7,399 research outputs found

    Generalized SURE for Exponential Families: Applications to Regularization

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    Stein's unbiased risk estimate (SURE) was proposed by Stein for the independent, identically distributed (iid) Gaussian model in order to derive estimates that dominate least-squares (LS). In recent years, the SURE criterion has been employed in a variety of denoising problems for choosing regularization parameters that minimize an estimate of the mean-squared error (MSE). However, its use has been limited to the iid case which precludes many important applications. In this paper we begin by deriving a SURE counterpart for general, not necessarily iid distributions from the exponential family. This enables extending the SURE design technique to a much broader class of problems. Based on this generalization we suggest a new method for choosing regularization parameters in penalized LS estimators. We then demonstrate its superior performance over the conventional generalized cross validation approach and the discrepancy method in the context of image deblurring and deconvolution. The SURE technique can also be used to design estimates without predefining their structure. However, allowing for too many free parameters impairs the performance of the resulting estimates. To address this inherent tradeoff we propose a regularized SURE objective. Based on this design criterion, we derive a wavelet denoising strategy that is similar in sprit to the standard soft-threshold approach but can lead to improved MSE performance.Comment: to appear in the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processin

    Blind deconvolution of medical ultrasound images: parametric inverse filtering approach

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    Ā©2007 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or distribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE. This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.DOI: 10.1109/TIP.2007.910179The problem of reconstruction of ultrasound images by means of blind deconvolution has long been recognized as one of the central problems in medical ultrasound imaging. In this paper, this problem is addressed via proposing a blind deconvolution method which is innovative in several ways. In particular, the method is based on parametric inverse filtering, whose parameters are optimized using two-stage processing. At the first stage, some partial information on the point spread function is recovered. Subsequently, this information is used to explicitly constrain the spectral shape of the inverse filter. From this perspective, the proposed methodology can be viewed as a ldquohybridizationrdquo of two standard strategies in blind deconvolution, which are based on either concurrent or successive estimation of the point spread function and the image of interest. Moreover, evidence is provided that the ldquohybridrdquo approach can outperform the standard ones in a number of important practical cases. Additionally, the present study introduces a different approach to parameterizing the inverse filter. Specifically, we propose to model the inverse transfer function as a member of a principal shift-invariant subspace. It is shown that such a parameterization results in considerably more stable reconstructions as compared to standard parameterization methods. Finally, it is shown how the inverse filters designed in this way can be used to deconvolve the images in a nonblind manner so as to further improve their quality. The usefulness and practicability of all the introduced innovations are proven in a series of both in silico and in vivo experiments. Finally, it is shown that the proposed deconvolution algorithms are capable of improving the resolution of ultrasound images by factors of 2.24 or 6.52 (as judged by the autocorrelation criterion) depending on the type of regularization method used

    Robust PCA as Bilinear Decomposition with Outlier-Sparsity Regularization

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    Principal component analysis (PCA) is widely used for dimensionality reduction, with well-documented merits in various applications involving high-dimensional data, including computer vision, preference measurement, and bioinformatics. In this context, the fresh look advocated here permeates benefits from variable selection and compressive sampling, to robustify PCA against outliers. A least-trimmed squares estimator of a low-rank bilinear factor analysis model is shown closely related to that obtained from an ā„“0\ell_0-(pseudo)norm-regularized criterion encouraging sparsity in a matrix explicitly modeling the outliers. This connection suggests robust PCA schemes based on convex relaxation, which lead naturally to a family of robust estimators encompassing Huber's optimal M-class as a special case. Outliers are identified by tuning a regularization parameter, which amounts to controlling sparsity of the outlier matrix along the whole robustification path of (group) least-absolute shrinkage and selection operator (Lasso) solutions. Beyond its neat ties to robust statistics, the developed outlier-aware PCA framework is versatile to accommodate novel and scalable algorithms to: i) track the low-rank signal subspace robustly, as new data are acquired in real time; and ii) determine principal components robustly in (possibly) infinite-dimensional feature spaces. Synthetic and real data tests corroborate the effectiveness of the proposed robust PCA schemes, when used to identify aberrant responses in personality assessment surveys, as well as unveil communities in social networks, and intruders from video surveillance data.Comment: 30 pages, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Signal Processin

    Local Regularization Assisted Orthogonal Least Squares Regression

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    A locally regularized orthogonal least squares (LROLS) algorithm is proposed for constructing parsimonious or sparse regression models that generalize well. By associating each orthogonal weight in the regression model with an individual regularization parameter, the ability for the orthogonal least squares (OLS) model selection to produce a very sparse model with good generalization performance is greatly enhanced. Furthermore, with the assistance of local regularization, when to terminate the model selection procedure becomes much clearer. This LROLS algorithm has computational advantages over the recently introduced relevance vector machine (RVM) method

    Maximum Entropy Vector Kernels for MIMO system identification

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    Recent contributions have framed linear system identification as a nonparametric regularized inverse problem. Relying on ā„“2\ell_2-type regularization which accounts for the stability and smoothness of the impulse response to be estimated, these approaches have been shown to be competitive w.r.t classical parametric methods. In this paper, adopting Maximum Entropy arguments, we derive a new ā„“2\ell_2 penalty deriving from a vector-valued kernel; to do so we exploit the structure of the Hankel matrix, thus controlling at the same time complexity, measured by the McMillan degree, stability and smoothness of the identified models. As a special case we recover the nuclear norm penalty on the squared block Hankel matrix. In contrast with previous literature on reweighted nuclear norm penalties, our kernel is described by a small number of hyper-parameters, which are iteratively updated through marginal likelihood maximization; constraining the structure of the kernel acts as a (hyper)regularizer which helps controlling the effective degrees of freedom of our estimator. To optimize the marginal likelihood we adapt a Scaled Gradient Projection (SGP) algorithm which is proved to be significantly computationally cheaper than other first and second order off-the-shelf optimization methods. The paper also contains an extensive comparison with many state-of-the-art methods on several Monte-Carlo studies, which confirms the effectiveness of our procedure
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