906 research outputs found

    Software caching techniques and hardware optimizations for on-chip local memories

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    Despite the fact that the most viable L1 memories in processors are caches, on-chip local memories have been a great topic of consideration lately. Local memories are an interesting design option due to their many benefits: less area occupancy, reduced energy consumption and fast and constant access time. These benefits are especially interesting for the design of modern multicore processors since power and latency are important assets in computer architecture today. Also, local memories do not generate coherency traffic which is important for the scalability of the multicore systems. Unfortunately, local memories have not been well accepted in modern processors yet, mainly due to their poor programmability. Systems with on-chip local memories do not have hardware support for transparent data transfers between local and global memories, and thus ease of programming is one of the main impediments for the broad acceptance of those systems. This thesis addresses software and hardware optimizations regarding the programmability, and the usage of the on-chip local memories in the context of both single-core and multicore systems. Software optimizations are related to the software caching techniques. Software cache is a robust approach to provide the user with a transparent view of the memory architecture; but this software approach can suffer from poor performance. In this thesis, we start optimizing traditional software cache by proposing a hierarchical, hybrid software-cache architecture. Afterwards, we develop few optimizations in order to speedup our hybrid software cache as much as possible. As the result of the software optimizations we obtain that our hybrid software cache performs from 4 to 10 times faster than traditional software cache on a set of NAS parallel benchmarks. We do not stop with software caching. We cover some other aspects of the architectures with on-chip local memories, such as the quality of the generated code and its correspondence with the quality of the buffer management in local memories, in order to improve performance of these architectures. Therefore, we run our research till we reach the limit in software and start proposing optimizations on the hardware level. Two hardware proposals are presented in this thesis. One is about relaxing alignment constraints imposed in the architectures with on-chip local memories and the other proposal is about accelerating the management of local memories by providing hardware support for the majority of actions performed in our software cache.Malgrat les memòries cau encara son el component basic pel disseny del subsistema de memòria, les memòries locals han esdevingut una alternativa degut a les seves característiques pel que fa a l’ocupació d’àrea, el seu consum energètic i el seu rendiment amb un temps d’accés ràpid i constant. Aquestes característiques son d’especial interès quan les properes arquitectures multi-nucli estan limitades pel consum de potencia i la latència del subsistema de memòria.Les memòries locals pateixen de limitacions respecte la complexitat en la seva programació, fet que dificulta la seva introducció en arquitectures multi-nucli, tot i els avantatges esmentats anteriorment. Aquesta tesi presenta un seguit de solucions basades en programari i maquinari específicament dissenyat per resoldre aquestes limitacions.Les optimitzacions del programari estan basades amb tècniques d'emmagatzematge de memòria cau suportades per llibreries especifiques. La memòria cau per programari és un sòlid mètode per proporcionar a l'usuari una visió transparent de l'arquitectura, però aquest enfocament pot patir d'un rendiment deficient. En aquesta tesi, es proposa una estructura jeràrquica i híbrida. Posteriorment, desenvolupem optimitzacions per tal d'accelerar l’execució del programari que suporta el disseny de la memòria cau. Com a resultat de les optimitzacions realitzades, obtenim que el nostre disseny híbrid es comporta de 4 a 10 vegades més ràpid que una implementació tradicional de memòria cau sobre un conjunt d’aplicacions de referencia, com son els “NAS parallel benchmarks”.El treball de tesi inclou altres aspectes de les arquitectures amb memòries locals, com ara la qualitat del codi generat i la seva correspondència amb la qualitat de la gestió de memòria intermèdia en les memòries locals, per tal de millorar el rendiment d'aquestes arquitectures. La tesi desenvolupa propostes basades estrictament en el disseny de nou maquinari per tal de millorar el rendiment de les memòries locals quan ja no es possible realitzar mes optimitzacions en el programari. En particular, la tesi presenta dues propostes de maquinari: una relaxa les restriccions imposades per les memòries locals respecte l’alineament de dades, l’altra introdueix maquinari específic per accelerar les operacions mes usuals sobre les memòries locals

