4 research outputs found

    Optimal Sampling-Based Feedback Motion Trees among Obstacles for Controllable Linear Systems with Linear Constraints

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    The RRT??? algorithm has efficiently extended Rapidly-exploring Random Trees (RRTs) to endow it with asymptotic optimality. We propose Goal-Rooted Feedback Motion Trees (GR-FMTs) that honor state/input constraints and generate collision-free feedback policies. Given analytic solutions for optimal local steering, GR-FMTs obtain and realize safe, dynamically feasible, and asymptotically optimal trajectories toward goals. Second, for controllable linear systems with linear state/input constraints, we propose a fast method for local steering, based on polynomial basis functions and segmentation. GR-FMTs with the method obtain and realize trajectories that are collision-free, dynamically feasible under constraints, and asymptotically optimal within a set we define. The formulation includes linear or quadratic programming of small sizes, where constraints are identified by root-finding in low or medium order of polynomials and added progressively

    Asymptotically Optimal Sampling-Based Motion Planning Methods

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    Motion planning is a fundamental problem in autonomous robotics that requires finding a path to a specified goal that avoids obstacles and takes into account a robot's limitations and constraints. It is often desirable for this path to also optimize a cost function, such as path length. Formal path-quality guarantees for continuously valued search spaces are an active area of research interest. Recent results have proven that some sampling-based planning methods probabilistically converge toward the optimal solution as computational effort approaches infinity. This survey summarizes the assumptions behind these popular asymptotically optimal techniques and provides an introduction to the significant ongoing research on this topic.Comment: Posted with permission from the Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems, Volume 4. Copyright 2021 by Annual Reviews, https://www.annualreviews.org/. 25 pages. 2 figure