568 research outputs found

    Cloud computing resource scheduling and a survey of its evolutionary approaches

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    A disruptive technology fundamentally transforming the way that computing services are delivered, cloud computing offers information and communication technology users a new dimension of convenience of resources, as services via the Internet. Because cloud provides a finite pool of virtualized on-demand resources, optimally scheduling them has become an essential and rewarding topic, where a trend of using Evolutionary Computation (EC) algorithms is emerging rapidly. Through analyzing the cloud computing architecture, this survey first presents taxonomy at two levels of scheduling cloud resources. It then paints a landscape of the scheduling problem and solutions. According to the taxonomy, a comprehensive survey of state-of-the-art approaches is presented systematically. Looking forward, challenges and potential future research directions are investigated and invited, including real-time scheduling, adaptive dynamic scheduling, large-scale scheduling, multiobjective scheduling, and distributed and parallel scheduling. At the dawn of Industry 4.0, cloud computing scheduling for cyber-physical integration with the presence of big data is also discussed. Research in this area is only in its infancy, but with the rapid fusion of information and data technology, more exciting and agenda-setting topics are likely to emerge on the horizon

    Game-theoretic, market and meta-heuristics approaches for modelling scheduling and resource allocation in grid systems

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    Task scheduling and resource allocation are the crucial issues in any large scale distributed system, such as Computational Grids (CGs). However, traditional computational models and resolution methods cannot effectively tackle the complex nature of Grid, where the resources and users belong to many administrative domains with their own access policies, users' privileges, etc. Recently, researchers are investigating the use of game theoretic approaches for modelling task and resource allocation problems in CGs. In this paper, we present a compact survey of the most relevant research proposals in the literature to use game-based models for the resource allocation problems and their resolution using metaheuristic methods. We emphasize the need of the translation of the traditional economical models into the game scenarios and the use of metaheuristic schedulers for solving such games in order to address the new complex scheduling and allocation criterions. We study the case of asymmetric Stackelberg game used for modelling the Grid users' behavior, where the security and reliability criterions are aggregated and defined as the users' costs functions. The obtained results show the efficiency of the hybridization of heuristic-based approaches with game models, which enables to include additional requirements and features into the computational models and tackle more effectively the resolution of the applied schedulers.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Energy-aware scheduling in heterogeneous computing systems

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    In the last decade, the grid computing systems emerged as useful provider of the computing power required for solving complex problems. The classic formulation of the scheduling problem in heterogeneous computing systems is NP-hard, thus approximation techniques are required for solving real-world scenarios of this problem. This thesis tackles the problem of scheduling tasks in a heterogeneous computing environment in reduced execution times, considering the schedule length and the total energy consumption as the optimization objectives. An efficient multithreading local search algorithm for solving the multi-objective scheduling problem in heterogeneous computing systems, named MEMLS, is presented. The proposed method follows a fully multi-objective approach, applying a Pareto-based dominance search that is executed in parallel by using several threads. The experimental analysis demonstrates that the new multithreading algorithm outperforms a set of fast and accurate two-phase deterministic heuristics based on the traditional MinMin. The new ME-MLS method is able to achieve significant improvements in both makespan and energy consumption objectives in reduced execution times for a large set of testbed instances, while exhibiting very good scalability. The ME-MLS was evaluated solving instances comprised of up to 2048 tasks and 64 machines. In order to scale the dimension of the problem instances even further and tackle large-sized problem instances, the Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) architecture is considered. This line of future work has been initially tackled with the gPALS: a hybrid CPU/GPU local search algorithm for efficiently tackling a single-objective heterogeneous computing scheduling problem. The gPALS shows very promising results, being able to tackle instances of up to 32768 tasks and 1024 machines in reasonable execution times.En la última década, los sistemas de computación grid se han convertido en útiles proveedores de la capacidad de cálculo necesaria para la resolución de problemas complejos. En su formulación clásica, el problema de la planificación de tareas en sistemas heterogéneos es un problema NP difícil, por lo que se requieren técnicas de resolución aproximadas para atacar instancias de tamaño realista de este problema. Esta tesis aborda el problema de la planificación de tareas en sistemas heterogéneos, considerando el largo de la planificación y el consumo energético como objetivos a optimizar. Para la resolución de este problema se propone un algoritmo de búsqueda local eficiente y multihilo. El método propuesto se trata de un enfoque plenamente multiobjetivo que consiste en la aplicación de una búsqueda basada en dominancia de Pareto que se ejecuta en paralelo mediante el uso de varios hilos de ejecución. El análisis experimental demuestra que el algoritmo multithilado propuesto supera a un conjunto de heurísticas deterministas rápidas y e caces basadas en el algoritmo MinMin tradicional. El nuevo método, ME-MLS, es capaz de lograr mejoras significativas tanto en el largo de la planificación y como en consumo energético, en tiempos de ejecución reducidos para un gran número de casos de prueba, mientras que exhibe una escalabilidad muy promisoria. El ME-MLS fue evaluado abordando instancias de hasta 2048 tareas y 64 máquinas. Con el n de aumentar la dimensión de las instancias abordadas y hacer frente a instancias de gran tamaño, se consideró la utilización de la arquitectura provista por las unidades de procesamiento gráfico (GPU). Esta línea de trabajo futuro ha sido abordada inicialmente con el algoritmo gPALS: un algoritmo híbrido CPU/GPU de búsqueda local para la planificación de tareas en en sistemas heterogéneos considerando el largo de la planificación como único objetivo. La evaluación del algoritmo gPALS ha mostrado resultados muy prometedores, siendo capaz de abordar instancias de hasta 32768 tareas y 1024 máquinas en tiempos de ejecución razonables

