129 research outputs found

    Redundant Actuation of Parallel Manipulators

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    Parallel Manipulators

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    In recent years, parallel kinematics mechanisms have attracted a lot of attention from the academic and industrial communities due to potential applications not only as robot manipulators but also as machine tools. Generally, the criteria used to compare the performance of traditional serial robots and parallel robots are the workspace, the ratio between the payload and the robot mass, accuracy, and dynamic behaviour. In addition to the reduced coupling effect between joints, parallel robots bring the benefits of much higher payload-robot mass ratios, superior accuracy and greater stiffness; qualities which lead to better dynamic performance. The main drawback with parallel robots is the relatively small workspace. A great deal of research on parallel robots has been carried out worldwide, and a large number of parallel mechanism systems have been built for various applications, such as remote handling, machine tools, medical robots, simulators, micro-robots, and humanoid robots. This book opens a window to exceptional research and development work on parallel mechanisms contributed by authors from around the world. Through this window the reader can get a good view of current parallel robot research and applications

    Determination of unstable singularities in parallel robots with N arms

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    Kinematics and Robot Design II (KaRD2019) and III (KaRD2020)

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    This volume collects papers published in two Special Issues ā€œKinematics and Robot Design II, KaRD2019ā€ (https://www.mdpi.com/journal/robotics/special_issues/KRD2019) and ā€œKinematics and Robot Design III, KaRD2020ā€ (https://www.mdpi.com/journal/robotics/special_issues/KaRD2020), which are the second and third issues of the KaRD Special Issue series hosted by the open access journal robotics.The KaRD series is an open environment where researchers present their works and discuss all topics focused on the many aspects that involve kinematics in the design of robotic/automatic systems. It aims at being an established reference for researchers in the field as other serial international conferences/publications are. Even though the KaRD series publishes one Special Issue per year, all the received papers are peer-reviewed as soon as they are submitted and, if accepted, they are immediately published in MDPI Robotics. Kinematics is so intimately related to the design of robotic/automatic systems that the admitted topics of the KaRD series practically cover all the subjects normally present in well-established international conferences on ā€œmechanisms and roboticsā€.KaRD2019 together with KaRD2020 received 22 papers and, after the peer-review process, accepted only 17 papers. The accepted papers cover problems related to theoretical/computational kinematics, to biomedical engineering and to other design/applicative aspects

    Modeling parallel robot kinematics for 3T2R and 3T3R tasks using reciprocal sets of Euler angles

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    Industrial manipulators and parallel robots are often used for tasks, such as drilling or milling, that require three translational, but only two rotational degrees of freedom ("3T2R"). While kinematic models for specific mechanisms for these tasks exist, a general kinematic model for parallel robots is still missing. This paper presents the definition of the rotational component of kinematic constraints equations for parallel robots based on two reciprocal sets of Euler angles for the end-effector orientation and the orientation residual. The method allows completely removing the redundant coordinate in 3T2R tasks and to solve the inverse kinematics for general serial and parallel robots with the gradient descent algorithm. The functional redundancy of robots with full mobility is exploited using nullspace projection

    Industrial Robotics

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    This book covers a wide range of topics relating to advanced industrial robotics, sensors and automation technologies. Although being highly technical and complex in nature, the papers presented in this book represent some of the latest cutting edge technologies and advancements in industrial robotics technology. This book covers topics such as networking, properties of manipulators, forward and inverse robot arm kinematics, motion path-planning, machine vision and many other practical topics too numerous to list here. The authors and editor of this book wish to inspire people, especially young ones, to get involved with robotic and mechatronic engineering technology and to develop new and exciting practical applications, perhaps using the ideas and concepts presented herein

    ContribuiƧƵes para a enumeraĆ§Ć£o e para a anĆ”lise de mecanismos e manipuladores paralelos

