4 research outputs found

    Management Objectives and Design Principles for the Cost Allocation of Business Intelligence

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    Today business intelligence (BI) systems, which provide management with decision-supportive information, are considered to be a prerequisite for organizational success. In contrast to the operation of BI, BI system management is still an emerging topic in information systems (IS) research. Even though the cost management of BI systems is highly relevant for practice, the field is widely unexplored. Cost allocations for BI systems are supposed to enhance transparency, create cost awareness and support the management of resources of the BI system. In our research we have conducted two focus group studies to examine the basis for BI cost allocations. First, we derive management goals and design principles for a BI cost allocation from an exploratory focus group. In a second step, we evaluate the goals and the design principles in a confirmatory focus group. Our research provides valuable insights on the application of BI cost allocations from our focus groups and contributes a basis for the design of BI cost allocation methods

    Exposing and selling the use of web Services - an Option to be considered in make-or-buy decision-making

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    The emergence of the web service market has enabled firms to choose between developing web services internally and purchasing them externally from web service providers. In general, these so-called make-or-buy decisions have been the object of intense debate in the IT outsourcing literature. However, characteristics of web services such as loose coupling and the current trend of digitalizing application interfaces enable new opportunities especially to non-software firms: when a firm decides to develop a web service internally (make-decision), it has the option of exposing and selling the use of this web service after its internal development (sell option). In this paper, we propose a normative approach for the valuation of such a sell option based on real option theory, taking into account the characteristics of web services. This approach enhances traditional make-or-buy approaches by additionally considering this sell option in decision-making. Our results are twofold: (I) the sell option has considerable impact on traditional make-or-buy decisions and makes the internal development of web services more attractive; (II) it is preferable to execute the sell option as soon as possible after completion of the internal development of the web service. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Tagungsband zum Doctoral Consortium der WI2007

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    Tagungsband zum Doctoral Consortium der WI 2007

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    Bereits seit Anfang der 1990er Jahre wird jungen Wissenschaftlern im Vorfeld der Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik ein Doctoral Consortium als unterstützendes Forum angeboten. Diese Einrichtung wurde auch zur größten internationalen Konferenz der Wirtschaftsinformatik, der WI 2007 in Karlsruhe fortgeführt. Dieser Band fasst die zum Vortrag ausgewählten Beiträge zusammen. - Inhaltsverzeichnis: René Fiege, Entwicklung einer Methode zur Verbesserung der Entwurfsqualität von Serviceorientierten Architekturen auf Basis von Axiomatic Design …11; Daniel Gille, Modellierung und Messung des Einflusses von RFID-Technologie auf die Produktivität … 29; Christoph Niemann, Softwareagenten in der Krankenhauslogistik – Ein Ansatz zur effizienten Ressourcenallokation … 49; Claudia Reuter, Kontextbasierte Adaption klinischer Pfade … 63; Werner Streitberger, Simulation von Grid-Versicherungen - Eine Analyse der Risikoallokation in Grid-Netzwerken … 83; Matthias Burghardt, Incentive Engineering and Transaction Pricing in the Securities Trading Value Chain … 99; Kim Wüllenweber, Outsourcing Risk Mitigation - A Study of Business Process Outsourcing arrangements in the German banking industry … 115; Maciej Piechocki, Conception of XBRL Use in the Financial Reporting Chain … 133; Thomas Wilde, Potenzial experimenteller Forschung in der Wirtschaftsinformatik … 151; Christian Schlereth, Optimale Preisgestaltung von internetbasierten Diensten … 169; Thomas Krabichler, Gestaltung kooperativer e-Financial Supply Chains … 187; Stefan Luckner, A Field Experiment on Monetary Incentives in Prediction Markets … 207; Titus Faupel, Zum Einsatz selbstorganisierender Koordinationsmechanismen unter Nutzung von UC-Technologien … 219; Christian Brandt, Geschäftliche Verträge als Quelle für Services in unternehmensübergreifenden Informationssystemen … 233; Dwi Anoraganingrum, Indikatoren für Einsatz und Evaluation von Multiagentensystem-Technologien zur effizienten Steuerung von Organisationsabläufen in Krankenhäusern - am Beispiel eines Prozess in einem Krankenhaus in Deutschland und Indonesien … 247; Christian Slamka, Event analysis in Virtual Stock Markets for business research … 263; Thomas Nowey, Kosten-Nutzen-Quantifizierung von Investitionen in IT-Sicherheit als Grundlage eines ökonomisch fundierten Sicherheitsmangements … 281; Claudia Müller, Analyse der Selbstorganisation in Wikis … 299; Gottfried Gruber, Cannibalization Effects in Online & Offline Retailing … 317; Falk Zwicker, Ubiquitous Computing im Krankenhaus - eine fallstudienbasierte Untersuchung betriebswirtschaftlicher Potenziale und kritischer Erfolgsfaktoren … 335 -- Since the early 1990s, young researchers participate in the doctoral consortium series, co-located with the Wirtschaftsinformatik conference. This volume contains the selected papers of 20 PhD candidates of the 2007 doctoral consortium in Karlsruhe.Wirtschaftsinformatik,Wirtschaftsinformatikstudium