    A metadata-enhanced framework for high performance visual effects

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    This thesis is devoted to reducing the interactive latency of image processing computations in visual effects. Film and television graphic artists depend upon low-latency feedback to receive a visual response to changes in effect parameters. We tackle latency with a domain-specific optimising compiler which leverages high-level program metadata to guide key computational and memory hierarchy optimisations. This metadata encodes static and dynamic information about data dependence and patterns of memory access in the algorithms constituting a visual effect – features that are typically difficult to extract through program analysis – and presents it to the compiler in an explicit form. By using domain-specific information as a substitute for program analysis, our compiler is able to target a set of complex source-level optimisations that a vendor compiler does not attempt, before passing the optimised source to the vendor compiler for lower-level optimisation. Three key metadata-supported optimisations are presented. The first is an adaptation of space and schedule optimisation – based upon well-known compositions of the loop fusion and array contraction transformations – to the dynamic working sets and schedules of a runtimeparameterised visual effect. This adaptation sidesteps the costly solution of runtime code generation by specialising static parameters in an offline process and exploiting dynamic metadata to adapt the schedule and contracted working sets at runtime to user-tunable parameters. The second optimisation comprises a set of transformations to generate SIMD ISA-augmented source code. Our approach differs from autovectorisation by using static metadata to identify parallelism, in place of data dependence analysis, and runtime metadata to tune the data layout to user-tunable parameters for optimal aligned memory access. The third optimisation comprises a related set of transformations to generate code for SIMT architectures, such as GPUs. Static dependence metadata is exploited to guide large-scale parallelisation for tens of thousands of in-flight threads. Optimal use of the alignment-sensitive, explicitly managed memory hierarchy is achieved by identifying inter-thread and intra-core data sharing opportunities in memory access metadata. A detailed performance analysis of these optimisations is presented for two industrially developed visual effects. In our evaluation we demonstrate up to 8.1x speed-ups on Intel and AMD multicore CPUs and up to 6.6x speed-ups on NVIDIA GPUs over our best hand-written implementations of these two effects. Programmability is enhanced by automating the generation of SIMD and SIMT implementations from a single programmer-managed scalar representation

    Parallel DaSSF Discrete-Event Simulation without Shared Memory

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    The Dartmouth implementation of the Scalable Simulation Framework (DaSSF) is a discrete-event simulator used primarily in the simulation of networks. It achieves high performance through parallel processing. DaSSF 1.22 requires shared memory between all processors in order to operate. This limits the number of processors available and the hardware platforms that can exploit parallelism. We are interested in extending parallel DaSSF operation to architectures without shared memory. We explore the requirements of this by implementing parallel DaSSF using MPI as the sole form of interaction between processors. The approaches used to achieve this can be abstracted and applied to the current version of DaSSF. This would allow parallel simulation using shared memory by processors within a single machine, and also at a higher level between separate machines using distributed memory

    Castell: a heterogeneous cmp architecture scalable to hundreds of processors

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    Technology improvements and power constrains have taken multicore architectures to dominate microprocessor designs over uniprocessors. At the same time, accelerator based architectures have shown that heterogeneous multicores are very efficient and can provide high throughput for parallel applications, but with a high-programming effort. We propose Castell a scalable chip multiprocessor architecture that can be programmed as uniprocessors, and provides the high throughput of accelerator-based architectures. Castell relies on task-based programming models that simplify software development. These models use a runtime system that dynamically finds, schedules, and adds hardware-specific features to parallel tasks. One of these features is DMA transfers to overlap computation and data movement, which is known as double buffering. This feature allows applications on Castell to tolerate large memory latencies and lets us design the memory system focusing on memory bandwidth. In addition to provide programmability and the design of the memory system, we have used a hierarchical NoC and added a synchronization module. The NoC design distributes memory traffic efficiently to allow the architecture to scale. The synchronization module is a consequence of the large performance degradation of application for large synchronization latencies. Castell is mainly an architecture framework that enables the definition of domain-specific implementations, fine-tuned to a particular problem or application. So far, Castell has been successfully used to propose heterogeneous multicore architectures for scientific kernels, video decoding (using H.264), and protein sequence alignment (using Smith-Waterman and clustalW). It has also been used to explore a number of architecture optimizations such as enhanced DMA controllers, and architecture support for task-based programming models. ii

    Directions in parallel programming: HPF, shared virtual memory and object parallelism in pC++