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro TecnolĆ³gico, Programa de PĆ³s-GraduaĆ§Ć£o em Engenharia MecĆ¢nica, FlorianĆ³polis, 2010A fase de projeto conceitual demecanismos emanipuladores paralelos, i.e. estruturas cinematicas, destina-se ao desenvolvimento da concepƧao da cadeia cinematica. As etapas fundamentais para o desenvolvimento da concepao da cadeia cinematica sao sintese e analise. A sintese corresponde Ć  enumeraƧao de concepcoes e a analise corresponde `a seleƧao das concepƧoes mais promissoras considerando os requisitos de projeto. O objetivo deste trabalho Ć© aplicar ferramentas da teoria de grupos e teoria de grafos para a enumeraƧao e para a analise de estruturas cinematicas. A enumeraƧao sera desenvolvida de forma sistematica em tres niveis: enumeraƧao de cadeias cinematicas, enumeraƧao de mecanismos e enumeraƧao de manipuladores paralelos. A aplicaƧao de ferramentas da teoria de grafos e grupos permite desenvolver novos metodos para enumeraƧao e, consequentemente, obter novos resultados. A analise sera simplificada considerando um novo metodo que avalia as simetrias das cadeias cinematicas. Uma cadeia cinematica Ć© representada de forma univoca atraves de um grafo. A representaƧao atraves do grafo permite a manipulaƧao computacional do problema de enumeraƧao de cadeias cinematicas. A aplicaƧao de ferramentas integradas da teoria de grafos e teoria de grupos permite identificar as simetrias das cadeias cinematicas atraves do grupo de automorfismos do grafo e, assim, Ć© possivel identificar quais sĆ£o as possiveis escolhas de base para novos mecanismos e avaliar quais sao as possiveis escolhas de base e efetuador final para manipuladores paralelos. O primeiro nivel da sintese corresponde Ć  enumeraƧao de cadeias cinematicas com determinada mobilidade, numero de elos, numero de juntas que operam num determinado sistema de helicoides. O segundo nivel da sintese corresponde a enumeraƧao de mecanismos. Um mecanismo Ć© uma cadeia cinematica com um elo escolhido para ser a base. Assim, a enumeraƧao de mecanismos consiste em determinar todas as possiveis escolhas de bases para uma determinada cadeia cinematica. O principal conceito empregado neste nivel Ć© o de simetria de grafos nĆ£o coloridos e orbitas do grupo de automorfismos. O terceiro nivel da sintese corresponde `a enumeraƧao de manipuladores paralelos. Um manipulador paralelo Ć© uma cadeia cinematica com um elo escolhido para ser a base e outro para ser o efetuador final. Em outras palavras, um manipulador paralelo Ć© um mecanismo com um elo escolhido para ser o efetuador final. Assim, a enumeraƧao de manipuladores paralelos consiste em determinar todas as possiveis escolhas de efetuador final para um determinado mecanismo. O principal conceito empregado neste nivel Ć© a simetria de grafos coloridos e orbitas do grupo de automorfismos de grafos coloridos. Na etapa de analise das concepcoes enumeradas serao abordadas propriedades bem estabelecidas na literatura: mobilidade, variedade, conectividade, grau de controle, redundancia e simetria. Mobilidade e variedade sao propriedades globais das estruturas cinematicas. Conectividade, grau de controle e redundancia sao propriedades locais, i.e. entre dois elos da estrutura cinematica e sao dadas por matrizes nƗn, onde n Ć© o nĆŗmero de elos da cadeia. A simetria pode ser considerada uma propriedade global e/ou local da estrutura cinemĀ“atica. A aplicaƧao de ferramentas integradas da teoria de grafos e teoria de grupos permite demonstrar que as propriedades locais sao invariantes pela acao do grupo de automorfismos do grafo, i.e. elas sao propriedades simetricas. Desta forma, a representaƧao matricial Ć© reduzida de nƗn para oƗn, onde o Ć© o numero de orbitas do grupo de automorfismos do grafo aassociado Ć  estrutura cinematica. Essa abordagem permite simplificar a analise de estruturas cinematicas apenas considerando as simetrias das cadeia associadas

    Advances in Robot Kinematics : Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Advances in Robot Kinematics

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    International audienceThe motion of mechanisms, kinematics, is one of the most fundamental aspect of robot design, analysis and control but is also relevant to other scientific domains such as biome- chanics, molecular biology, . . . . The series of books on Advances in Robot Kinematics (ARK) report the latest achievement in this field. ARK has a long history as the first book was published in 1991 and since then new issues have been published every 2 years. Each book is the follow-up of a single-track symposium in which the participants exchange their results and opinions in a meeting that bring together the best of worldā€™s researchers and scientists together with young students. Since 1992 the ARK symposia have come under the patronage of the International Federation for the Promotion of Machine Science-IFToMM.This book is the 13th in the series and is the result of peer-review process intended to select the newest and most original achievements in this field. For the first time the articles of this symposium will be published in a green open-access archive to favor free dissemination of the results. However the book will also be oā†µered as a on-demand printed book.The papers proposed in this book show that robot kinematics is an exciting domain with an immense number of research challenges that go well beyond the field of robotics.The last symposium related with this book was organized by the French National Re- search Institute in Computer Science and Control Theory (INRIA) in Grasse, France

    Modeling and Control of the Cooperative Automated Fiber Placement System

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    The Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) machines have brought significant improvement on composite manufacturing. However, the current AFP machines are designed for the manufacture of simple structures like shallow shells or tubes, and not capable of handling some applications with more complex shapes. A cooperative AFP system is proposed to manufacture more complex composite components which pose high demand for trajectory planning than those by the current APF system. The system consists of a 6 degree-of-freedom (DOF) serial robot holding the fiber placement head, a 6-DOF revolute-spherical-spherical (RSS) parallel robot on which a 1-DOF mandrel holder is installed and an eye-to-hand photogrammetry sensor, i.e. C-track, to detect the poses of both end-effectors of parallel robot and serial robot. Kinematic models of the parallel robot and the serial robot are built. The analysis of constraints and singularities is conducted for the cooperative AFP system. The definitions of the tool frames for the serial robot and the parallel robot are illustrated. Some kinematic parameters of the parallel robot are calibrated using the photogrammetry sensor. Although, the cooperative AFP system increases the flexibility of composite manufacturing by adding more DOF, there might not be a feasible path for laying up the fiber in some cases due to the requirement of free from collisions and singularities. To meet the challenge, an innovative semi-offline trajectory synchronized algorithm is proposed to incorporate the on-line robot control in following the paths generated off-line especially when the generated paths are infeasible for the current multiple robots to realize. By adding correction to the path of the robots at the points where the collision and singularity occur, the fiber can be laid up continuously without interruption. The correction is calculated based on the pose tracking data of the parallel robot detected by the photogrammetry sensor on-line. Due to the flexibility of the 6-DOF parallel robot, the optimized offsets with varying movements are generated based on the different singularities and constraints. Experimental results demonstrate the successful avoidance of singularities and joint limits, and the designed cooperative AFP system can fulfill the movement needed for manufacturing a composite structure with Y-shape
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