15,802 research outputs found

    Optimal Recovery of Local Truth

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    Probability mass curves the data space with horizons. Let f be a multivariate probability density function with continuous second order partial derivatives. Consider the problem of estimating the true value of f(z) > 0 at a single point z, from n independent observations. It is shown that, the fastest possible estimators (like the k-nearest neighbor and kernel) have minimum asymptotic mean square errors when the space of observations is thought as conformally curved. The optimal metric is shown to be generated by the Hessian of f in the regions where the Hessian is definite. Thus, the peaks and valleys of f are surrounded by singular horizons when the Hessian changes signature from Riemannian to pseudo-Riemannian. Adaptive estimators based on the optimal variable metric show considerable theoretical and practical improvements over traditional methods. The formulas simplify dramatically when the dimension of the data space is 4. The similarities with General Relativity are striking but possibly illusory at this point. However, these results suggest that nonparametric density estimation may have something new to say about current physical theory.Comment: To appear in Proceedings of Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods 1999. Check also: http://omega.albany.edu:8008

    Optimal intrinsic descriptors for non-rigid shape analysis

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    We propose novel point descriptors for 3D shapes with the potential to match two shapes representing the same object undergoing natural deformations. These deformations are more general than the often assumed isometries, and we use labeled training data to learn optimal descriptors for such cases. Furthermore, instead of explicitly defining the descriptor, we introduce new Mercer kernels, for which we formally show that their corresponding feature space mapping is a generalization of either the Heat Kernel Signature or the Wave Kernel Signature. I.e. the proposed descriptors are guaranteed to be at least as precise as any Heat Kernel Signature or Wave Kernel Signature of any parameterisation. In experiments, we show that our implicitly defined, infinite-dimensional descriptors can better deal with non-isometric deformations than state-of-the-art methods

    A relaxed approach for curve matching with elastic metrics

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    In this paper we study a class of Riemannian metrics on the space of unparametrized curves and develop a method to compute geodesics with given boundary conditions. It extends previous works on this topic in several important ways. The model and resulting matching algorithm integrate within one common setting both the family of H2H^2-metrics with constant coefficients and scale-invariant H2H^2-metrics on both open and closed immersed curves. These families include as particular cases the class of first-order elastic metrics. An essential difference with prior approaches is the way that boundary constraints are dealt with. By leveraging varifold-based similarity metrics we propose a relaxed variational formulation for the matching problem that avoids the necessity of optimizing over the reparametrization group. Furthermore, we show that we can also quotient out finite-dimensional similarity groups such as translation, rotation and scaling groups. The different properties and advantages are illustrated through numerical examples in which we also provide a comparison with related diffeomorphic methods used in shape registration.Comment: 27 page

    Diffeomorphic Learning

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    We introduce in this paper a learning paradigm in which the training data is transformed by a diffeomorphic transformation before prediction. The learning algorithm minimizes a cost function evaluating the prediction error on the training set penalized by the distance between the diffeomorphism and the identity. The approach borrows ideas from shape analysis where diffeomorphisms are estimated for shape and image alignment, and brings them in a previously unexplored setting, estimating, in particular diffeomorphisms in much larger dimensions. After introducing the concept and describing a learning algorithm, we present diverse applications, mostly with synthetic examples, demonstrating the potential of the approach, as well as some insight on how it can be improved
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