305 research outputs found

    Accelerating Globally Optimal Consensus Maximization in Geometric Vision

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    Branch-and-bound-based consensus maximization stands out due to its important ability of retrieving the globally optimal solution to outlier-affected geometric problems. However, while the discovery of such solutions caries high scientific value, its application in practical scenarios is often prohibited by its computational complexity growing exponentially as a function of the dimensionality of the problem at hand. In this work, we convey a novel, general technique that allows us to branch over an n−1n-1 dimensional space for an n-dimensional problem. The remaining degree of freedom can be solved globally optimally within each bound calculation by applying the efficient interval stabbing technique. While each individual bound derivation is harder to compute owing to the additional need for solving a sorting problem, the reduced number of intervals and tighter bounds in practice lead to a significant reduction in the overall number of required iterations. Besides an abstract introduction of the approach, we present applications to three fundamental geometric computer vision problems: camera resectioning, relative camera pose estimation, and point set registration. Through our exhaustive tests, we demonstrate significant speed-up factors at times exceeding two orders of magnitude, thereby increasing the viability of globally optimal consensus maximizers in online application scenarios

    New algorithmic developments in maximum consensus robust fitting

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    In many computer vision applications, the task of robustly estimating the set of parameters of a geometric model is a fundamental problem. Despite the longstanding research efforts on robust model fitting, there remains significant scope for investigation. For a large number of geometric estimation tasks in computer vision, maximum consensus is the most popular robust fitting criterion. This thesis makes several contributions in the algorithms for consensus maximization. Randomized hypothesize-and-verify algorithms are arguably the most widely used class of techniques for robust estimation thanks to their simplicity. Though efficient, these randomized heuristic methods do not guarantee finding good maximum consensus estimates. To improve the randomize algorithms, guided sampling approaches have been developed. These methods take advantage of additional domain information, such as descriptor matching scores, to guide the sampling process. Subsets of the data that are more likely to result in good estimates are prioritized for consideration. However, these guided sampling approaches are ineffective when good domain information is not available. This thesis tackles this shortcoming by proposing a new guided sampling algorithm, which is based on the class of LP-type problems and Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS). The proposed algorithm relies on a fundamental geometric arrangement of the data to guide the sampling process. Specifically, we take advantage of the underlying tree structure of the maximum consensus problem and apply MCTS to efficiently search the tree. Empirical results show that the new guided sampling strategy outperforms traditional randomized methods. Consensus maximization also plays a key role in robust point set registration. A special case is the registration of deformable shapes. If the surfaces have the same intrinsic shapes, their deformations can be described accurately by a conformal model. The uniformization theorem allows the shapes to be conformally mapped onto a canonical domain, wherein the shapes can be aligned using a M¨obius transformation. The problem of correspondence-free M¨obius alignment of two sets of noisy and partially overlapping point sets can be tackled as a maximum consensus problem. Solving for the M¨obius transformation can be approached by randomized voting-type methods which offers no guarantee of optimality. Local methods such as Iterative Closest Point can be applied, but with the assumption that a good initialization is given or these techniques may converge to a bad local minima. When a globally optimal solution is required, the literature has so far considered only brute-force search. This thesis contributes a new branch-and-bound algorithm that solves for the globally optimal M¨obius transformation much more efficiently. So far, the consensus maximization problems are approached mainly by randomized algorithms, which are efficient but offer no analytical convergence guarantee. On the other hand, there exist exact algorithms that can solve the problem up to global optimality. The global methods, however, are intractable in general due to the NP-hardness of the consensus maximization. To fill the gap between the two extremes, this thesis contributes two novel deterministic algorithms to approximately optimize the maximum consensus criterion. The first method is based on non-smooth penalization supported by a Frank-Wolfe-style optimization scheme, and another algorithm is based on Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM). Both of the proposed methods are capable of handling the non-linear geometric residuals commonly used in computer vision. As will be demonstrated, our proposed methods consistently outperform other heuristics and approximate methods.Thesis (Ph.D.) (Research by Publication) -- University of Adelaide, School of Computer Science, 201

    Transformation Decoupling Strategy based on Screw Theory for Deterministic Point Cloud Registration with Gravity Prior

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    Point cloud registration is challenging in the presence of heavy outlier correspondences. This paper focuses on addressing the robust correspondence-based registration problem with gravity prior that often arises in practice. The gravity directions are typically obtained by inertial measurement units (IMUs) and can reduce the degree of freedom (DOF) of rotation from 3 to 1. We propose a novel transformation decoupling strategy by leveraging screw theory. This strategy decomposes the original 4-DOF problem into three sub-problems with 1-DOF, 2-DOF, and 1-DOF, respectively, thereby enhancing the computation efficiency. Specifically, the first 1-DOF represents the translation along the rotation axis and we propose an interval stabbing-based method to solve it. The second 2-DOF represents the pole which is an auxiliary variable in screw theory and we utilize a branch-and-bound method to solve it. The last 1-DOF represents the rotation angle and we propose a global voting method for its estimation. The proposed method sequentially solves three consensus maximization sub-problems, leading to efficient and deterministic registration. In particular, it can even handle the correspondence-free registration problem due to its significant robustness. Extensive experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate that our method is more efficient and robust than state-of-the-art methods, even when dealing with outlier rates exceeding 99%

    Approximate least trimmed sum of squares fitting and applications in image analysis

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    The least trimmed sum of squares (LTS) regression estimation criterion is a robust statistical method for model fitting in the presence of outliers. Compared with the classical least squares estimator, which uses the entire data set for regression and is consequently sensitive to outliers, LTS identifies the outliers and fits to the remaining data points for improved accuracy. Exactly solving an LTS problem is NP-hard, but as we show here, LTS can be formulated as a concave minimization problem. Since it is usually tractable to globally solve a convex minimization or concave maximization problem in polynomial time, inspired by [1], we instead solve LTS’ approximate complementary problem, which is convex minimization. We show that this complementary problem can be efficiently solved as a second order cone program. We thus propose an iterative procedure to approximately solve the original LTS problem. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method is robust, efficient and scalable in dealing with problems where data are contaminated with outliers. We show several applications of our method in image analysis.Fumin Shen, Chunhua Shen, Anton van den Hengel and Zhenmin Tan
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