690 research outputs found

    On the Non-Orthogonal Layered Broadcast Codes in Cooperative Wireless Networks

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    A multi-fold increase in spectral efficiency and throughput are envisioned in the fifth generation of cellular networks to meet the requirements of International Telecommunication Union (ITU) IMT-2020 on massive connectivity and tremendous data traffic. This is achieved by evolution in three aspects of current networks. The first aspect is shrinking the cell sizes and deploying dense picocells and femtocells to boost the spectral reuse. The second is to allocate more spectrum resources including millimeter-wave bands. The third is deploying highly efficient communications and multiple access techniques. Non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) is a promising communication technique that complements the current commercial spectrum access approach to boost the spectral efficiency, where different data streams/users’ data share the same time, frequency and code resource blocks (sub-bands) via superimposition with each other. The receivers decode their own messages by deploying the successive interference cancellation (SIC) decoding rule. It is known that the NOMA coding is superior to conventional orthogonal multiple access (OMA) coding, where the resources are split among the users in either time or frequency domain. The NOMA based coding has been incorporated into other coding techniques including multi-input multi-output (MIMO), orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), cognitive radio and cooperative techniques. In cooperative NOMA codes, either dedicated relay stations or stronger users with better channel conditions, act as relay to leverage the spatial diversity and to boost the performance of the other users. The advantage of spatial diversity gain in relay-based NOMA codes, is deployed to extend the coverage area of the network, to mitigate the fading effect of multipath channel and to increase the system throughput, hence improving the system efficiency. In this dissertation we consider the multimedia content delivery and machine type communications over 5G networks, where scalable content and low complexity encoders is of interest. We propose cross-layer design for transmission of successive refinement (SR) source code interplayed with non-orthogonal layered broadcast code for deployment in several cooperative network architectures. Firstly, we consider a multi-relay coding scheme where a source node is assisted by a half-duplex multi-relay non-orthogonal amplify-forward (NAF) network to communicate with a destination node. Assuming the channel state information (CSI) is not available at the source node, the achievable layered diversity multiplexing tradeoff (DMT) curve is derived. Then, by taking distortion exponent (DE) as the figure of merit, several achievable lower bounds are proved, and the optimal expected distortion performance under high signal to noise ratio (SNR) approximation is explicitly obtained. It is shown that the proposed coding can achieve the multi-input single-output (MISO) upper bound under certain regions of bandwidth ratios, by which the optimal performance in these regions can be explicitly characterized. Further the non-orthogonal layered coding scheme is extended to a multi-hop MIMO decode-forward (DF) relay network where a set of DE lower bounds is derived. Secondly, we propose a layered cooperative multi-user scheme based on non-orthogonal amplify-forward (NAF) relaying and non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) codes, aiming to achieve multi-user uplink transmissions with low complexity and low signaling overhead, particularly applicable to the machine type communications (MTC) and internet of things (IoT) systems. By assuming no CSI available at the transmitting nodes, the proposed layered codes make the transmission rate of each user adaptive to the channel realization. We derive the close-form analytical results on outage probability and the DMT curve of the proposed layered NAF codes in the asymptotic regime of high SNR, and optimize the end-to-end performance in terms of the exponential decay rate of expected distortion. Thirdly, we consider a single relay network and study the non-orthogonal layered scheme in the general SNR regime. A layered relaying scheme based on compress-forward (CF) is introduced, where optimization of end to end performance in terms of expected distortion is conducted to jointly determine network parameters. We further derive the explicit analytical optimal solution with two layers in the absence of channel knowledge. Finally, we consider the problem of multicast of multi-resolution layered messages over downlink of a cellular system with the assumption of CSI is not available at the base station (BS). Without loss generality, spatially random users are divided into two groups, where the near group users with better channel conditions decode for both layers, while the users in the second group decode for base layer only. Once the BS launches a multicast message, the first group users who successfully decoded the message, deploy a distributed cooperating scheme to assist the transmission to the other users. The cooperative scheme is naive but we will prove it can effectively enhance the network capacity. Closed form outage probability is explicitly derived for the two groups of users. Further it is shown that diversity order equal to the number of users in the near group is achievable, hence the coding gain of the proposed distributed scheme fully compensate the lack of CSI at the BS in terms of diversity order

    Piggybacking Codes for Network Coding: The High/Low SNR Regime

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    We propose a piggybacking scheme for network coding where strong source inputs piggyback the weaker ones, a scheme necessary and sufficient to achieve the cut-set upper bound at high/low-snr regime, a new asymptotically optimal operational regime for the multihop Amplify and Forward (AF) networks

    Optimal Power Allocation for a Successive Refinable Source with Multiple Descriptions over a Fading Relay Channel Using Broadcast/Multicast Strategies

