3,557 research outputs found

    MIMO radar space–time adaptive processing using prolate spheroidal wave functions

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    In the traditional transmitting beamforming radar system, the transmitting antennas send coherent waveforms which form a highly focused beam. In the multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar system, the transmitter sends noncoherent (possibly orthogonal) broad (possibly omnidirectional) waveforms. These waveforms can be extracted at the receiver by a matched filterbank. The extracted signals can be used to obtain more diversity or to improve the spatial resolution for clutter. This paper focuses on space–time adaptive processing (STAP) for MIMO radar systems which improves the spatial resolution for clutter. With a slight modification, STAP methods developed originally for the single-input multiple-output (SIMO) radar (conventional radar) can also be used in MIMO radar. However, in the MIMO radar, the rank of the jammer-and-clutter subspace becomes very large, especially the jammer subspace. It affects both the complexity and the convergence of the STAP algorithm. In this paper, the clutter space and its rank in the MIMO radar are explored. By using the geometry of the problem rather than data, the clutter subspace can be represented using prolate spheroidal wave functions (PSWF). A new STAP algorithm is also proposed. It computes the clutter space using the PSWF and utilizes the block-diagonal property of the jammer covariance matrix. Because of fully utilizing the geometry and the structure of the covariance matrix, the method has very good SINR performance and low computational complexity

    Optimal Multiuser Transmit Beamforming: A Difficult Problem with a Simple Solution Structure

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    Transmit beamforming is a versatile technique for signal transmission from an array of NN antennas to one or multiple users [1]. In wireless communications, the goal is to increase the signal power at the intended user and reduce interference to non-intended users. A high signal power is achieved by transmitting the same data signal from all antennas, but with different amplitudes and phases, such that the signal components add coherently at the user. Low interference is accomplished by making the signal components add destructively at non-intended users. This corresponds mathematically to designing beamforming vectors (that describe the amplitudes and phases) to have large inner products with the vectors describing the intended channels and small inner products with non-intended user channels. While it is fairly easy to design a beamforming vector that maximizes the signal power at the intended user, it is difficult to strike a perfect balance between maximizing the signal power and minimizing the interference leakage. In fact, the optimization of multiuser transmit beamforming is generally a nondeterministic polynomial-time (NP) hard problem [2]. Nevertheless, this lecture shows that the optimal transmit beamforming has a simple structure with very intuitive properties and interpretations. This structure provides a theoretical foundation for practical low-complexity beamforming schemes. (See this lecture note for the complete abstract/introduction)Comment: Accepted for publication as lecture note in IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 11 pages, 3 figures. The results can be reproduced using the following Matlab code: https://github.com/emilbjornson/optimal-beamformin

    Adaptive Illumination Patterns for Radar Applications

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    The fundamental goal of Fully Adaptive Radar (FAR) involves full exploitation of the joint, synergistic adaptivity of the radar\u27s transmitter and receiver. Little work has been done to exploit the joint space time Degrees-of-Freedom (DOF) available via an Active Electronically Steered Array (AESA) during the radar\u27s transmit illumination cycle. This research introduces Adaptive Illumination Patterns (AIP) as a means for exploiting this previously untapped transmit DOF. This research investigates ways to mitigate clutter interference effects by adapting the illumination pattern on transmit. Two types of illumination pattern adaptivity were explored, termed Space Time Illumination Patterns (STIP) and Scene Adaptive Illumination Patterns (SAIP). Using clairvoyant knowledge, STIP demonstrates the ability to remove sidelobe clutter at user specified Doppler frequencies, resulting in optimum receiver performance using a non-adaptive receive processor. Using available database knowledge, SAIP demonstrated the ability to reduce training data heterogeneity in dense target environments, thereby greatly improving the minimum discernable velocity achieved through STAP processing

    Analysis of calibration, robustness, detection of space-time adaptive rada using experimental data

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    Signal cancellation effects in adaptive array radar are studied under non ideal conditions when there is a mismatch between the true desired signal and the presumed theoretical desired signal. This mismatch results in decreased performance when the estimated correlation matrix has a large desired signal component. The performance of the sample matrix inversion (SMI) method is compared to the eigenanalysis-based eigencanceler method. Both analytical results and the processing on the experimental data from the Mountaintop Program, show that eigenanalysis-based adaptive beamformers have greater robustness to signal cancellation effects than the SMI method. Also, the calibration of the recorded data, and the pulse compression method utilized to achieve high resolution are discussed
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