308 research outputs found


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    Fixture planning is a complex activity restricted by the extreme diversity of workpieces and constraints of design geometry, part accessibility, working force, and component deformation. This paper reviews major approaches to computer-aided fixture planning (CAFP). Geometry methods, kinematical analysis, force analysis, deformation analysis, case-base reasoning, fixture assembly planning, feature-based methods, rule-based methods and optimization methods are surveyed. The CAFP systems are summarized as CAD-based systems and Web-based systems. Some promising research areas are identified in respect of fixture design, assembly planning and virtual fixture planning

    Computer-aided Tooling Design for Manufacturing Processes

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    Tooling design for manufacturing processes refers to direct tooling for making a part such as molds and dies for injection molded parts and metal stampings, or for supporting machining operations such as jigs and fixtures. This paper summarizes some of the R&D activities in those areas over a period of 20 years in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore. It is notable that increasing use of computer tools has turned what is used to be known as a “black art” into a discipline embracing both heuristic and scientific analyses.Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA

    Comparative model analysis of two types of clamping elements in dynamic conditions

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    U radu se razmatra popustljivost sustava naprava-izradak. Razmatra se slučaj stezanja izratka s dva tipa elemenata za stezanje. Prvi tip elementa za stezanje je sa standardnim ravnim čelom. Drugi tip elementa za stezanje je specijalne izvedbe s čelom u obliku kružnog klina. Analiziran je slučaj stezanja malim vrijednostima sila stezanja pri čemu se deformacije u zonama kontakta između elemenata za stezanje i izratka pretežno odvijaju u zonama visine neravnina. Također je prikazana komparativna analiza, predhodno spomenuta, dva načina stezanja izradaka u uvjetima dinamičkih opterećenja. Specijalno dizajnirani element za stezanje s čelom oblika kružnog klina u odnosu na standardni element za stezanje s ravnim čelom ima izrazito veću steznu učinkovitost po pitanju tangencijalne nosivosti i popustljivosti.This paper studies the compliance of the fixture-workpiece system. Workpiece clamping case with two types of clamping elements is considered. The first type of clamping element is standard, with flat top, while the second one is specially designed, with round cutting insert. Analyzed was the case of workpiece clamping using small forces, whereby the deformations in the workpiece/clamping element interface are predominantly on the order of magnitude of roughness height. A comparative analysis of dynamic behaviour of both types of clamping elements is also presented. In comparison with its standard counterpart, the specially designed clamping element with round cutting insert has superior clamping performance regarding both tangential load capacity and compliance

    Comparative model analysis of two types of clamping elements in dynamic conditions

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    U radu se razmatra popustljivost sustava naprava-izradak. Razmatra se slučaj stezanja izratka s dva tipa elemenata za stezanje. Prvi tip elementa za stezanje je sa standardnim ravnim čelom. Drugi tip elementa za stezanje je specijalne izvedbe s čelom u obliku kružnog klina. Analiziran je slučaj stezanja malim vrijednostima sila stezanja pri čemu se deformacije u zonama kontakta između elemenata za stezanje i izratka pretežno odvijaju u zonama visine neravnina. Također je prikazana komparativna analiza, predhodno spomenuta, dva načina stezanja izradaka u uvjetima dinamičkih opterećenja. Specijalno dizajnirani element za stezanje s čelom oblika kružnog klina u odnosu na standardni element za stezanje s ravnim čelom ima izrazito veću steznu učinkovitost po pitanju tangencijalne nosivosti i popustljivosti.This paper studies the compliance of the fixture-workpiece system. Workpiece clamping case with two types of clamping elements is considered. The first type of clamping element is standard, with flat top, while the second one is specially designed, with round cutting insert. Analyzed was the case of workpiece clamping using small forces, whereby the deformations in the workpiece/clamping element interface are predominantly on the order of magnitude of roughness height. A comparative analysis of dynamic behaviour of both types of clamping elements is also presented. In comparison with its standard counterpart, the specially designed clamping element with round cutting insert has superior clamping performance regarding both tangential load capacity and compliance

    Optimization of Machining Fixture for Aeronautical Thin-walled Components☆

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    Abstract The aim of this work has been the optimization of the fixtures performance used in thin-walled workpiece machining depending on the local rigidity characteristics of the component to be machined. An extensive topology optimization activity has been performed both on fixture-workpiece systems modelled with shell elements and on fixture-workpiece systems modelled with solid elements, varying the topology design variables and/or optimization constraints for each optimization problem, in order to provide a new design of fixture. Finally, a new blended Solid-Lattice design of the fixture, starting by the design topologically optimized, has been created. In this way, it has been possible to identify void regions in the design space, where the material can be removed, regions where solid material is needed, and regions where lattice structure is required. This has allowed to generate the optimal hybrid or blended solid-lattice design based on desired functionality of the part having as natural consequence the definition of a new method for fixtures design

    Robust Design of a Fixture Configuration in the Presence of form Deviations

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    During machining, the tool path is defined with respect to the workpiece reference frame. The workpiece's boundary surfaces have form deviations, and the geometry and the position of the locators are imperfect. The resulting misalignment produces geometrical errors in the features machined on the workpiece. The main purpose of this work is to investigate how the geometric errors of a machined surface are related to the main sources of the locator errors and to the form deviations of the workpiece. A mathematical framework is presented for an analysis of the relationship among the manufacturing errors, the part form deviations, and the locator errors