    Distributed and Multiprocessor Scheduling

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    This chapter discusses CPU scheduling in parallel and distributed systems. CPU scheduling is part of a broader class of resource allocation problems, and is probably the most carefully studied such problem. The main motivation for multiprocessor scheduling is the desire for increased speed in the execution of a workload. Parts of the workload, called tasks, can be spread across several processors and thus be executed more quickly than on a single processor. In this chapter, we will examine techniques for providing this facility. The scheduling problem for multiprocessor systems can be generally stated as \How can we execute a set of tasks T on a set of processors P subject to some set of optimizing criteria C? The most common goal of scheduling is to minimize the expected runtime of a task set. Examples of other scheduling criteria include minimizing the cost, minimizing communication delay, giving priority to certain users\u27 processes, or needs for specialized hardware devices. The scheduling policy for a multiprocessor system usually embodies a mixture of several of these criteria. Section 2 outlines general issues in multiprocessor scheduling and gives background material, including issues specific to either parallel or distributed scheduling. Section 3 describes the best practices from prior work in the area, including a broad survey of existing scheduling algorithms and mechanisms. Section 4 outlines research issues and gives a summary. Section 5 lists the terms defined in this chapter, while sections 6 and 7 give references to important research publications in the area

    An Integrated Engineering-Computation Framework for Collaborative Engineering: An Application in Project Management

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    Today\u27s engineering applications suffer from a severe integration problem. Engineering, the entire process, consists of a myriad of individual, often complex, tasks. Most computer tools support particular tasks in engineering, but the output of one tool is different from the others\u27. Thus, the users must re-enter the relevant information in the format required by another tool. Moreover, usually in the development process of a new product/process, several teams of engineers with different backgrounds/responsibilities are involved, for example mechanical engineers, cost estimators, manufacturing engineers, quality engineers, and project manager. Engineers need a tool(s) to share technical and managerial information and to be able to instantly access the latest changes made by one member, or more, in the teams to determine right away the impacts of these changes in all disciplines (cost, time, resources, etc.). In other words, engineers need to participate in a truly collaborative environment for the achievement of a common objective, which is the completion of the product/process design project in a timely, cost effective, and optimal manner. In this thesis, a new framework that integrates the capabilities of four commercial software, Microsoft Excelâ„¢ (spreadsheet), Microsoft Projectâ„¢ (project management), What\u27s Best! (an optimization add-in), and Visual Basicâ„¢ (programming language), with a state-of-the-art object-oriented database (knowledge medium), InnerCircle2000â„¢ is being presented and applied to handle the Cost-Time Trade-Off problem in project networks. The result was a vastly superior solution over the conventional solution from the viewpoint of data handling, completeness of solution space, and in the context of a collaborative engineering-computation environment

    A reusable iterative optimization software library to solve combinatorial problems with approximate reasoning

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    Real world combinatorial optimization problems such as scheduling are typically too complex to solve with exact methods. Additionally, the problems often have to observe vaguely specified constraints of different importance, the available data may be uncertain, and compromises between antagonistic criteria may be necessary. We present a combination of approximate reasoning based constraints and iterative optimization based heuristics that help to model and solve such problems in a framework of C++ software libraries called StarFLIP++. While initially developed to schedule continuous caster units in steel plants, we present in this paper results from reusing the library components in a shift scheduling system for the workforce of an industrial production plant.Comment: 33 pages, 9 figures; for a project overview see http://www.dbai.tuwien.ac.at/proj/StarFLIP

    Underwater Robot Task Planning Using Multi-Objective Meta-Heuristics

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    Robotics deployed in the underwater medium are subject to stringent operational conditions that impose a high degree of criticality on the allocation of resources and the schedule of operations in mission planning. In this context the so-called cost of a mission must be considered as an additional criterion when designing optimal task schedules within the mission at hand. Such a cost can be conceived as the impact of the mission on the robotic resources themselves, which range from the consumption of battery to other negative effects such as mechanic erosion. This manuscript focuses on this issue by devising three heuristic solvers aimed at efficiently scheduling tasks in robotic swarms, which collaborate together to accomplish a mission, and by presenting experimental results obtained over realistic scenarios in the underwater environment. The heuristic techniques resort to a Random-Keys encoding strategy to represent the allocation of robots to tasks and the relative execution order of such tasks within the schedule of certain robots. The obtained results reveal interesting differences in terms of Pareto optimality and spread between the algorithms considered in the benchmark, which are insightful for the selection of a proper task scheduler in real underwater campaigns

    Revisiting the Evolution and Application of Assignment Problem: A Brief Overview

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    The assignment problem (AP) is incredibly challenging that can model many real-life problems. This paper provides a limited review of the recent developments that have appeared in the literature, meaning of assignment problem as well as solving techniques and will provide a review on   a lot of research studies on different types of assignment problem taking place in present day real life situation in order to capture the variations in different types of assignment techniques. Keywords: Assignment problem, Quadratic Assignment, Vehicle Routing, Exact Algorithm, Bound, Heuristic etc
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