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    Fortran and C++ are the dominant programming languages used in scientific computation. Consequently, extensions to these languages are the most popular for programming massively parallel computers. We discuss two such approaches to parallel Fortran and one approach to C++. The High Performance Fortran Forum has designed HPF with the intent of supporting data parallelism on Fortran 90 applications. HPF works by asking the user to help the compiler distribute and align the data structures with the distributed memory modules in the system. Fortran-S takes a different approach in which the data distribution is managed by the operating system and the user provides annotations to indicate parallel control regions. In the case of C++, we look at pC++ which is based on a concurrent aggregate parallel model

    Strategies towards high performance (high-resolution/linearity) time-to-digital converters on field-programmable gate arrays

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    Time-correlated single-photon counting (TCSPC) technology has become popular in scientific research and industrial applications, such as high-energy physics, bio-sensing, non-invasion health monitoring, and 3D imaging. Because of the increasing demand for high-precision time measurements, time-to-digital converters (TDCs) have attracted attention since the 1970s. As a fully digital solution, TDCs are portable and have great potential for multichannel applications compared to bulky and expensive time-to-amplitude converters (TACs). A TDC can be implemented in ASIC and FPGA devices. Due to the low cost, flexibility, and short development cycle, FPGA-TDCs have become promising. Starting with a literature review, three original FPGA-TDCs with outstanding performance are introduced. The first design is the first efficient wave union (WU) based TDC implemented in Xilinx UltraScale (20 nm) FPGAs with a bubble-free sub-TDL structure. Combining with other existing methods, the resolution is further enhanced to 1.23 ps. The second TDC has been designed for LiDAR applications, especially in driver-less vehicles. Using the proposed new calibration method, the resolution is adjustable (50, 80, and 100 ps), and the linearity is exceptionally high (INL pk-pk and INL pk-pk are lower than 0.05 LSB). Meanwhile, a software tool has been open-sourced with a graphic user interface (GUI) to predict TDCs’ performance. In the third TDC, an onboard automatic calibration (AC) function has been realized by exploiting Xilinx ZYNQ SoC architectures. The test results show the robustness of the proposed method. Without the manual calibration, the AC function enables FPGA-TDCs to be applied in commercial products where mass production is required.Time-correlated single-photon counting (TCSPC) technology has become popular in scientific research and industrial applications, such as high-energy physics, bio-sensing, non-invasion health monitoring, and 3D imaging. Because of the increasing demand for high-precision time measurements, time-to-digital converters (TDCs) have attracted attention since the 1970s. As a fully digital solution, TDCs are portable and have great potential for multichannel applications compared to bulky and expensive time-to-amplitude converters (TACs). A TDC can be implemented in ASIC and FPGA devices. Due to the low cost, flexibility, and short development cycle, FPGA-TDCs have become promising. Starting with a literature review, three original FPGA-TDCs with outstanding performance are introduced. The first design is the first efficient wave union (WU) based TDC implemented in Xilinx UltraScale (20 nm) FPGAs with a bubble-free sub-TDL structure. Combining with other existing methods, the resolution is further enhanced to 1.23 ps. The second TDC has been designed for LiDAR applications, especially in driver-less vehicles. Using the proposed new calibration method, the resolution is adjustable (50, 80, and 100 ps), and the linearity is exceptionally high (INL pk-pk and INL pk-pk are lower than 0.05 LSB). Meanwhile, a software tool has been open-sourced with a graphic user interface (GUI) to predict TDCs’ performance. In the third TDC, an onboard automatic calibration (AC) function has been realized by exploiting Xilinx ZYNQ SoC architectures. The test results show the robustness of the proposed method. Without the manual calibration, the AC function enables FPGA-TDCs to be applied in commercial products where mass production is required

    Advanced information processing system: The Army fault tolerant architecture conceptual study. Volume 1: Army fault tolerant architecture overview

