequently, such bounds only represent a worst\textit{worst} case study of concurrent schedules, forcing Ω~(logn)\widetilde{\Omega}(\log n) rounds for all\textit{all} protocol sessions. What happens in average cases against random schedules? Must all sessions still suffer large number of rounds? Rosen and Shelat first considered such possibility, and constructed a cZK protocol that adjusts its round-complexity based on existing network conditions. While they provide experimental evidence for its average-case performance, no provable guarantees are known. In general, a proper framework for studying and understanding the average-case schedules for cZK is missing. We present the first theoretical framework for performing such average-case studies. Our framework models the network as a stochastic process where a new session is opened with probability pp or an existing session receives the next message with probability 1p1-p; the existing session can be chosen either in a first-in-first-out (FIFO) or last-in-first-out (LIFO) order. These two orders are fundamental and serve as good upper and lower bounds for other simple variations. We also develop methods for establishing provable average-case bounds for cZK in these models. The bounds in these models turn out to be intimately connected to various properties of one-dimensional random walks that reflect at the origin. Consequently, we establish new and tight asymptotic bounds for such random walks, including: expected rate of return-to-origin, changes of direction, and concentration of positive movements. These results may be of independent interest. Our analysis shows that the Rosen-Shelat protocol is highly sensitive to even moderate network conditions, resulting in a large fraction of non-optimal sessions. We construct a more robust protocol by generalizing the footer-free condition of Rosen-Shelat which leads to significant improvements for both FIFO and LIFO models

    How to use bitcoin to incentivize correct computations.

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    ABSTRACT We study a model of incentivizing correct computations in a variety of cryptographic tasks. For each of these tasks we propose a formal model and design protocols satisfying our model's constraints in a hybrid model where parties have access to special ideal functionalities that enable monetary transactions. We summarize our results: • Verifiable computation. We consider a setting where a delegator outsources computation to a worker who expects to get paid in return for delivering correct outputs. We design protocols that compile both public and private verification schemes to support incentivizations described above. • Secure computation with restricted leakage. Building on the recent work of Huang et al. (Security and Privacy 2012), we show an efficient secure computation protocol that monetarily penalizes an adversary that attempts to learn one bit of information but gets detected in the process. • Fair secure computation. Inspired by recent work, we consider a model of secure computation where a party that aborts after learning the output is monetarily penalized. We then propose an ideal transaction functionality F ML and show a constant-round realization on the Bitcoin network. Then, in the F ML -hybrid world we design a constant round protocol for secure computation in this model. • Noninteractive bounties. We provide formal definitions and candidate realizations of noninteractive bounty mechanisms on the Bitcoin network which (1) allow a bounty maker to place a bounty for the solution of a hard problem by sending a single message, and (2) allow a bounty collector (unknown at the time of bounty creation) with the solution to claim the bounty, while (3) ensuring that the bounty maker can learn the solution whenever its bounty is collected, and (4) preventing malicious eavesdropping parties from both claiming the bounty as well as learning the solution. All our protocol realizations (except those realizing fair secure computation) rely on a special ideal functionality that is not curPermission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from [email protected]. rently supported in Bitcoin due to limitations imposed on Bitcoin scripts. Motivated by this, we propose validation complexity of a protocol, a formal complexity measure that captures the amount of computational effort required to validate Bitcoin transactions required to implement it in Bitcoin. Our protocols are also designed to take advantage of optimistic scenarios where participating parties behave honestly