6,097 research outputs found

    Fast(er) Exact Decoding and Global Training for Transition-Based Dependency Parsing via a Minimal Feature Set

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    We first present a minimal feature set for transition-based dependency parsing, continuing a recent trend started by Kiperwasser and Goldberg (2016a) and Cross and Huang (2016a) of using bi-directional LSTM features. We plug our minimal feature set into the dynamic-programming framework of Huang and Sagae (2010) and Kuhlmann et al. (2011) to produce the first implementation of worst-case O(n^3) exact decoders for arc-hybrid and arc-eager transition systems. With our minimal features, we also present O(n^3) global training methods. Finally, using ensembles including our new parsers, we achieve the best unlabeled attachment score reported (to our knowledge) on the Chinese Treebank and the "second-best-in-class" result on the English Penn Treebank.Comment: Proceedings of EMNLP, 2017. 12 page

    Pika parsing: reformulating packrat parsing as a dynamic programming algorithm solves the left recursion and error recovery problems

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    A recursive descent parser is built from a set of mutually-recursive functions, where each function directly implements one of the nonterminals of a grammar. A packrat parser uses memoization to reduce the time complexity for recursive descent parsing from exponential to linear in the length of the input. Recursive descent parsers are extremely simple to write, but suffer from two significant problems: (i) left-recursive grammars cause the parser to get stuck in infinite recursion, and (ii) it can be difficult or impossible to optimally recover the parse state and continue parsing after a syntax error. Both problems are solved by the pika parser, a novel reformulation of packrat parsing as a dynamic programming algorithm, which requires parsing the input in reverse: bottom-up and right to left, rather than top-down and left to right. This reversed parsing order enables pika parsers to handle grammars that use either direct or indirect left recursion to achieve left associativity, simplifying grammar writing, and also enables optimal recovery from syntax errors, which is a crucial property for IDEs and compilers. Pika parsing maintains the linear-time performance characteristics of packrat parsing as a function of input length. The pika parser was benchmarked against the widely-used Parboiled2 and ANTLR4 parsing libraries. The pika parser performed significantly better than the other parsers for an expression grammar, although for a complex grammar implementing the Java language specification, a large constant performance impact was incurred per input character. Therefore, if performance is important, pika parsing is best applied to simple to moderate-sized grammars, or to very large inputs, if other parsing alternatives do not scale linearly in the length of the input. Several new insights into precedence, associativity, and left recursion are presented.Comment: Submitted to AC

    Learning to Search for Dependencies

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    We demonstrate that a dependency parser can be built using a credit assignment compiler which removes the burden of worrying about low-level machine learning details from the parser implementation. The result is a simple parser which robustly applies to many languages that provides similar statistical and computational performance with best-to-date transition-based parsing approaches, while avoiding various downsides including randomization, extra feature requirements, and custom learning algorithms

    A Credit Assignment Compiler for Joint Prediction

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    Many machine learning applications involve jointly predicting multiple mutually dependent output variables. Learning to search is a family of methods where the complex decision problem is cast into a sequence of decisions via a search space. Although these methods have shown promise both in theory and in practice, implementing them has been burdensomely awkward. In this paper, we show the search space can be defined by an arbitrary imperative program, turning learning to search into a credit assignment compiler. Altogether with the algorithmic improvements for the compiler, we radically reduce the complexity of programming and the running time. We demonstrate the feasibility of our approach on multiple joint prediction tasks. In all cases, we obtain accuracies as high as alternative approaches, at drastically reduced execution and programming time

    IncSQL: Training Incremental Text-to-SQL Parsers with Non-Deterministic Oracles

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    We present a sequence-to-action parsing approach for the natural language to SQL task that incrementally fills the slots of a SQL query with feasible actions from a pre-defined inventory. To account for the fact that typically there are multiple correct SQL queries with the same or very similar semantics, we draw inspiration from syntactic parsing techniques and propose to train our sequence-to-action models with non-deterministic oracles. We evaluate our models on the WikiSQL dataset and achieve an execution accuracy of 83.7% on the test set, a 2.1% absolute improvement over the models trained with traditional static oracles assuming a single correct target SQL query. When further combined with the execution-guided decoding strategy, our model sets a new state-of-the-art performance at an execution accuracy of 87.1%