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    Digital computing systems needed for Army programs such as the Computer-Aided Low Altitude Helicopter Flight Program and the Armored Systems Modernization (ASM) vehicles may be characterized by high computational throughput and input/output bandwidth, hard real-time response, high reliability and availability, and maintainability, testability, and producibility requirements. In addition, such a system should be affordable to produce, procure, maintain, and upgrade. To address these needs, the Army Fault Tolerant Architecture (AFTA) is being designed and constructed under a three-year program comprised of a conceptual study, detailed design and fabrication, and demonstration and validation phases. Described here are the results of the conceptual study phase of the AFTA development. Given here is an introduction to the AFTA program, its objectives, and key elements of its technical approach. A format is designed for representing mission requirements in a manner suitable for first order AFTA sizing and analysis, followed by a discussion of the current state of mission requirements acquisition for the targeted Army missions. An overview is given of AFTA's architectural theory of operation

    Automating Topology Aware Mapping for Supercomputers

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    Petascale machines with hundreds of thousands of cores are being built. These machines have varying interconnect topologies and large network diameters. Computation is cheap and communication on the network is becoming the bottleneck for scaling of parallel applications. Network contention, specifically, is becoming an increasingly important factor affecting overall performance. The broad goal of this dissertation is performance optimization of parallel applications through reduction of network contention. Most parallel applications have a certain communication topology. Mapping of tasks in a parallel application based on their communication graph, to the physical processors on a machine can potentially lead to performance improvements. Mapping of the communication graph for an application on to the interconnect topology of a machine while trying to localize communication is the research problem under consideration. The farther different messages travel on the network, greater is the chance of resource sharing between messages. This can create contention on the network for networks commonly used today. Evaluative studies in this dissertation show that on IBM Blue Gene and Cray XT machines, message latencies can be severely affected under contention. Realizing this fact, application developers have started paying attention to the mapping of tasks to physical processors to minimize contention. Placement of communicating tasks on nearby physical processors can minimize the distance traveled by messages and reduce the chances of contention. Performance improvements through topology aware placement for applications such as NAMD and OpenAtom are used to motivate this work. Building on these ideas, the dissertation proposes algorithms and techniques for automatic mapping of parallel applications to relieve the application developers of this burden. The effect of contention on message latencies is studied in depth to guide the design of mapping algorithms. The hop-bytes metric is proposed for the evaluation of mapping algorithms as a better metric than the previously used maximum dilation metric. The main focus of this dissertation is on developing topology aware mapping algorithms for parallel applications with regular and irregular communication patterns. The automatic mapping framework is a suite of such algorithms with capabilities to choose the best mapping for a problem with a given communication graph. The dissertation also briefly discusses completely distributed mapping techniques which will be imperative for machines of the future.published or submitted for publicationnot peer reviewe

    An Information Theoretic Approach to Speaker Diarization of Meeting Recordings

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    In this thesis we investigate a non parametric approach to speaker diarization for meeting recordings based on an information theoretic framework. The problem is formulated using the Information Bottleneck (IB) principle. Unlike other approaches where the distance between speaker segments is arbitrarily introduced, the IB method seeks the partition that maximizes the mutual information between observations and variables relevant for the problem while minimizing the distortion between observations. The distance between speech segments is selected as the Jensen-Shannon divergence as it arises from the IB objective function optimization. In the first part of the thesis, we explore IB based diarization with Mel frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) as input features. We study issues related to IB based speaker diarization such as optimizing the IB objective function, criteria for inferring the number of speakers. Furthermore, we benchmark the proposed system against a state-of-the-art systemon the NIST RT06 (Rich Transcription) meeting data for speaker diarization. The IB based system achieves similar speaker error rates (16.8%) as compared to a baseline HMM/GMM system (17.0%). This approach being non parametric clustering, perform diarization six times faster than realtime while the baseline is slower than realtime. The second part of thesis proposes a novel feature combination system in the context of IB diarization. Both speaker clustering and speaker realignment steps are discussed. In contrary to current systems, the proposed method avoids the feature combination by averaging log-likelihood scores. Two different sets of features were considered – (a) combination of MFCC features with time delay of arrival features (b) a four feature stream combination that combines MFCC, TDOA, modulation spectrum and frequency domain linear prediction. Experiments show that the proposed system achieve 5% absolute improvement over the baseline in case of two feature combination, and 7% in case of four feature combination. The increase in algorithm complexity of the IB system is minimal with more features. The system with four feature input performs in real time that is ten times faster than the GMM based system
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