16,653 research outputs found

    Separation Framework: An Enabler for Cooperative and D2D Communication for Future 5G Networks

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    Soaring capacity and coverage demands dictate that future cellular networks need to soon migrate towards ultra-dense networks. However, network densification comes with a host of challenges that include compromised energy efficiency, complex interference management, cumbersome mobility management, burdensome signaling overheads and higher backhaul costs. Interestingly, most of the problems, that beleaguer network densification, stem from legacy networks' one common feature i.e., tight coupling between the control and data planes regardless of their degree of heterogeneity and cell density. Consequently, in wake of 5G, control and data planes separation architecture (SARC) has recently been conceived as a promising paradigm that has potential to address most of aforementioned challenges. In this article, we review various proposals that have been presented in literature so far to enable SARC. More specifically, we analyze how and to what degree various SARC proposals address the four main challenges in network densification namely: energy efficiency, system level capacity maximization, interference management and mobility management. We then focus on two salient features of future cellular networks that have not yet been adapted in legacy networks at wide scale and thus remain a hallmark of 5G, i.e., coordinated multipoint (CoMP), and device-to-device (D2D) communications. After providing necessary background on CoMP and D2D, we analyze how SARC can particularly act as a major enabler for CoMP and D2D in context of 5G. This article thus serves as both a tutorial as well as an up to date survey on SARC, CoMP and D2D. Most importantly, the article provides an extensive outlook of challenges and opportunities that lie at the crossroads of these three mutually entangled emerging technologies.Comment: 28 pages, 11 figures, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 201

    Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation in Cloud and Fog Radio Access Networks

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    PhD ThesisWith the development of cloud computing, radio access networks (RAN) is migrating to fully or partially centralised architecture, such as Cloud RAN (C- RAN) or Fog RAN (F-RAN). The novel architectures are able to support new applications with the higher throughput, the higher energy e ciency and the better spectral e ciency performance. However, the more complex energy consumption features brought by these new architectures are challenging. In addition, the usage of Energy Harvesting (EH) technology and the computation o oading in novel architectures requires novel resource allocation designs.This thesis focuses on the energy e cient resource allocation for Cloud and Fog RAN networks. Firstly, a joint user association (UA) and power allocation scheme is proposed for the Heterogeneous Cloud Radio Access Networks with hybrid energy sources where Energy Harvesting technology is utilised. The optimisation problem is designed to maximise the utilisation of the renewable energy source. Through solving the proposed optimisation problem, the user association and power allocation policies are derived together to minimise the grid power consumption. Compared to the conventional UAs adopted in RANs, green power harvested by renewable energy source can be better utilised so that the grid power consumption can be greatly reduced with the proposed scheme. Secondly, a delay-aware energy e cient computation o oading scheme is proposed for the EH enabled F-RANs, where for access points (F-APs) are supported by renewable energy sources. The uneven distribution of the harvested energy brings in dynamics of the o oading design and a ects the delay experienced by users. The grid power minimisation problem is formulated. Based on the solutions derived, an energy e cient o oading decision algorithm is designed. Compared to SINR-based o oading scheme, the total grid power consumption of all F-APs can be reduced signi cantly with the proposed o oading decision algorithm while meeting the latency constraint. Thirdly, an energy-e cient computation o oading for mobile applications with shared data is investigated in a multi-user fog computing network. Taking the advantage of shared data property of latency-critical applications such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) into consideration, the energy minimisation problem is formulated. Then the optimal computation o oading and communications resources allocation policy is proposed which is able to minimise the overall energy consumption of mobile users and cloudlet server. Performance analysis indicates that the proposed policy outperforms other o oading schemes in terms of energy e ciency. The research works conducted in this thesis and the thorough performance analysis have revealed some insights on energy e cient resource allocation design in Cloud and Fog RANs

    Energy Harvesting Wireless Communications: A Review of Recent Advances

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    This article summarizes recent contributions in the broad area of energy harvesting wireless communications. In particular, we provide the current state of the art for wireless networks composed of energy harvesting nodes, starting from the information-theoretic performance limits to transmission scheduling policies and resource allocation, medium access and networking issues. The emerging related area of energy transfer for self-sustaining energy harvesting wireless networks is considered in detail covering both energy cooperation aspects and simultaneous energy and information transfer. Various potential models with energy harvesting nodes at different network scales are reviewed as well as models for energy consumption at the nodes.Comment: To appear in the IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications (Special Issue: Wireless Communications Powered by Energy Harvesting and Wireless Energy Transfer