    Tetra-Tagging: Word-Synchronous Parsing with Linear-Time Inference

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    We present a constituency parsing algorithm that, like a supertagger, works by assigning labels to each word in a sentence. In order to maximally leverage current neural architectures, the model scores each word's tags in parallel, with minimal task-specific structure. After scoring, a left-to-right reconciliation phase extracts a tree in (empirically) linear time. Our parser achieves 95.4 F1 on the WSJ test set while also achieving substantial speedups compared to current state-of-the-art parsers with comparable accuracies.Comment: ACL 202

    Compiling Language Definitions: The ASF+SDF Compiler

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    The ASF+SDF Meta-Environment is an interactive language development environment whose main application areas are definition of domain-specific languages, generation of program analysis and transformation tools, production of software renovation tools, and general specification and prototyping. It uses conditional rewrite rules to define the dynamic semantics and other tool-oriented aspects of languages, so the effectiveness of the generated tools is critically dependent on the quality of the rewrite rule implementation. The ASF+SDF rewrite rule compiler generates C code, thus taking advantage of C's portability and the sophisticated optimization capabilities of current C compilers as well as avoiding potential abstract machine interface bottlenecks. It can handle large (10 000+ rule) language definitions and uses an efficient run-time storage scheme capable of handling large (1 000 000+ node) terms. Term storage uses maximal subterm sharing (hash-consing), which turns out to be more effective in the case of ASF+SDF than in Lisp or SML. Extensive benchmarking has shown the time and space performance of the generated code to be as good as or better than that of the best current rewrite rule and functional language compilers.Comment: 36 pages, 5 figure

    Improving Coverage and Runtime Complexity for Exact Inference in Non-Projective Transition-Based Dependency Parsers

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    We generalize Cohen, G\'omez-Rodr\'iguez, and Satta's (2011) parser to a family of non-projective transition-based dependency parsers allowing polynomial-time exact inference. This includes novel parsers with better coverage than Cohen et al. (2011), and even a variant that reduces time complexity to O(n6)O(n^6), improving over the known bounds in exact inference for non-projective transition-based parsing. We hope that this piece of theoretical work inspires design of novel transition systems with better coverage and better run-time guarantees. Code available at https://github.com/tzshi/nonproj-dp-variants-naacl2018Comment: Proceedings of NAACL-HLT 2018. 6 pages. This version fixes display issue in an author nam

    Two Local Models for Neural Constituent Parsing

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    Non-local features have been exploited by syntactic parsers for capturing dependencies between sub output structures. Such features have been a key to the success of state-of-the-art statistical parsers. With the rise of deep learning, however, it has been shown that local output decisions can give highly competitive accuracies, thanks to the power of dense neural input representations that embody global syntactic information. We investigate two conceptually simple local neural models for constituent parsing, which make local decisions to constituent spans and CFG rules, respectively. Consistent with previous findings along the line, our best model gives highly competitive results, achieving the labeled bracketing F1 scores of 92.4% on PTB and 87.3% on CTB 5.1.Comment: COLING 201

    Online Object Tracking, Learning and Parsing with And-Or Graphs

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    This paper presents a method, called AOGTracker, for simultaneously tracking, learning and parsing (TLP) of unknown objects in video sequences with a hierarchical and compositional And-Or graph (AOG) representation. %The AOG captures both structural and appearance variations of a target object in a principled way. The TLP method is formulated in the Bayesian framework with a spatial and a temporal dynamic programming (DP) algorithms inferring object bounding boxes on-the-fly. During online learning, the AOG is discriminatively learned using latent SVM to account for appearance (e.g., lighting and partial occlusion) and structural (e.g., different poses and viewpoints) variations of a tracked object, as well as distractors (e.g., similar objects) in background. Three key issues in online inference and learning are addressed: (i) maintaining purity of positive and negative examples collected online, (ii) controling model complexity in latent structure learning, and (iii) identifying critical moments to re-learn the structure of AOG based on its intrackability. The intrackability measures uncertainty of an AOG based on its score maps in a frame. In experiments, our AOGTracker is tested on two popular tracking benchmarks with the same parameter setting: the TB-100/50/CVPR2013 benchmarks, and the VOT benchmarks --- VOT 2013, 2014, 2015 and TIR2015 (thermal imagery tracking). In the former, our AOGTracker outperforms state-of-the-art tracking algorithms including two trackers based on deep convolutional network. In the latter, our AOGTracker outperforms all other trackers in VOT2013 and is comparable to the state-of-the-art methods in VOT2014, 2015 and TIR2015.Comment: 17 pages, Reproducibility: The source code is released with this paper for reproducing all results, which is available at https://github.com/tfwu/RGM-AOGTracke
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