456 research outputs found

    Optimal Spectrum Access for a Rechargeable Cognitive Radio User Based on Energy Buffer State

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    This paper investigates the maximum throughput for a rechargeable secondary user (SU) sharing the spectrum with a primary user (PU) plugged to a reliable power supply. The SU maintains a finite energy queue and harvests energy from natural resources, e.g., solar, wind and acoustic noise. We propose a probabilistic access strategy by the SU based on the number of packets at its energy queue. We investigate the effect of the energy arrival rate, the amount of energy per energy packet, and the capacity of the energy queue on the SU throughput under fading channels. Results reveal that the proposed access strategy can enhance the performance of the SU.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1407.726

    Maximum Throughput of a Cooperative Energy Harvesting Cognitive Radio User

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    In this paper, we investigate the maximum throughput of a saturated rechargeable secondary user (SU) sharing the spectrum with a primary user (PU). The SU harvests energy packets (tokens) from the environment with a certain harvesting rate. All transmitters are assumed to have data buffers to store the incoming data packets. In addition to its own traffic buffer, the SU has a buffer for storing the admitted primary packets for relaying; and a buffer for storing the energy tokens harvested from the environment. We propose a new cooperative cognitive relaying protocol that allows the SU to relay a fraction of the undelivered primary packets. We consider an interference channel model (or a multipacket reception (MPR) channel model), where concurrent transmissions can survive from interference with certain probability characterized by the complement of channel outages. The proposed protocol exploits the primary queue burstiness and receivers' MPR capability. In addition, it efficiently expends the secondary energy tokens under the objective of secondary throughput maximization. Our numerical results show the benefits of cooperation, receivers' MPR capability, and secondary energy queue arrival rate on the system performance from a network layer standpoint.Comment: Part of this paper was accepted for publication in PIMRC 201

    Optimal Cooperative Cognitive Relaying and Spectrum Access for an Energy Harvesting Cognitive Radio: Reinforcement Learning Approach

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    In this paper, we consider a cognitive setting under the context of cooperative communications, where the cognitive radio (CR) user is assumed to be a self-organized relay for the network. The CR user and the PU are assumed to be energy harvesters. The CR user cooperatively relays some of the undelivered packets of the primary user (PU). Specifically, the CR user stores a fraction of the undelivered primary packets in a relaying queue (buffer). It manages the flow of the undelivered primary packets to its relaying queue using the appropriate actions over time slots. Moreover, it has the decision of choosing the used queue for channel accessing at idle time slots (slots where the PU's queue is empty). It is assumed that one data packet transmission dissipates one energy packet. The optimal policy changes according to the primary and CR users arrival rates to the data and energy queues as well as the channels connectivity. The CR user saves energy for the PU by taking the responsibility of relaying the undelivered primary packets. It optimally organizes its own energy packets to maximize its payoff as time progresses

    Optimal Selection of Spectrum Sensing Duration for an Energy Harvesting Cognitive Radio

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    In this paper, we consider a time-slotted cognitive radio (CR) setting with buffered and energy harvesting primary and CR users. At the beginning of each time slot, the CR user probabilistically chooses the spectrum sensing duration from a predefined set. If the primary user (PU) is sensed to be inactive, the CR user accesses the channel immediately. The CR user optimizes the sensing duration probabilities in order to maximize its mean data service rate with constraints on the stability of the primary and cognitive queues. The optimization problem is split into two subproblems. The first is a linear-fractional program, and the other is a linear program. Both subproblems can be solved efficiently.Comment: Accepted in GLOBECOM 201

    Optimal Random Access and Random Spectrum Sensing for an Energy Harvesting Cognitive Radio

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    We consider a secondary user with energy harvesting capability. We design access schemes for the secondary user which incorporate random spectrum sensing and random access, and which make use of the primary automatic repeat request (ARQ) feedback. The sensing and access probabilities are obtained such that the secondary throughput is maximized under the constraints that both the primary and secondary queues are stable and that the primary queueing delay is kept lower than a specified value needed to guarantee a certain quality of service (QoS) for the primary user. We consider spectrum sensing errors and assume multipacket reception (MPR) capabilities. Numerical results are presented to show the enhanced performance of our proposed system over a random access system, and to demonstrate the benefit of leveraging the primary feedback.Comment: in WiMob 201

    Power-Optimal Feedback-Based Random Spectrum Access for an Energy Harvesting Cognitive User

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    In this paper, we study and analyze cognitive radio networks in which secondary users (SUs) are equipped with Energy Harvesting (EH) capability. We design a random spectrum sensing and access protocol for the SU that exploits the primary link's feedback and requires less average sensing time. Unlike previous works proposed earlier in literature, we do not assume perfect feedback. Instead, we take into account the more practical possibilities of overhearing unreliable feedback signals and accommodate spectrum sensing errors. Moreover, we assume an interference-based channel model where the receivers are equipped with multi-packet reception (MPR) capability. Furthermore, we perform power allocation at the SU with the objective of maximizing the secondary throughput under constraints that maintain certain quality-of-service (QoS) measures for the primary user (PU)

    Optimal Random Access and Random Spectrum Sensing for an Energy Harvesting Cognitive Radio with and without Primary Feedback Leveraging

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    We consider a secondary user (SU) with energy harvesting capability. We design access schemes for the SU which incorporate random spectrum sensing and random access, and which make use of the primary automatic repeat request (ARQ) feedback. We study two problem-formulations. In the first problem-formulation, we characterize the stability region of the proposed schemes. The sensing and access probabilities are obtained such that the secondary throughput is maximized under the constraints that both the primary and secondary queues are stable. Whereas in the second problem-formulation, the sensing and access probabilities are obtained such that the secondary throughput is maximized under the stability of the primary queue and that the primary queueing delay is kept lower than a specified value needed to guarantee a certain quality of service (QoS) for the primary user (PU). We consider spectrum sensing errors and assume multipacket reception (MPR) capabilities. Numerical results show the enhanced performance of our proposed systems.Comment: ACCEPTED in EAI Endorsed Transactions on Cognitive Communications. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1208.565

    On Spectrum Sharing Between Energy Harvesting Cognitive Radio Users and Primary Users

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    This paper investigates the maximum secondary throughput for a rechargeable secondary user (SU) sharing the spectrum with a primary user (PU) plugged to a reliable power supply. The SU maintains a finite energy queue and harvests energy from natural resources and primary radio frequency (RF) transmissions. We propose a power allocation policy at the PU and analyze its effect on the throughput of both the PU and SU. Furthermore, we study the impact of the bursty arrivals at the PU on the energy harvested by the SU from RF transmissions. Moreover, we investigate the impact of the rate of energy harvesting from natural resources on the SU throughput. We assume fading channels and compute exact closed-form expressions for the energy harvested by the SU under fading. Results reveal that the proposed power allocation policy along with the implemented RF energy harvesting at the SU enhance the throughput of both primary and secondary links
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