    Resource Allocation Schemes for Multiuser Wireless Communication Systems Powered by Renewable Energy Sources

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    In the future cyber-physical systems, such as smart grids, a large amount of sensors will be distributively deployed in di erent locations throughout the systems for the purpose of monitoring and control. Conventionally, sensors are powered by xed energy supplies, e.g., regular batteries, which can provide stable energy output. However, such energy sources require periodical recharging or replacement, which incurs high maintenance cost and may become impractical in hazardous environments. Self-sustaining devices powered by energy harvesting (EH) sources are thus highly desirable. However, energy provided by energy harvesters is uctuating over time and thus introduces the EH constraints to the systems, i.e., the total energy consumed until an arbitrary time cannot be larger than the harvested amount up to this time, which invokes the need of advanced power control and scheduling schemes. This thesis studies both the o ine and online resource allocation strategies for wireless communication systems empowered by EH sources. First, the resource allocation problems for a Gaussian multiple access channel (MAC), where the two transmitters are powered by a shared energy harvester, are studied. For both in nite and nite battery capacity cases, the optimal o ine resource allocation schemes for maximising the weighted sum throughput over a nite time horizon are derived. It is proved that there exists a capping rate for the user with stronger channel gain. Moreover, the duality property between the MAC with a shared energy harvester and its dual broadcast channel powered is demonstrated. Numerical results are presented to compare the performance of several online schemes. Moreover, the utility of a greedy scheme against the optimal o ine one is measured by using competitive analysis technique, where the competitive ratios of the online greedy scheme, i.e., the maximum ratios between the pro ts obtained by the o ine and online schemes over arbitrary energy arrival pro les, are derived. Then, the resource allocation schemes for the Gaussian MAC with conferencing links, where the two transmitters could talk to each other via some wired rate-limited channels and share a common EH source, are studied. The optimal o ine resource allocations are developed for both in nite and nite battery cases. It is shown that the optimal resource allocation in this scenario is more complicated than in the traditional MAC scenario and there exists a capping rate at one of the two transmitters, depending on the weighting factors. Online resource allocation strategies are also examined. Numerical results are used to illustrate the performance comparison of the online schemes. Furthermore, the competitive ratios of the online greedy scheme are derived under di erent weighting factors.China Scholarship Counci

    The design and optimization of cooperative mobile edge

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    As the world is charging towards the Internet of Things (IoT) era, an enormous amount of sensors will be rapidly empowered with internet connectivity. Besides the fact that the end devices are getting more diverse, some of them are also becoming more powerful, such that they can function as standalone mobile computing units with multiple wireless network interfaces. At the network end, various facilities are also pushed to the mobile edge to foster internet connections. Distributed small scale cloud resources and green energy harvesters can be directly attached to the deployed heterogeneous base stations. Different from the traditional wireless access networks, where the only dynamics come from the user mobility, the evolving mobile edge will be operated in the constantly changing and volatile environment. The harvested green energy will be highly dependent on the available energy sources, and the dense deployment of a variety of wireless access networks will result in intense radio resource contention. Consequently, the wireless networks are facing great challenges in terms of capacity, latency, energy/spectrum efficiency, and security. Equivalently, balancing the dynamic network resource demand and supply is essential to the smooth network operation. Leveraging the broadcasting nature of wireless data transmission, network nodes can cooperate with each other by either allowing users to connect with multiple base stations simultaneously or offloading user workloads to neighboring base stations. Moreover, grid facilitated and radio frequency signal enabled renewable energy sharing among network nodes are introduced in this dissertation. In particular, the smart grid can transfer the green energy harvested by each individual network node from one place to another. The network node can also transmit energy from one to another using radio frequency energy transfer. This dissertation addresses the cooperative network resource management to improve the energy efficiency of the mobile edge. First, the energy efficient cooperative data transmission scheme is designed to cooperatively allocate the radio resources of the wireless networks, including spectrum and power, to the mobile users. Then, the cooperative data transmission and wireless energy sharing scheme is designed to optimize both the energy and data transmission in the network. Finally, the cooperative data transmission and wired energy sharing scheme is designed to optimize the energy flow within the smart grid and the data transmission in the network. As future work, how to motivate multiple parties to cooperate and how to guarantee the security of the cooperative mobile edge is discussed. On one hand, the incentive scheme for each individual network node with distributed storage and computing resources is designed to improve network performance in terms of latency. On the other hand, how to leverage network cooperation to balance the tradeoff between efficiency (energy efficiency and latency) and security (confidentiality and privacy) is expounded
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