104 research outputs found

    Strong Singleton type upper bounds for linear insertion-deletion codes

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    The insertion-deletion codes was motivated to correct the synchronization errors. In this paper we prove several Singleton type upper bounds on the insdel distances of linear insertion-deletion codes, based on the generalized Hamming weights and the formation of minimum Hamming weight codewords. Our bound are stronger than some previous known bounds. These upper bounds are valid for any fixed ordering of coordinate positions. We apply these upper bounds to some binary cyclic codes and binary Reed-Muller codes with any coordinate ordering, and some binary Reed-Muller codes and one algebraic-geometric code with certain special coordinate ordering.Comment: 22 pages, references update

    Computationally Relaxed Locally Decodable Codes, Revisited

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    We revisit computationally relaxed locally decodable codes (crLDCs) (Blocki et al., Trans. Inf. Theory '21) and give two new constructions. Our first construction is a Hamming crLDC that is conceptually simpler than prior constructions, leveraging digital signature schemes and an appropriately chosen Hamming code. Our second construction is an extension of our Hamming crLDC to handle insertion-deletion (InsDel) errors, yielding an InsDel crLDC. This extension crucially relies on the noisy binary search techniques of Block et al. (FSTTCS '20) to handle InsDel errors. Both crLDC constructions have binary codeword alphabets, are resilient to a constant fraction of Hamming and InsDel errors, respectively, and under suitable parameter choices have poly-logarithmic locality and encoding length linear in the message length and polynomial in the security parameter. These parameters compare favorably to prior constructions in the poly-logarithmic locality regime

    Efficient Linear and Affine Codes for Correcting Insertions/Deletions

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    This paper studies \emph{linear} and \emph{affine} error-correcting codes for correcting synchronization errors such as insertions and deletions. We call such codes linear/affine insdel codes. Linear codes that can correct even a single deletion are limited to have information rate at most 1/21/2 (achieved by the trivial 2-fold repetition code). Previously, it was (erroneously) reported that more generally no non-trivial linear codes correcting kk deletions exist, i.e., that the (k+1)(k+1)-fold repetition codes and its rate of 1/(k+1)1/(k+1) are basically optimal for any kk. We disprove this and show the existence of binary linear codes of length nn and rate just below 1/21/2 capable of correcting Ξ©(n)\Omega(n) insertions and deletions. This identifies rate 1/21/2 as a sharp threshold for recovery from deletions for linear codes, and reopens the quest for a better understanding of the capabilities of linear codes for correcting insertions/deletions. We prove novel outer bounds and existential inner bounds for the rate vs. (edit) distance trade-off of linear insdel codes. We complement our existential results with an efficient synchronization-string-based transformation that converts any asymptotically-good linear code for Hamming errors into an asymptotically-good linear code for insdel errors. Lastly, we show that the 12\frac{1}{2}-rate limitation does not hold for affine codes by giving an explicit affine code of rate 1βˆ’Ο΅1-\epsilon which can efficiently correct a constant fraction of insdel errors

    A Lower Bound on the List-Decodability of Insdel Codes

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    For codes equipped with metrics such as Hamming metric, symbol pair metric or cover metric, the Johnson bound guarantees list-decodability of such codes. That is, the Johnson bound provides a lower bound on the list-decoding radius of a code in terms of its relative minimum distance Ξ΄\delta, list size LL and the alphabet size q.q. For study of list-decodability of codes with insertion and deletion errors (we call such codes insdel codes), it is natural to ask the open problem whether there is also a Johnson-type bound. The problem was first investigated by Wachter-Zeh and the result was amended by Hayashi and Yasunaga where a lower bound on the list-decodability for insdel codes was derived. The main purpose of this paper is to move a step further towards solving the above open problem. In this work, we provide a new lower bound for the list-decodability of an insdel code. As a consequence, we show that unlike the Johnson bound for codes under other metrics that is tight, the bound on list-decodability of insdel codes given by Hayashi and Yasunaga is not tight. Our main idea is to show that if an insdel code with a given Levenshtein distance dd is not list-decodable with list size LL, then the list decoding radius is lower bounded by a bound involving LL and dd. In other words, if the list decoding radius is less than this lower bound, the code must be list-decodable with list size LL. At the end of the paper we use such bound to provide an insdel-list-decodability bound for various well-known codes, which has not been extensively studied before

    Multiple Packing: Lower Bounds via Infinite Constellations

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    We study the problem of high-dimensional multiple packing in Euclidean space. Multiple packing is a natural generalization of sphere packing and is defined as follows. Let N>0 N>0 and L∈Zβ‰₯2 L\in\mathbb{Z}_{\ge2} . A multiple packing is a set C\mathcal{C} of points in Rn \mathbb{R}^n such that any point in Rn \mathbb{R}^n lies in the intersection of at most Lβˆ’1 L-1 balls of radius nN \sqrt{nN} around points in C \mathcal{C} . Given a well-known connection with coding theory, multiple packings can be viewed as the Euclidean analog of list-decodable codes, which are well-studied for finite fields. In this paper, we derive the best known lower bounds on the optimal density of list-decodable infinite constellations for constant LL under a stronger notion called average-radius multiple packing. To this end, we apply tools from high-dimensional geometry and large deviation theory.Comment: The paper arXiv:2107.05161 has been split into three parts with new results added and significant revision. This paper is one of the three parts. The other two are arXiv:2211.04408 and arXiv:2211.0440
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