58 research outputs found

    Optimal Use of Current and Outdated Channel State Information - Degrees of Freedom of the MISO BC with Mixed CSIT

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    We consider a multiple-input-single-output (MISO) broadcast channel with mixed channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT) that consists of imperfect current CSIT and perfect outdated CSIT. Recent work by Kobayashi et al. presented a scheme which exploits both imperfect current CSIT and perfect outdated CSIT and achieves higher degrees of freedom (DoF) than possible with only imperfect current CSIT or only outdated CSIT individually. In this work, we further improve the achievable DoF in this setting by incorporating additional private messages, and provide a tight information theoretic DoF outer bound, thereby identifying the DoF optimal use of mixed CSIT. The new result is stronger even in the original setting of only delayed CSIT, because it allows us to remove the restricting assumption of statistically equivalent fading for all users

    Topological Interference Management with Alternating Connectivity: The Wyner-Type Three User Interference Channel

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    Interference management in a three-user interference channel with alternating connectivity with only topological knowledge at the transmitters is considered. The network has a Wyner-type channel flavor, i.e., for each connectivity state the receivers observe at most one interference signal in addition to their desired signal. Degrees of freedom (DoF) upper bounds and lower bounds are derived. The lower bounds are obtained from a scheme based on joint encoding across the alternating states. Given a uniform distribution among the connectivity states, it is shown that the channel has 2+ 1/9 DoF. This provides an increase in the DoF as compared to encoding over each state separately, which achieves 2 DoF only.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Resolving Entanglements in Topological Interference Management with Alternating Connectivity

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    The sum-capacity of a three user interference wired network for time-varying channels is considered. Due to the channel variations, it is assumed that the transmitters are only able to track the connectivity between the individual nodes, thus only the (alternating) state of the network is known. By considering a special subset of all possible states, we show that state splitting combined with joint encoding over the alternating states is required to achieve the sum-capacity. Regarding upper bounds, we use a genie aided approach to show the optimality of this scheme. This highlights that more involved transmit strategies are required for characterizing the degrees of freedom even if the transmitters have heavily restricted channel state information

    On the Degrees-of-freedom of the 3-user MISO Broadcast Channel with Hybrid CSIT

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    The 3-user multiple-input single-output (MISO) broadcast channel (BC) with hybrid channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT) is considered. In this framework, there is perfect and instantaneous CSIT from a subset of users and delayed CSIT from the remaining users. We present new results on the degrees of freedom (DoF) of the 3-user MISO BC with hybrid CSIT. In particular, for the case of 2 transmit antennas, we show that with perfect CSIT from one user and delayed CSIT from the remaining two users, the optimal DoF is 5/3. For the case of 3 transmit antennas and the same hybrid CSIT setting, it is shown that a higher DoF of 9/5 is achievable and this result improves upon the best known bound. Furthermore, with 3 transmit antennas, and the hybrid CSIT setting in which there is perfect CSIT from two users and delayed CSIT from the third one, a novel scheme is presented which achieves 9/4 DoF. Our results also reveal new insights on how to utilize hybrid channel knowledge for multi-user scenarios

    Cloud-Edge Non-Orthogonal Transmission for Fog Networks with Delayed CSI at the Cloud

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    In a Fog Radio Access Network (F-RAN), the cloud processor (CP) collects channel state information (CSI) from the edge nodes (ENs) over fronthaul links. As a result, the CSI at the cloud is generally affected by an error due to outdating. In this work, the problem of content delivery based on fronthaul transmission and edge caching is studied from an information-theoretic perspective in the high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime. For the set-up under study, under the assumption of perfect CSI, prior work has shown the (approximate or exact) optimality of a scheme in which the ENs transmit information received from the cloud and cached contents over orthogonal resources. In this work, it is demonstrated that a non-orthogonal transmission scheme is able to substantially improve the latency performance in the presence of imperfect CSI at the cloud.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitte

    The DoF of Network MIMO with Backhaul Delays

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    We consider the problem of downlink precoding for Network (multi-cell) MIMO networks where Transmitters (TXs) are provided with imperfect Channel State Information (CSI). Specifically, each TX receives a delayed channel estimate with the delay being specific to each channel component. This model is particularly adapted to the scenarios where a user feeds back its CSI to its serving base only as it is envisioned in future LTE networks. We analyze the impact of the delay during the backhaul-based CSI exchange on the rate performance achieved by Network MIMO. We highlight how delay can dramatically degrade system performance if existing precoding methods are to be used. We propose an alternative robust beamforming strategy which achieves the maximal performance, in DoF sense. We verify by simulations that the theoretical DoF improvement translates into a performance increase at finite Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) as well
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