3 research outputs found

    Optimal Infinite Horizon Decentralized Networked Controllers with Unreliable Communication

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    We consider a decentralized networked control system (DNCS) consisting of a remote controller and a collection of linear plants, each associated with a local controller. Each local controller directly observes the state of its co-located plant and can inform the remote controller of the plant's state through an unreliable uplink channel. The downlink channels from the remote controller to local controllers were assumed to be perfect. The objective of the local controllers and the remote controller is to cooperatively minimize the infinite horizon time average of expected quadratic cost. The finite horizon version of this problem was solved in our prior work [2]. The optimal strategies in the finite horizon case were shown to be characterized by coupled Riccati recursions. In this paper, we show that if the link failure probabilities are below certain critical thresholds, then the coupled Riccati recursions of the finite horizon solution reach a steady state and the corresponding decentralized strategies are optimal. Above these thresholds, we show that no strategy can achieve finite cost. We exploit a connection between our DNCS Riccati recursions and the coupled Riccati recursions of an auxiliary Markov jump linear system to obtain our results. Our main results in Theorems 1 and 2 explicitly identify the critical thresholds for the link failure probabilities and the optimal decentralized control strategies when all link failure probabilities are below their thresholds.Comment: 52 pages, Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Automatic Contro

    Input Perturbations for Adaptive Control and Learning

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    This paper studies adaptive algorithms for simultaneous regulation (i.e., control) and estimation (i.e., learning) of Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) linear dynamical systems. It proposes practical, easy to implement control policies based on perturbations of input signals. Such policies are shown to achieve a worst-case regret that scales as the square-root of the time horizon, and holds uniformly over time. Further, it discusses specific settings where such greedy policies attain the information theoretic lower bound of logarithmic regret. To establish the results, recent advances on self-normalized martingales together with a novel method of policy decomposition are leveraged

    Optimal Local and Remote Controls of Multiple Systems with Multiplicative Noises and Unreliable Uplink Channels

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    In this paper, the optimal local and remote linear quadratic (LQ) control problem is studied for a networked control system (NCS) which consists of multiple subsystems and each of which is described by a general multiplicative noise stochastic system with one local controller and one remote controller. Due to the unreliable uplink channels, the remote controller can only access unreliable state information of all subsystems, while the downlink channels from the remote controller to the local controllers are perfect. The difficulties of the LQ control problem for such a system arise from the different information structures of the local controllers and the remote controller. By developing the Pontyagin maximum principle, the necessary and sufficient solvability conditions are derived, which are based on the solution to a group of forward and backward difference equations (G-FBSDEs). Furthermore, by proposing a new method to decouple the G-FBSDEs and introducing new coupled Riccati equations (CREs), the optimal control strategies are derived where we verify that the separation principle holds for the multiplicative noise NCSs with packet dropouts. This paper can be seen as an important contribution to the optimal control problem with asymmetric information structures