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    In a wireless fading relay system with multicast/broadcast transmission, one of the most crucial challenges is the optimization of a transmission rate under multiuser channel diversity. Previously reported solutions for mitigating the vicious effect due to multi-user channel diversity have been mainly based on superposition coded multicast, where an optimal power allocation to each layer of modulated signals is determined. Many previous studies investigated a harmonic interplay between the successively re nable (SR) content source and a layered modulation via superposition coding (SPC) over the multicast/broadcast channels. By jointly considering the successive re nement characteristic at the source and the dependency of the layered modulation at the channel, a graceful fexibility can be achieved on a group of users with di erent channel realizations. Here most of the receivers are supposed to obtain the base quality layer information modulated in a lower rate, while the receivers with better channel realizations will obtain more information by re ning the base quality layer information using the enhancement quality layer information. In particular, the optimal power allocation for a SR source over a fading relay channel using broadcast/multicast strategy can be determined such that the minimum distortion of total received information is produced. However, a quality layer of data in a successively refined source may not be decodable if there is any loss of channel codewords, even if the corresponding longterm channel realization is su cient for decoding. To overcome this problem, one of the previous studies introduced a framework of coded video multicast, where multiple description coding (MDC) is applied to an SR content source and is further mapped into a layered modulation via SPC at the channel. Up till now, there has not been a rigorous proof provided on the bene t of manipulating the two coding techniques, (i.e. MDC and SPC), nor has any systematic optimization approach been developed for quantifying the parameter selection. Cooperative relaying in wireless networks has recently received much attention. Because the received signal can be severely degraded due to fading in wireless communications, time, frequency and spatial diversity techniques are introduced to overcome fading. Spatial diversity is typically envisioned as having multiple transmit and/or receive antennas. Cooperation can be used here to provide higher rates and results in a more robust system. Recently proposed cooperation schemes, which take into account the practical constraint that the relay cannot transmit and receive at the same time, include amplify-forward(AF), decode-forward(DF), and compress-forward(CF). In this study, in a fading relay scenario, a proposed framework is investigated to tackle the task of layered power allocation, where an in-depth study is conducted on achieving an optimal power allocation in SPC, such that the information distortion perceived at the users can be minimized. This thesis provides a comprehensive formulation on the information distortion at the receivers and a suite of solution approaches for the developed optimization problem by jointly considering MDC and SPC parameter selection over the fading relay channel

    Resource allocation for layered broadcast over relay-assisted channels

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    The topic of this thesis is on the application of “multilayer transmission” using the broadcast approach on a “relay-assisted” channel. Unlike single layer transmission, where all transmitted information bits have the same protection level by the channel coding scheme, multilayer transmission schemes combine successive refinement layered source coding with ordered protection levels of the source layers. Consequently, the receiver will be able to decode “some” information when the channel is faded and “all” information when the channel is good. The multilayer transmission schemes have gained a lot of interest in the information theory and the communication theory literature, where most researchers are interested in the “broadcast approach” since it is the optimal transmission strategy. In this thesis, we consider a fading relay channel where the source uses layered source coding with successive refinement. The source layers are transmitted using superposition coding at the source with optimal resource allocation. The destination applies successive interference cancellation after optimally combining the direct and relayed signals. The resource allocation for the layers is subject to optimization in order to maximize the expected user satisfaction that is usually defined by a differentiable concave increasing utility function of the total decoded rate at the destination. As special cases, we consider two utility functions; namely, the expected total decoded rate at the receiver and the expected rate distortion of a Gaussian source. We also assume that only the channel statistics are known at the receiver. The relay is half-duplex and applies different relaying strategies, and we have investigated the Amplify-and-Forward, and Decode-and-Forward strategies in particular. First, we consider the case of Decode-and-Forward relays where we consider two layers only with predetermined rates for simplicity, and we solve the problem of optimal power allocation among the two layers at the source and the relay using random search methods. After that, we solve the optimal power allocation problem for any number of layers with fixed rates over an Amplify-and-Forward relays. An approximation for the end-to-end channel quality is presented in terms of the statistics of the three links of the channel model. Furthermore, we obtain that for some conditions, it is optimal to send only one layer. Finally, we solve the joint optimal power and rate allocation problem for any number of layers over an Amplify-and-Forward relays. We also consider the theoretical case of infinite number of layers representing an upper bound for the performance. Moreover, we show that with a small number of layers, we can approach the performance upper bound. We provide many numerical examples for the three cases above to show the prospected gains of using the relays on the expected utility for different channel conditions

    Wireless Network Information Flow: A Deterministic Approach

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    In a wireless network with a single source and a single destination and an arbitrary number of relay nodes, what is the maximum rate of information flow achievable? We make progress on this long standing problem through a two-step approach. First we propose a deterministic channel model which captures the key wireless properties of signal strength, broadcast and superposition. We obtain an exact characterization of the capacity of a network with nodes connected by such deterministic channels. This result is a natural generalization of the celebrated max-flow min-cut theorem for wired networks. Second, we use the insights obtained from the deterministic analysis to design a new quantize-map-and-forward scheme for Gaussian networks. In this scheme, each relay quantizes the received signal at the noise level and maps it to a random Gaussian codeword for forwarding, and the final destination decodes the source's message based on the received signal. We show that, in contrast to existing schemes, this scheme can achieve the cut-set upper bound to within a gap which is independent of the channel parameters. In the case of the relay channel with a single relay as well as the two-relay Gaussian diamond network, the gap is 1 bit/s/Hz. Moreover, the scheme is universal in the sense that the relays need no knowledge of the values of the channel parameters to (approximately) achieve the rate supportable by the network. We also present extensions of the results to multicast networks, half-duplex networks and ergodic networks.Comment: To appear in IEEE transactions on Information Theory, Vol 57, No 4, April 201