24,768 research outputs found

    Optimal accessing and non-accessing structures for graph protocols

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    An accessing set in a graph is a subset B of vertices such that there exists D subset of B, such that each vertex of V\B has an even number of neighbors in D. In this paper, we introduce new bounds on the minimal size kappa'(G) of an accessing set, and on the maximal size kappa(G) of a non-accessing set of a graph G. We show strong connections with perfect codes and give explicitly kappa(G) and kappa'(G) for several families of graphs. Finally, we show that the corresponding decision problems are NP-Complete

    On Weak Odd Domination and Graph-based Quantum Secret Sharing

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    A weak odd dominated (WOD) set in a graph is a subset B of vertices for which there exists a distinct set of vertices C such that every vertex in B has an odd number of neighbors in C. We point out the connections of weak odd domination with odd domination, [sigma,rho]-domination, and perfect codes. We introduce bounds on \kappa(G), the maximum size of WOD sets of a graph G, and on \kappa'(G), the minimum size of non WOD sets of G. Moreover, we prove that the corresponding decision problems are NP-complete. The study of weak odd domination is mainly motivated by the design of graph-based quantum secret sharing protocols: a graph G of order n corresponds to a secret sharing protocol which threshold is \kappa_Q(G) = max(\kappa(G), n-\kappa'(G)). These graph-based protocols are very promising in terms of physical implementation, however all such graph-based protocols studied in the literature have quasi-unanimity thresholds (i.e. \kappa_Q(G)=n-o(n) where n is the order of the graph G underlying the protocol). In this paper, we show using probabilistic methods, the existence of graphs with smaller \kappa_Q (i.e. \kappa_Q(G)< 0.811n where n is the order of G). We also prove that deciding for a given graph G whether \kappa_Q(G)< k is NP-complete, which means that one cannot efficiently double check that a graph randomly generated has actually a \kappa_Q smaller than 0.811n.Comment: Subsumes arXiv:1109.6181: Optimal accessing and non-accessing structures for graph protocol

    Information Flow in Secret Sharing Protocols

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    The entangled graph states have emerged as an elegant and powerful quantum resource, indeed almost all multiparty protocols can be written in terms of graph states including measurement based quantum computation (MBQC), error correction and secret sharing amongst others. In addition they are at the forefront in terms of implementations. As such they represent an excellent opportunity to move towards integrated protocols involving many of these elements. In this paper we look at expressing and extending graph state secret sharing and MBQC in a common framework and graphical language related to flow. We do so with two main contributions. First we express in entirely graphical terms which set of players can access which information in graph state secret sharing protocols. These succinct graphical descriptions of access allow us to take known results from graph theory to make statements on the generalisation of the previous schemes to present new secret sharing protocols. Second, we give a set of necessary conditions as to when a graph with flow, i.e. capable of performing a class of unitary operations, can be extended to include vertices which can be ignored, pointless measurements, and hence considered as unauthorised players in terms of secret sharing, or error qubits in terms of fault tolerance. This offers a way to extend existing MBQC patterns to secret sharing protocols. Our characterisation of pointless measurements is believed also to be a useful tool for further integrated measurement based schemes, for example in constructing fault tolerant MBQC schemes

    Practical sharing of quantum secrets over untrusted channels

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    In this work we address the issue of sharing a quantum secret over untrusted channels between the dealer and players. Existing methods require entanglement over a number of systems which scales with the security parameter, quickly becoming impractical. We present protocols (interactive and a non-interactive) where single copy encodings are sufficient. Our protocols work for all quantum secret sharing schemes and access structures, and are implementable with current experimental set ups. For a single authorised player, our protocols act as quantum authentication protocols

    SWI-Prolog and the Web

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    Where Prolog is commonly seen as a component in a Web application that is either embedded or communicates using a proprietary protocol, we propose an architecture where Prolog communicates to other components in a Web application using the standard HTTP protocol. By avoiding embedding in external Web servers development and deployment become much easier. To support this architecture, in addition to the transfer protocol, we must also support parsing, representing and generating the key Web document types such as HTML, XML and RDF. This paper motivates the design decisions in the libraries and extensions to Prolog for handling Web documents and protocols. The design has been guided by the requirement to handle large documents efficiently. The described libraries support a wide range of Web applications ranging from HTML and XML documents to Semantic Web RDF processing. To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP)Comment: 31 pages, 24 figures and 2 tables. To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP

    Photonic multipartite entanglement conversion using nonlocal operations

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    We propose a simple setup for the conversion of multipartite entangled states in a quantum network with restricted access. The scheme uses nonlocal operations to enable the preparation of states that are inequivalent under local operations and classical communication, but most importantly does not require full access to the states. It is based on a flexible linear optical conversion gate that uses photons, which are ideally suited for distributed quantum computation and quantum communication in extended networks. In order to show the basic working principles of the gate, we focus on converting a four-qubit entangled cluster state to other locally inequivalent four-qubit states, such as the GHZ and symmetric Dicke state. We also show how the gate can be incorporated into extended graph state networks, and can be used to generate variable entanglement and quantum correlations without entanglement but nonvanishing quantum discord.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, correction of reference list, add Journal ref. and DO

    Security in Locally Repairable Storage

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    In this paper we extend the notion of {\em locally repairable} codes to {\em secret sharing} schemes. The main problem that we consider is to find optimal ways to distribute shares of a secret among a set of storage-nodes (participants) such that the content of each node (share) can be recovered by using contents of only few other nodes, and at the same time the secret can be reconstructed by only some allowable subsets of nodes. As a special case, an eavesdropper observing some set of specific nodes (such as less than certain number of nodes) does not get any information. In other words, we propose to study a locally repairable distributed storage system that is secure against a {\em passive eavesdropper} that can observe some subsets of nodes. We provide a number of results related to such systems including upper-bounds and achievability results on the number of bits that can be securely stored with these constraints.Comment: This paper has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions of Information Theor

    Graph States, Pivot Minor, and Universality of (X,Z)-measurements

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    The graph state formalism offers strong connections between quantum information processing and graph theory. Exploring these connections, first we show that any graph is a pivot-minor of a planar graph, and even a pivot minor of a triangular grid. Then, we prove that the application of measurements in the (X,Z)-plane over graph states represented by triangular grids is a universal measurement-based model of quantum computation. These two results are in fact two sides of the same coin, the proof of which is a combination of graph theoretical and quantum information techniques
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